Monday, October 8, 2012

WELS Church Lady - "Here I Stand"

WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Warming Up the Tar and Feathers on LutherQuest. No...":

May the Lord bless Daniel Baker and Christian Schultz for their strong faith. I just heard about Pator Rydecki earlier this morning. Reminds me of a quote from long ago: "Here I Stand..." A short time after Martin Luther, Hunnius came along and wrote in condemnation of Huberism, so "HELLO, IS ANYBODY LISTENING?" Nuclear secret #1: There are other pastors in the WELS who do not pander to such language as objective, universal, and uoj. This is coming from a lady that spent a series of Ladies Bible Study classes over the book of Galatians. A very Luther centric-class at that. I kept my notes.

I harbor no ill will toward Joe Krohn. Though I will have to disagree with his being hijacked by the Lutherquest train, Joe has been kind in educating me about the truth (and the things not disclosed) regarding some of our foreign missions. It has been a rough ride for some of my fellow wellsians. Sometimes you have to put yourself in front of the train or bus. It may hurt a little, but in doing so, one is protecting fellow sheep from the ides of false doctrine. I stand with Pastor Paul Rydecki!

In Christ,