Friday, June 8, 2012

The Rock Is Justification by Faith -
Not Justification without Faith

"Upon this bedrock I will build My Church."
Grace comes only from the Means of Grace,
the Holy Spirit at work in the invisible Word of teaching and preaching,
the visible Word of the sacraments.

Justification by faith is the chief article of Christianity. The great opponent of Pietism, Loescher, called it "the article on which the Church stands or falls."

Unitarian-Universalism is definitely not the foundation of the Christian Church, but UOJ finds itself bloood-brothers with the UUAs, the mainline liberals, and various oddball sects that also teach the justification of the entire world.

Barth - or rather his mistress Charlotte Kirschbaum - taught UOJ. Who embraced Barth's UOJ? Carl Braaten! Youngsters do not realize that Braaten was the Child Prodigy and later the Elderly Apostate who edited the Braaten-Jenson Church Dogmatics. The BJ Church Dogmatics ridiculed all the articles of faith in the Apostles Creed. They acknowledged that the Christian Church once believed those things like the Virgin Birth and Atonement, but they did not - in this modern, scientific world. Braaten is proud to note his book is still in print (just like Knapp's theological lectures, the font of modern UOJ).

But, nota bene, Braaten had his limits too. When his radical leftist seminary in Chicago dropped "The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" from the liturgy, in favor of feminist language, he refused to attend chapel, at the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, from that point on. And now they dedicate compost tumblers at that same chapel. Are you laughing until tears squirt from your eyes? Oh my, I can hardly type at this point.

The solemn dedication of the compost tumbler
filled the feminist audience with awe as they meditated upon
evolution and Mother Earth.

Deep down, the Shrinkers realize they have no message in UOJ. That is why they run off for comfort from Babtists Stetzer, Stanley, and Warren. Or they cast longing eyes at Rome - as Weedon and McCain do.

The UOJ crowd has plenty of damnation for the universally forgiven and saved. They need to get justification right first, before they run at the mouth about every subject under the Son. They defame the Word of God and reject the Confessions with every scrofulous act.