Thursday, May 31, 2012

Ski and Glende Wandering on the Stage,
Sugarcoating the Gospel,
Trying to Make Their UOJ Appealing

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More "gold" from Appleton and the (W)ELS.

(W)ELS Pastor Ski

WhoDunnit series 2

00:30 “not going to be as bold as Pastor Tim and call God out. I don’t know if any of you noticed but Pastor Sievert and I tried to slide...(?)...when the lightening hit him we did not be affected. Now I’m not gonna say, not gonna say that God possibly isn’t a suspect, that’s not what I’m gonna say…”

15:50 “because our Savior Jesus was on a mission, a mission for you and a mission for me, and through His life and through His death and through His resurrection a broken relationship that sin has caused will be repaired and eternal life would be given to us.”


GJ - Gimmicks are common among the Arminians (Decision Theology). One of the conservative Luthean books of the early 20th century complained about Lutherans imitating the revivalists, shouting "Ha!" every so often.

Now the common form of preaching is to say cute things about the Biblical message. The Bible is really a detective novel, a whodunnit. Are they putting God or the Bible on trial in the pompous series of messages? Since three of the culprits are involved, the leaden style of Mequon cannot be blamed on one person alone. Cuteness does not rescue their presentation, although they probably think they are really great, since they put it up on YouTube: Party in the Fox Valley Circuit.

Wandering around the stage, chancel, or the whole nave is a common feature. today. One bishop went from corner to corner, behind the pews, making everyone turn around, smirking that he made people crane their necks.

Oddball dress codes are strange things to copy. Ski likes to wear the clothes that are too shabby for lawn mowing, but the crew adopted business casual for this one - neckties. All this calls attention to the individual rather than the Gospel.

Church Growth is for narcisissistic ministers and laity. Even the staff bios are examples of the Me Generation at work and play.

5 ways to describe you: Blessed by God. Loves his family. Passionate about sharing Jesus in the Valley. Hard worker. Obsessive about Ohio State Football – “Go Bucks!”. 

The Luther sermons posted on this blog show that any lesson can be mined for vast amounts of spiritual insights. The Fox Valley allergies to Luther and their affinities for Groeschel, Driscoll, and the Babtist gay activist Stanley are apparent here. They probably think they are "successful," since they spend a lot of money.

They are not faithful, which is the only requirement for ministers.

KJV 1 Corinthians 4:1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the
mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. 4 For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord.

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More of the glory of the (W)ELS - imputation of Christ's righteousness without faith.

Pastor Sievert
WhoDunnit? Part 4

17:10 1 Peter 2:23-24, “…by his wounds you have been healed.” Oh, that Herod would know that message. What a joy it is though that you and I have the privilege to join here on a weekly basis, and hear that our God has healed us. That we are washed clean in the blood of the lamb. Your sins are forgiven. God does not treat us as our sins deserve. And to close our section on ….

18:30 As we see the words of Jesus and we see how our Savior acted, tonight as we leave we remember that our God is not silent with us. Our God is not silent with us, instead we open up His Word, we see what He has done for us. He tells you I love you, He tells you I forgive you and he tells you I have a place in Heaven for you. You are healed, you are at peace.