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Luther - "You have as much laughter as you have faith." |
Plagiarism and academic dishonesty create a mish-mash in research. For instance, I wonder how two men could carry around the same page from the same unknown book for years, carefully quote it, and yet not know its source. When I find another version of the post, without the snarky introduction to the list of Biblical verses, I have to puzzle over the original source.
I had a paperback book on the Creeds, in the 1960s, with a similar list. It is not exactly the Rosetta Stone. Anyone with a concordance could find the same thing - and that would be original research instead of copying.
Titles of Majesty
My teacher for Genesis in Hebrew at Yale was Mr. Robert Wilson. He later became a full professor. No one was called "Dr." or "Professor" at Yale Divinity, because every single one had an earned PhD. When a professor passed out a syllabus, it always used "Mr." as the title, and students addressed professors as "Mr." We had one woman on the faculty, Margaret Farley, but she was in Leftist ethics.
Thus it always amused me later when Lutheran CG ministers got into a drive-by DMin program and called themselves "Dr." before the ink dried on their certificates. Larry Olson, DMin (Fuller Seminary), will not answer questions in class unless he is addressed as "Dr. Olson." He constantly corrects people who call him Larry, because he is Lawrence!
Is he "apt to teach" or inept? His students prayed for him to take the call to India. But God is punishing WELS with more years of the Olson oppression at Martin Luther College. Does anyone sense some irony, with Luther losing his doctorate when DMLC took over NWC, and they put a fake doctor in to teach theology?
The Bird of Israel - Old Testament Scholarship
Back to Wilson. He was doing research when he came across repeated references to a scholarly book called The Bird of Israel. Everyone seemed to quote the same book, the same page. He kept looking until he found the original typo. The author or printer should have had The Birth of Israel, but changed Birth to Bird.
The Bird of Israel appeared because no one went back to the original to read the source. They were simply copying one another's footnotes, a common but dastardly practice among lazy academics. Lazy bloggers do the same thing, such as McCain copying a typo from Aardvark Alley and not even noticing the mistake.
Copying a quotation from another source is perfectly fine, if the trail of evidence is clearly shown. If there is a nifty quotation in a book, pointing to a source I do not have, I can identify it this way -
Original source of the quotation (example - Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire), cited in
Tim Glende's fake blog, retrieved on April 1, 2012. And I would give the URL where it was found at the time, before it was erased.
When WELS began lying in print about the Church Growth Movement, I revved up Megatron, the legendary database, and began copying every CG quotation I could find, starting with Wayne Mueller's deception in The Northwestern Lutheran. I copied the citations into the database because the facts seldom come together again. Soon WELS pastors began sending me materials that I would not have seen except for their possession by the elite, who were invited to special conferences.
When I began quoting everyone about CG, Missouri included, the hows of outrage reached their Father Below, and he jumped in to support their nefarious work. Just as the ELCA pastors did nothing about gay activism for 25 years, the LCMS/WELS/ELS pastors did nothing about CG for 25 years. Now WELS and Missouri have both - CG and gay activism - in Andy Stanley.
My two-fold Mission Vision is:
- to identify what is happening among the apostates and
- to point people to the Confessions and the Scriptures.
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http://ichabodthegloryhasdeparted.blogspot.com/2012/04/luthers-sermons-john-316-21-pentecost.html |