Some goons hired with Thrivent money should have entered the conference and pelted the participants with dog manure, according to Luther. I would never say anything like that. |
bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Report to WELS - Two Headquarters. Two Felony Arre...":
WELS reviews its disciplinary procedures to stamp out UOJ-skepticism:
Kelm spent his entire career promoting Fuller Seminary. WELS continues to reward everyone who follows his example. |
GJ - Corporations call it push-back. If someone has a valid criticism, the corporation neutralizes it with push-back:
1. You used the wrong procedure.
2. You need to file this in triplicate and wait for the right people to respond.
3. You upset someone (with the truth) so you are a bad person.
No one ever challenged the false doctrine of Paul Kelm or any other WELS heretic in exactly the right way. Some minor detail, perhaps an arching of the brow at the wrong moment, turned a valid criticism of Kelm into self-condemnation for the odious legalist who dared point a finger at The Profit of Fuller. (Prophet is a bit of hyperbole for someone with xerox skills.)
This conference was a great idea, because it serves two purposes.
I. If anyone objects to anything done to drive them from the ministry or from the sect itself, the leaders can say, "We followed the procedure we all agreed upon at Mequon in 2012." Either "You were there and approved" or "You weren't there so you cannot complain" will work.
II. If anyone dares to touch the Anointed (Church and Change leaders), the apostates will say, "You did not follow the right procedure which we all agreed was correct and Biblical," adding "You were there and agreed" or "You were not there and cannot complain."
Pastors and congregations in all synods need to stand up to synodical bullies, no matter what the cost. The bullies always stutter, back-pedal, and contradict themselves when they see their game is being exposed.
No clergy-person should contact church members behind the pastor's back. The self-appointed do not have a right to interfere with the divine call of the pastor. If they have a valid point to make, they can do so first with the pastor and then through the council as a whole.
DPs and their finger-puppets, in all synods, are known for their sneak attacks, done with stealth and guile. Do they want to show up for a meeting? They should ask for a formal invitation from the congregation as a whole.
Why would a DP or CP contact a church member on his own and start working against the pastor? The member should ask himself that question and take the information to the pastor and council.
Sudden and surprise contacts mean something. I had one pastor contact me about a situation involving another pastor, but the other one was not copied. I wrote to the pastor who was left out of the loop, "Why is he writing me?" I wrote to the first one, "You should be copying the other pastor on this." Although this was a vague membership matter, the goal was to excuse taking in a member who was anti-Lutheran in doctrine. In other words, the whole gambit was dishonest from the start.
If a member tries to do an end-run behind the pastor's back, contacting another clergyman, the person contacted should tell the pastor, "Your member contacted me about this."
We had a rule at NML that we should contact the original agent if we accidentally contacted one of his clients, which often happened when sending out mailings and getting responses. I even visited one client in a plush suburb and found out the family had another agent. I told this ideal client, "I will contact your agent, and he will help you out." When I phoned the agent the next day, and filled him in on the details (new home, baby on the way), he was shocked that I was helping him and his business rather than sneaking a client away.
It is strange how something in the Small Catechism is routinely ignored by Synodocats even though ethical businesses try to observe the basic rules against conveting.
The UOJ Stormtroopers are energized by hatred of the Gospel. They frantically abuse the most basic rules of human behavior, lying without shame, seeking to deprive a fellow pastor of his livelihood for being faithful while simulataneously protecting adulterers, embezzlers, and heresiarchs.
The UOJ Enthusiasts would burn pastors and laity at the stake if they could, but that is frowned upon today. Therefore, they use the tactics of their Father Below - slandering while crying "Slander!"
solafide ( has left a new comment on your post "WELS Conference To Set Up an Excuse for Driving Mo...":
I thought of the same thing when I saw the news of this conference come through in the e-mail. The timing of it alone seems suspect.
Also, got my October Forward in Christ the other day... might wanna check out Prof. Paul Koelpin's article in it.
Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "WELS Conference To Set Up an Excuse for Driving Mo...":
Another conference; another symposium for synod to remind those under its "care" that there are certain church hierarchy rules to be beholden [to]; so, is my impression of this celebrated back slapping gathering. There will, no doubt be more of these get-togethers to remind all in the WELS fold to myopically think in denominational harmony according to the non shepherding higher-ups.
Such gatherings as this, it seems, blurs the clear distinctions of pastors and their perspective parishes and offers the rationalization and excuse to intrude upon congregational autonomy. It is common knowledge that synodical higher-ups cannot sleep right at night unless they feel they have meddled enough in congregational affairs not peculiar to their non Scriptural ecclesiastical position charge.
Nathan M. Bickel
The Good Shepherd, by Norma Boeckler |
Bethany Altar by Norma Boeckler |
The Great Commission, by Norma Boeckler |