JUSTICE: The Ultimate Episcopal Mantra
By David W. Virtue
October 4, 2012
If you are in any doubt about what you believe in (or don't believe in but want it recognized anyway), just drop the word "justice" into the conversation and hey, presto all will be well and all manner of things will be well.
Consider the following:
There is now justice for gays
Justice for lesbians
Justice for bisexuals
Justice for transgendered
Justice for ALL LGBTQI persons especially for "I" which we think stands for interested, inquiring or intergenerational...whatever
Justice for the poor
Justice for immigrants
Justice for global poverty
Justice for Millennium Development Goal pushers
Justice for those who need and must have an abortion
Justice for 12 year olds seeking abortion
Justice for those needing the new abortifacient drugs who can't get them in catholic hospitals because it offends the catholic faith and we can't have that
Justice for all women (young, old and those in between who can't find a mate to date)
Justice for gays wanting to get married in the Episcopal Church and heaven help an orthodox bishop who does not comply
Justice for those who oppose traditional marriage because they lack inclusion and diversity
Justice for those demanding gay rites
Justice for all those who feel oppressed (whether they are or not) by dreadful white males masquerading as dreadful white males
Justice for victims of violence and political oppression, and for the whole Earth
Justice for those people who believe under 18-year olds have no right to question their same sex attractions
Justice demands that the Episcopal Church's diminishing Anglo-Catholics, who don't believe in Women's Ordination, be forced to ordain women priests even if it violates THEIR consciences.
Please, dear Lord, a special justice handout to Vickie Gene Robinson who said this week that ALL TOLERATION for those who oppose his behavior be ended and Fatwas delivered to all those who disagree with him because God now accepts sodomy as a legitimate sexuality, because Gene says so.
And Lord, we especially ask for justice in California where the new Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco, Salvatore Cordileone is about to be installed. This offends Marc Andrus, the Episcopal Bishop of California. Because the new archbishop actually listens to his boss in Rome and is therefore, insensitive to women and is uninclusive about active homosexuals. So Marc wants Catholics to flee their church over queer acceptance and join his church, the all-embracive Episcopal Church. LORD, MAKE IT HAPPEN BECAUSE JUSTICE DEMANDS IT.
Welcome to San Francisco, Bishop Cordileone.
Lord, we especially ask you to answer that prayer because the Episcopal diocese is shrinking and desperately needs new people (and money) to prop it up. They need divorced Catholics who can't afford annulments and more DWMs (Dead White Males) to help pay the diocese's and Episcopal Church's bills.
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