Monday, January 2, 2012

Traditional Families Are No Longer the Norm

This photo shows my father, the baker,
Ichabod (another baker), LI, and Mrs. Ichabod.
Our grandson looks very much like LI in this photo.

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Fertility rate plummets in Brazil - The Washington...":

It seems that in this present time, many of the younger folks do not want to do what was so easy one or two generations ago. Getting married and being blessed with children seemed so normal and most aspired to do so. The responsibility of raising a family was a natural outgrowth of proper upbringing. Marriage rates are much lower today. The live-in partner almost seems to be the new norm. The commitment in marriage is what God has ordained for us. But, we have been told by experts that every family is dysfunctional. But, there is no drop-in replacement for a so-called traditional family.


GJ - Bruce Church has published a lot of good information on this. Pastors have seen the reality, and many of them were pioneers in the new morality. Virtually all couples who marry today have been living together for years, often with an illegitimate child or two, sometimes three.

Natural law means - God commands what is good for us. He created the institution of marriage. To live in sin, as we geezers used to say, is to defy the Word of God. But living in faith with a spouse and children glorifies God and generates the fruits of the Spirit.

Marriage protects men, women, and children. When children grow up with both of their parents under the same roof, they learn to model behavior after their fathers and mothers. They look for a spouse who is similar to the opposite sex parent.

My high school class celebrated our 45th reunion this year. A small group of us (out of 730 graduates) noted our 40+ marriage anniversaries and laughed about all the antics of our grandchildren. We have a lot of achievers - from the Medal of Honor to a distinguished law career.

Some classmates spoke about their travels, but I could say, "I am on vacation 12 months a year. I live 10 minutes from our son's family." In the last 28 months we have raked leaves, fed geese, watched movies, gone to church, grilled chicken, laughed about funny YouTube productions,  played Uno, and celebrated Christmas three times."

I have attended over 25 of the famous Walmart Saturday Morning Meetings, which are required for their executives. The CEO of Walmart, Mike Duke, probably knows my face better than any other visitor's. Best of all, I know as much about our son's work as he knows about mine. When we come back from the meeting, he fills in Mrs. I. about his work.

What is more enjoyable - having a laugh with our grandson, enjoying a delicious meal from our daughter-in-law, sharing an old joke with Danielle, or buying a Bible in Mandarin for Josie? We heard she squealed with happiness.

I warn my students that they will never say, "That was a great meeting 20 years ago!" but they will go over all their pleasant memories of their families growing up. That is God's plan, natural law, as Jesus said, "That your joy may be complete."

Epistler Plays Whac-a-Mole.
No Scandal Too Big To Finesse

The Epistler has left a new comment on your post "Anonymous Mind-Reader Is Not Happy with Posts and ...":

While the child porn scandal at the WELS headquarters is tragic and disturbing at so many levels, I have no clue as to how it is relevant in this case. Unless, of course, it's just a way to shoulder the failings of one man onto a group of people.

You say that it took the FBI to shut it down. I'm not surprised. That's their job. It is so, so, so easy to hide illicit activity in everyday internet traffic. Is it fair to paint the tech support and administration at the WELS headquarters as incompetent or in denial? Maybe a simpler reason exists. He wasn't caught because, well, he simply wasn't caught. By your arguement, the wife of every cheating husband is stupid or in denial.

My guess is, it doesn't matter to you that the decisions of one man devestated a number of lives. It's just a very convenient way to deface your enemies in one fell stroke.


G-NoMoney has left a new comment on your post "Wisconsin Synod Facing Another Lawsuit":

I was raised in a WELS church/school - St John's, Tosa. When I was eight, I told my third-grade teacher that my daddy came in my bed with no pajamas. The teacher, (who was the pastor's mom), slapped me across the face. Then she started shaking me while screaming, "You Horrible, Horrible girl. How dare you say such a filthy thing. You are going to Hell!" --- I never told anyone again. I was assaulted, then raped for another six years before quitting the ninth grade and running away from home. WELS is an unsafe environment for many children. I am just one example.


GJ - I believe the report by G-NoMoney is genuine. I can add another from a different denomination. A man raped a young girl. The girl and her mother went to their pastor. He said, "If you go to the police, you will go to Hell." The girl is grown, but still suffers from the trauma. She is no longer a Christian. The pastor of that church knew all about the previous minister being an adulterer. In fact, the members knew about the pastor's mistress, because she was a member of the parish.

Within WELS there are many examples of church workers preying upon children and being caught. However, Holy Mother Synod never admits to these crimes, so most people remain innocent and gullible when the spin-doctors go to work. They tend to repeat the crime, as several workers have shown.

The anonymous critic is overlooking a previous crime in the Hochmuth scandal. According to the Criminal Report, Hochmuth was caught before and went into counseling with his wife. Supposedly she caught him. That means the counselor did not report the crime, which is required by law. The others who knew did not report the crime. I know the facts were never communicated to the authorities because Hochmuth has never been charged with any crime. Not even charged! Yet he was the main representative for WELS to the world at large, even when denouncing ELCA for its homosexual advocacy.

Although I have probed, I have not learned whether the WELS agency was involved in this counseling. Others have asked as well. Silence. I take that as an admission, but that is because I assume the worst when dealing with pathological liars.

The Wisconsin Sect was eager to make a known adulterer and false teacher into one of their own. I said then, as I repeat now, that these sins are piling up for the Day of Judgment. Public relations, Hochmuth's strong suit, will not be enough to fool God.

All the leaders have a responsibility to send the predators to prisons, instead of providing a cover story for them, as they did with DP Ed Werner.

DP Ed Werner was born forgiven,
but the state sent him to the Big House for his crimes against
minor girls in his congregation.
Pastors knew but never talked - GA works.

The feigned compassion of the anonymous critic is meaningless as long as the predators run loose, knowing with smug certainty that many will jump up to assail anyone who points out the truth.

Missouri and the Little Sect on the Prairie are no better.


The Epistler has left a new comment on your post "Epistler Plays Whac-a-Mole. No Scandal Too Big To ...":

I believe that you mistake my intentions. I have no interest in trying to defend the WELS. Why should I? I left the church long ago. Today I'm agnostic. But religion came so close to utterly destroying my life and that of my family that I feel obligated to try to limit the damage that the faithful perpetrate, even if it's simply by calling people out on the potential destructiveness their words carry.

I carry no sympathy for Mr. Hochmuth. As far as I am concerned, there is no forgiveness for someone like him, and he should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. How anyone can stand beside him is beyond me. But the callous way in which the responsibility has been spread by Ichabod to include multiple people and to suggest that they are also responsible for the exploitation of children is a facile and dangerous arguement. There are only two people who know for certain what Hochmuth was doing. His wife - and himself. Just because he claimed he was in counseling does NOT mean that he revealed the full extent of his crimes. Couples go to counseling for porn addiction all the time. There is nothing to suggest that the counselor wasn't lied to. In fact, since no crime was reported, it seems likely. And pouring guilt by association onto the WELS tech staff and administration does just as much damage to people who are (lesser) victims of this scandal. They were betrayed by a trusted employee. Why are you trying to crucify them with the traitor?

The rabid tendencies of religious individuals to place a blanket of blame on victims is near universal. It's ironic that the example of a young woman who was molested and then told she was going to hell is a perfect example of why religion is the primary source of evil in the world today.

One more example. Perhaps you've heard of  [deleted example].


GJ - I deleted the example because I have no first-hand knowledge of that situation in an infamous circuit, although one source told me he knew some of the basics.

I wonder how the Epistler can be so ignorant of the secular concept of supervision, not to mention the admonitions of the pastoral epistles. Supervisors (Greek, episcopon, overseer, bishop) are responsible for the people under them. Denominations play innocent, but the justice system comes down hard on religious franchises that tolerate and transfer known child abusers.

Liability is shared by the supervisors and the organization. WELS was so tolerant of abusive church workers that the insurance companies finally began requiring some kind of clearance for each worker. I recall DP Robert Mueller being very unhappy about that requirement. That would have ended Lutheran Parish Resources, one of Mueller's little gifts to Columbus, Ohio.

Paul McCain told me that Missouri began clamping down because "it was costing them so much money."

ELCA lost a $40 million lawsuit from one incident. Fred Adrian's congregation and WELS lost a $400,000 lawsuit, both involving abuse of minors. Good ol' Fred is back in the ministry, thanks to John Seifert. The denominations do not report the annual total of these costs, not to mention the synodical lawyers who work hard at squashing and settling cases on the QT.

I am addressing the human cost of this failure to supervise. I made many different direct attempts to stop what was happening in Columbus. I did not send anonymous comments or make wry little jokes at meetings (the accepted WELS approach). I spoke face-to-face with the Circuit Pastor, the DP, and the First VP - all of them liars. They were stunned that I learned the truth when I pressed them about their responsibility, then began getting even with me.

I also spoke to the future DP, John Seifert, who did the typical WELS flip, jumping to the other side of the issue when it suited him. And SP Naumann's son? He knew all about it, too. So did dozens in the Michigan District, WELS; the future president of the Little Seminary on the Prairie; and Floyd Stolzenburg's future co-worker, Jay Webber.

I told Mueller on the phone, "Every girl that is raped, every woman seduced, I hold you responsible for that."

He was startled and said, "Why?" I responded, "Because you are doing nothing about this now."

In conclusion, the decades of greed, immorality, and corruption are coming home, with a gigantic bill to be paid - not only in dollars, but also in lives destroyed and souls murdered.

More Lies - But From ELCA This Time.
The Good News - No Gay ELCA College Videos So Far

The next bishop of the Minneapolis Area:

My prediction is that the Rev. Mary Albing will become bishop.  The Minneapolis Area Synod likes to be innovative and this is their chance to elect a non-celibate member of the GLBT community.  It is my opinion that this will also play into the political scene as Minnesota will vote on a marriage amendment in 2012.  Many in the ELCA synod are eager to enshrine the 2009 CWA decision with a bishop who was not even allowed to be a called pastor in the ELCA a couple years ago because of "who she loved."  It is important to complete the revolution as soon as possible.

So are there any ELCA pastors left in the Minneapolis Synod whose bound conscience will be offended when their bishop has a lifestyle they strongly disagree with?  If there are what will they do?  There is this ongoing idiotic statement that gets made, "Your congregation does not have to call a GLBT pastor."  Well for those congregations who disagree with the 2009 innovation--if there are any left in the Minneapolis Synod--they will be forced to accept a GLBT bishop.

Perhaps my prediction is premature but I will stand by it.  It helps that she is at the top of the list due to her name.  Then again perhaps she is the most qualified of the 18 to be bishop and her election will have nothing to do with her affectional preference.

At the last ELCA congregation I was a member of, I predicted that their next pastor would be a member of the GLBT community several years before the current pastors resigned.  When they retired, the congregation fulfilled my prediction.  The members at the time declared that the new pastor was a perfect fit, the best person that they could find for the job.  Yet given the small number of non-celibate ELCA pastors at the time, the odds were fairly small.    It was obvious to some former members that "affectional preference" did influence the congregation's action.

Brian J. Bergs,
Minneapolis, MN


GJ - I second the prediction, which will also apply to the next ELCA Presiding Bishop. The current Episcopal PB is married, but she said her husband would move to her Episcopal palace in NYC when "it made sense." No, I am not saying she is or is not. Given her hyper-aggressive policy, there is no doubt about   her original platform when she ran for office.

The agenda means that they must place their open activists in the highest offices.

More lies - they just buried the most influential woman at LCA and ELCA headquarters - Marple. She ran the important activities for decades and was always in The Lutheran magazine. At least two former PBs preached her into heaven after she died. "She is survived by a sister, Virginia Reynolds and nine nieces. She is also survided by a long time friend, Dr. Lois Leffler."

Normally only family members are listed as survivors. Naming a long time friend with blood relatives is the equivalent of announcing a Boston marriage.

To say that Mary Albing will be the first open LGTB leader is deceiving. The message about Dorothy Marple was there for everyone in the know in the LCA/ELCA, and certainly broadcast in her obituary. Everything is done is stages, so dissenters can be excluded.

That is why I am scornful about pastors who spent 25 years in ELCA and decided there was this shocking gay agenda, so they had to leave with their long-established congregations. But they would leave only if they could keep women's ordination and their money in the ELCA pension fund.

WELS and Missouri follow their ministry partner's previous policy in doing nothing about known homosexual pastors. They move them around a bit, deny knowledge, and most of all say - "I am helpless to do anything."


KC has left a new comment on your post "More Lies - But From ELCA This Time. The Good News...":

How about these videos from Gustavus Adolphus' freshmen orientation, sponsored / required by the college? 


GJ - Good point, KC, but ELCA is supposed to be ee-vul and pansexual. WELS is supposed to be straighter than the road to heaven. WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect pretend to be so different from ELCA but work with them and emulate them.

Two-Timing Tyndale:
WELS Ditching Biblical Scholarship for UOJ.
January Diaprax

The Little Sect on the Prairie also likes to turn a
Gospel admonition into law - "Go manufacture disciples!"
rather than "Go, teach all nations."

The New NIV has already been approved by WELS. The franchise is simply waiting a bit to squash all opposition.

The next step is the January exercise in process (diaprax). Victims from all over WELS - two from each district, I believe - will gather at The Sausage Factory for some GA nostalgia.

Hold back the tears of laughter now. This is not a post from The WELS Potato. The participants will have an open discussion of the translations being considered (really only one).

This process will identify the boot-licking and ignorant friends of the NNIV while setting apart those who actually understand Biblical translation. Those who go along with the program will be rewarded while those who resist will be vilified behind their backs and punished in various ways.

Lying is basic to WELS management.
GA is based on lies, and still exists,
but they lie about that too.

The look on Paul Wendland's face during the convention discussion said it all - "How dare they question my authority and the majesty of my office?"

After this farce is over, the Dishonest Presidents will manipulate the upcoming meetings to approve the NNIV. They may even pull a Gurgle and say, "The presses are running at NPH already. We can't stop now!" (Feign a look of alarm and concern, for effect.)

The Gang of Four (Wisconsin plus Minnesota) will deliver roughly 75% of the WELS population to the NNIV. They are not alone in their doctrinal lassitude. If a district comes down against the NNIV, the minority will be condemned as extremists and Ichabodians. Even the ultra-polite Intrepids are dismissed as radicals.

The discussions and votes do not matter, except they serve as justification for the final decision. Only the feminist Shrinkers wanted Northwestern College merged into Dr. Martin Luther College, but amalgamation turned into a fact from all the fake participation and faux-votes. The ultimate vote failed, so amalgamation buddies turned the results around and reported a victory. It pays to have the power to appoint the ballot committee.

The only question is - will anyone fight this battle?

PS - Don't expect Synod President Mark Schroeder to show any leadership. He is utterly silent.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Two-Timing Tyndale: WELS Ditching Biblical Scholar...":

The attempted steamroll by Committee 19 can be watched here (Note: most of these men have been teaching the (W)ELS called workers - Clergy, teachers etc) 


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Two-Timing Tyndale: WELS Ditching Biblical Scholar...":

Wendland begins his manipulation of the Convention attendees at 1:30:30