Thursday, September 13, 2012

Salvation is in me, it is His, and yet it is mine also, by that inseparable union and conjunction which is through faith...

Whilst I thus abide and dwell in Him, what evil is there that can hurt me? In the mean season the old man abideth without, and is subject to the law: but as concerning justification, Christ and I must be entirely conjoined, and united together, so that He may live in me, and I in Him. And this is a wonderful manner of speech. Because Christ liveth in me, look now what grace, righteousness, life, peace, and salvation is in me, it is His, and yet it is mine also, by that inseparable union and conjunction which is through faith, by the which Christ and I are made as it were one body in spirit.

 Martin Luther, Kregel, Galatians 2:20, p. 89.