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Thursday, August 23, 2012
UOJ Advocates Are Raging on Steadfast Lutherans
quercuscontramalum (http://quercuscontramalum.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Huberites Do Not Get the Joke - They Follow the Ca...":
Brief article from Concordia Theological Quarterly by Robert Preus (1948). [I found it by googling key parts your Luther quote, "...false, uncertain, evil,..." etc.] Preus explains justification by faith as the hermeneutic by which Scripture is understood and that no teaching can be used against it.
GJ - Now they have Luther and Robert Preus designated as Calvinists, based on their ridiculous claims about forgiveness without faith. One UOJ Stormtrooper is a grandson of Robert, misled by his father and his seminary.
Andrew Preus has joined the chorus of UOJ Stormtroopers who actually are justification by faith advocates. I said before - the surest sign of deception is their need to cloak their dogma with the Biblical concepts they reject.
Repeating the same old talking points, ignoring the Scriptures and Confessions, refusing to study - all earn the UOJ pastors and pastors-to-be a trip out of town, baited by dogs, pelted with manure.