LutheranUniversalistsBeDamned has left a new comment on your post "Jack Cascione Dusts Off the Iron Maiden and Polish...":
GJ asks, "Has [Cascione] read the book that Rydecki translated?" It is difficult to tell, but there is so little of it mentioned by Casione, and that only in general terms, that GJ's conclusion, "I doubt it," seems correct. One thing is certain from Cascione's comments, however: others have read Hunnius' "Theses Opposed to Huberianism," and recognize the damage it does to the position of Universal Justification, prompting Cascione to publicly join "them" in questioning Rydecki's integrity as a translator. Cascione writes: "Pastor Rydecki is the translator (from the original Latin) of a 16th century, recently published book available from Amazon: 'Theses Opposed to Huberianism: A Defense of the Luther an Doctrine of Justification'... In this translation Rydecki shows that Hunnius, a follower of Luther, rejected the teachings of objective justification. However, in the opinion of many, including this author, Rydecki has misrepresented Hunnius’ position."
This statement from Cascione, which is also representing "the opinion of many," stands in direct contradiction to objections which immediately surfaced upon the publication of Rydecki's translation, that these Theses applied in any way to Objective Justification. One inconsequential person, who evidently hadn't read the book before he opened his mouth, was successful in spreading the rumor that "Huber only taught Universal Justification, not Universal Objective Justification," that Hunnius' work therefore does not apply to UOJ, and that Lutheran Universalists need not be concerned that their doctrine may actually significantly depart from the doctrine of Scripture and the Reformers. Not so, according to Cascione, as he points out that "the opinion of many" is that these Theses do in fact oppose Universal Justification (or UOJ, or OJ, or whatever), and, instead of even considering that Walther's stark departure from the "sound pattern of words" used by Lutherans for centuries might actually teach error, immediately assume that Rydecki is an unfaithful translator. This is profound arrogance at work. This is profound arrogance in positions of power.
Regarding Hunnius, I expect two things: one, a translation war. No doubt, further editions will be published by UOJ advocates for the purpose of exposing Rydecki's unfaithfulness. The response of faithful Christians in this case will be to disbelieve either party in this affair, and instead to turn to impartial Latin scholars, perhaps even outside the Church, who don't care what Hunnius said.
Second, I expect that we haven't heard the last from Hunnius on the subject of Universal Justification. It may be that, if there is yet any doubt what Hunnius actually said, or meant, in the 'Theses' translated by Rydecki, additional translation efforts will offer undeniable clarity on the position of Hunnius and the Wittenberg faculty.
GJ - No translation war will develop. The UOJ Hive is lazy. They are the drones, not the worker bees.
I thought Hunnius sliced, diced, and pureed all possible versions of UOJ. One Enthusiast responded, "Did you have permission to quote the book?" That was asked repeatedly, robotically.
Hint - writers and translators want to be quoted, especially in book reviews.
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Paul gets more miles to the gallon, combining UOJ with Romanism, after a fill-up at the altar of Marian worship. |
LutheranUniversalistsBeDamned has left a new comment on your post "Jack Cascione Dusts Off the Iron Maiden and Polish...":
We can, however, charitably conclude that Cascione utterly failed to read one important work he cited in his public criticism of Rydecki: Rydecki's own recent essay, "Do we Want to be Dresden Lutherans?" Cascione writes, "Rydecki, an exceptional parish scholar, wants to be a Dresden Lutheran. This is his term for the Lutherans who migrated from Dresden Germany to the United States beginning in the late 1830’s." This is not only an error of fact, but its use is clearly calculated to serve his personal political purposes, to tie Rydecki to the same "LCMS sacerdotalists" against whom he has been struggling for quite some time (arguing in favor of Walther's congregational polity and issues of Church & Ministry related to it). This is most unfortunate for Cascione's credibility, as this error appears in the climax of his criticism and thus only succeeds in showing that his entire criticism of Rydecki was meant only to serve his own political purposes. This is a charitable conclusion, for if it should be discovered that Cascione did actually read Rydecki's paper, and still misrepresented Rydecki's use of the moniker "Dresden Lutheran" to serve his purposes, then he is also guilty of defamation.
If one cares to actually read Rydecki's paper (still available on the Intrepid Lutheran's blog, under the link to their Conference information), he will see plainly that the term "Dresden Lutheran" refers to the location of the BoC's publication 431 years ago. It refers to holding to the Confessions as Scripture's testimony, rather than holding to "Synod," a fickle political organization, as the source of such testimony. In fact, in no place in Rydecki's paper does the name "Walther" or the term "Missouri" even appear. Both Walther and Missouri were completely overlooked in Rydecki's paper, and rightfully so. It is a fitting rebuke to Synod worshipers like Cascione who evidently can't bear to have the names of Walther and Missouri and other celebrity figures from the old SynCon, absent from works addressing Confessional Lutheranism.
GJ - Please provide links, such as -
I am curious about who voted for the mob action that Walther organized against Stephan. Who voted to rob the bishop of all his gold, books, and personal belongings? Who voted to kidnap him at gunpoint and force him into starvation in Illinois?
Congregational polity among the Waltherians means - "Feel free to vote in favor of what I already decided. Signed, Your Pope."
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Make a decision for UOJ. |
LutheranUniversalistsBeDamned has left a new comment on your post "Christian News: The current debate in the WELS con...":
Judging by Herman Otten's prideful selling of The Facts about Luther, i.e., "I sell both side (sic), so people can be educated about both sides," one wonders if Herman will take equal pride in now dedicating an entire issue to JBFA, by allowing Rydecki, and those who side with him, the privilege of making their case unimpeded by the howling of Lutheran Universalists. My guess is, Otten is really not that dedicated to "educating" anyone. My further guess is that he not only fears, but knows, that the case for JBFA from Scripture and the Confessions is so straightforward and compelling, he dare not allow Rydecki such a platform, as most, the laity in particular, will be persuaded by it. Until Otten allows Rydecki and JBFA proponents such a platform, I will consider him a duplicitous coward, and his rag nothing more than party propaganda.
GJ - Otten did publish an entire issue where F. Pieper pretended to teach justification by faith. That is even more dangerous, to present UOJ as a new, improved, clearer version of justification by faith. As the raging Stormtroopers have proved, they hate Luther's doctrine, hate justification by faith, and hardly mention the Means of Grace.
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Read Luther's commentary on Galatians before spouting such idiocy. |