Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Preview - Theses Opposed to Huberianism: A Defense of the Lutheran Doctrine of Justification

Order Hunnius Theses Here.

Introductory  comments on Hunnius, from Amazon site:
Aegidius Hunnius (1550–1603) was among the “Champions of Lutheran Orthodoxy” who served on the faculty of the University of Wittenberg and was one of the early signers of the Formula of Concord. During his service at Wittenberg, he was also superintendent, and oversaw the visitation of the churches of Saxony, coauthoring the Saxon Visitation Articles (1592). In this work, Hunnius contends with the theology of Samuel Huber (1547–1624), a former Calvinist who was called to the University of Wittenberg in 1592. After arriving in Wittenberg, Huber introduced his own novel terminology and theology which put him at odds with the Formula of Concord and his fellow professors. Huber made the situation worse by accusing his colleagues of Calvinism when they did not assent to his theological opinions. In this book, Hunnius refutes Huber's errors regarding the doctrine of justification; as Hunnius wrote in the dedication to this work, “we propose ... not only to wash away the charges he has made, but especially to refute his shameful errors concerning the eternal election and predestination to eternal life, not only of the children of God, but also of the children of the devil (that is, all the impenitent); similarly, his errors concerning the universal justification of all men—of unbelievers no less than believers; concerning also the regeneration of hypocrites in Baptism, which is said to be conferred on them in that very act of treachery and impiety.”


AC V has left a new comment on your post "Looking for Some Honest Reviews of Hunnius":

Here's a little something to whet your appetite:

Theses Concerning The Huberian Universal Justification of Believers and Unbelievers

Note: Emphasis in bold italics reflects emphasis in the original indicated by capital letters.

Thesis 1

Huber professes such a justification, for the sake of which Christ has properly, actually and practically conferred redemption on the entire human race in such a way that sins have been equally remitted to all men, including the Turks, and that all men (including unbelievers) have received, remission of sins, and that the whole human race has, in actual fact, been received into the grace and bosom of God.

Thesis 3

This universal justification of the entire human race he considers (even without respect to faith in Christ) to be fully completed, sins being remitted on account of the satisfaction made by the Son of God and swallowed up in his own blood and wounds. These things he says concerning his justification.

Thesis 19

In addition, if we were all justified at the same time with a general justification and restored to the bosom of divine grace with sins having been forgiven solely by the merit of Christ without faith, then does not the justification by faith so accurately passed on by St. Paul lie in ruins, since it is clearly not a necessity for us?

Thesis 20

Huber will never be able to explain his way out of this nonsense of insoluble contradictions and most prodigious absurdities. Therefore let him enjoy his justification, and let him bless his elect and sanctified people with it – Turks, Jews, and all unbelievers. We, in the meantime, shall retain justification for believers only, as prescribed by all prophetic and apostolic Scriptures.


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Preview - Theses Opposed to Huberianism: A Defense...":

The "Huberian Universal Justification of Believers and Unbelievers" as it is highlighted in this article flys in the face of Scripture's teaching of the righteous versus the unrighteous - the godly versus the wicked - Psalm 1, Psalm 73 and Psalm 9:17:

"The Eternal Relief Of The Righteous:"


Nathan M. Bickel - pastor emeritus
