Saturday, August 4, 2012 The Harmony of the Four Evangelists (9781468135565): Martin Chemnitz, Polycarp Leyser, John Gerhard, Dr. Richard J. Dinda: Books

The Harmony of the Four Evangelists The Harmony of the Four Evangelists (9781468135565): Martin Chemnitz, Polycarp Leyser, John Gerhard, Dr. Richard J. Dinda: Books:

The Harmony of the Four Evangelists, volume 1[Paperback]

Martin Chemnitz (Author), Polycarp Leyser (Author), John Gerhard (Author),Richard J. Dinda (Translator)

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'via Blog this'


GJ - Several volumes of The Harmony of the Four Evangelists are now in print in English. Three of the great Lutheran orthodox theologians participated in this work of genius:

  • Martin Chemnitz - the senior editor of the Book of Concord.
  • Polycarp Leyser - who rebuked the UOJ of Samuel Huber. He was also an editor of the BoC. Early in his career he was considered an expert in justification by faith.
  • John Gerhard - (not to be confused with the hymn writer Paul Gerhardt). He was a prolific author.

Pastor Bickel - "Please Explain Emergent Churches."
WELS, LCMS, and ELS Promote Them, Fund Them, Protect Them

Al Sorum is one of the Church  Growth plants at The Sausage Factory.
Emergent Churches are those where all confessional tags are avoided at all costs. The WELS emergents avoid "Lutheran" and "WELS" but it can sometimes be found in the small print.

Emergent characteristics are:
No liturgy.
No sacraments.
No pipe organ.
No hymns.
No sermons.
No creeds.
Jon Buchholz on CrossWalk - "No problem!"
The clergy dress like they are going to mow the hay or change the oil.
They advocate and practice women's ordination.
They have movies screens for their anything goes song lyrics.

The Lutherans often copy the sermons of their emergent heroes, like Groeschel.
They train with gay activist Stanley, cussing Calvinist Driscoll, space cadet Sweet, Babtist Stetzer, Beeson at Granger, Hyles at Willow Creek, the divinity school at Trinity Deerfield, and various morons at Fuller Seminary. WELS pastors like Rich Krause, John Parlow, Paul Kelm, Steve Witte, Larry Olson have DMins from various false teaching schools. But of course, Mequon itself is a Fuller clone now. They just do not grant drive-by DMins.

WELS has emergent churches all over - The CORE, Doebler's Rock and Roll Church, the Chicago one (where the pastor just loved Leonard Sweet).

The ELS has one too.

Missouri is loaded with them, and ELCA tries its hand claw at them as well.

Missouri and WELS congregations have actually joined the Willow Creek Association, returning them to the good old days of the Pietistic union churches. St. Paul in Germantown (Columbus, Ohio) was a union church for Lutherans and Reformed. So was historic St. John in Milwaukee, if memory serves me.

ELCA went back to union churches, after separating them for a time. WELS, Missouri, and the ELS are up to date with ELCA because they all work together, plan together, and prostitute themselves for Thrivent grants together.

Not a Photoshop - Mark Driscoll is the cussing pastor.
Dressing silly seems to be a requirement.
Face mikes - so cool.
Craig Groeschel is a Methodist EC emergent leader.
Two others are Ed Stetzer, Babtist; Leonard Sweet - New Age.
WELS adores all three false teachers.

Left to right: Parlow, Jeske, Kelm, and Patterson work together against Lutheran doctrine,
so they get the synod and Thrivent loot.

Andy Stanley is a closeted Babtist.
His church does not admit to be Babtist, but they dedicated babies instead of baptizing them.
WELS workers like Ski, Glende, Buske, Parlow worship with Stanley - and love it.
Gretchen earned a regal salary at Doebler's emergent mission in Round Rock.
Doebler famously prayed for a $200,000 grant to hire a worship leader.
In the old days, that was called a pastor.
Dr. Moo wants you to buy the NNIV, ideal for Emergent Churches.

Adulterous Pastor Jack Schaap Praised Emergent Churches

Someone commented on another Schaap video:

Few knew him as well as did I. Yes, he is a perverted, philandering, vulgar deviant unfit for the pulpit, but what does that say for the bought-and-paid-for, spineless clowns behind him who didn't stand up to Hyles for 30 years, or Schaap for 11 years? This church needs to be turned into a shopping mall.

The ministers who get featured have a lot in common, no matter what their denomination is. The fact is they belong to the Synagogue of Satan, like P-Boy, the consultant to Parlow, thanks to a Thrivent grant.

Study Jack Schaap for Clues on the Decline of WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect on the Prairie

Her father was Jack Hyles,
also a womanizer.

Jack Schaap was fired for having an affair with a teen-aged girl. He is the son-in-law of Jack Hyles, who was known for having multiple partners. Hyles' fundy sons, also ministers, had the same reputation.

Hyles had buttons made that said "100% Jack Hyles." He never lost his job for his many improprieties.

Apparently the huge congregation by-passed the randy sons of Jack Hyles, choosing Jack Schaap instead. Since Jack married Hyles' daughter, they were still keeping the church in the family. That is why insider deals should be avoided. Large independent congregations rely on chips off the old block, but that often disappoints everyone, as the Schuller clan has proven.

Schaap is hard to quantify at the moment. Very little is on the Net. However, his shift from the KJV, after promising the opposite, is an indication. Another one is the growing clan of Emergent Church fans that he built up in the congregation. He began advocating Emergent Church behavior before his downfall.

Schaap's initial pledge about the KJV must have been dishonest. Another explanation is that time spent at Fuller Seminary changed his mind. Like the WELS and Missouri leaders, he felt it necessary to cloak his unionism.

The ministers who gush over Church Growth or Emergent Church are always Fuller Seminary victims. So many imitations of Fuller are out there now, that it is possible to become converted away from the Pasadena re-education camp. However, it is not likely. Look for outraged articles to appear later, articles about Schaap that detail his furtive study at those dens of iniquity. Those articles will come from disappointed Fundies who were already outraged by Schaap's weird sexual-Christological theories and his abandonment of the KJV.

Schaap's former church will not admit to additional teen victims. In fact, they are in full cover-up mode already. They have hired a powerful attorney (sound like WELS?) to gather stories from other girls, so they can avoid messy arrests and criminal trials, not to mention multi-million dollar settlements.

Jack Hyles is famous for having the largest Sunday School
and a harem.

Message to Joel Lillo:
A Faithful Remnant Will Teach the Gospel.
Not Personal - But the Truth of the Word

Febreze has left a new comment on your post "Kilcreased Blogs":

Joel, this blog has woken up many faithful Lutheran pastors and laymen. I hope that this blog wouldn't ever go down. It's the lighthouse during a storm. Enjoy your Pietism and universalism, while we'll enjoy the BoC and actually uphold it instead of being a hypocrite.


GJ - One dead certain give-away of a flimsy argument is the personal element. Sometimes it is expressed as "My pastor does not agree with you."

Even weaker is this gambit - "You are a bad person. You belonged to various synods. You did not go to our schools. You make people angry. Therefore, you are wrong."

My argumentation and my resume are irrelevant. There is no end to the chaos if people must stake their claims on either one. In fact, that is why so many shallow arguments start with Holy Mother Synod and continue with the Immaculate Conception of someone like CFW Walther. Since few MDivs do any serious study beyond seminary, most cling to the adolescent certainty that their professors must have been right about everything.

Mequon students bind their yellowed dogmatics notes. Their papers are supposed to regurgitate the regurgitations of seminary class. Anything else is dangerous.

Given this cob-webbed scenario, a doctrinal version of Miss Havisham's dreary home, no one should be shocked that pastors defend error by saying, "We actually agree," or "They are just talking past each other."

Ever since the Great Kidnapper landed in New Orleans and signed his oath of obedience to Bishop Stephan, the SynConference has waged war against justification by faith. That is the only justification taught by the Scriptures, the Confessions, and the post-Concord Lutheran Orthodox fathers.

With Wayne Mueller having disposed of the Book of Concord altogether, the Wisconsin Sect now aims to impose universal absolution on God by adopting Murdoch's NNIV, a fictional work so bad that Southern Babtists asked their book stores to avoid stocking the travesty. But WELS wants to make it their main Bible, with nihil obstat on the inside cover, signed by Pope Schroeder.

UOJ just drips from this article of the Augsburg Confession!
The UOJ arguments prove how dull, blinded, and hardened the SynConference leaders are.

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Message to Joel Lillo: A Faithful Remnant Will Tea...":

Ichabod -

Thank you that you have shown, demonstrated and illustrated with your website some stark differences.

I've always thought that synodical (denominational) affiliation; coupled with (their) perspective church pension systems, pathetically end up being the worldly blood that is thicker than the Gospel water. [1 Peter 5:2-4 ; Titus 1:11 ; Matthew 23:14 ; Isaiah 56:10-11 ; John 15:1-3]

We are told by Scripture that Disciples of Christ are besieged by and affected by the spiritual battle which is waged in "high places." [Ephesians 6:10-18] Hence, it is of paramount importance, to be highly aware of one's spiritual enemies.

Who are a Christian's enemies? Obviously, many unbelievers, as that is expected, as they are outside the pale of Christianity [the church]. But, those within the church are very deadly because they foment and promulgate doctrines of devils, thereby leading souls, astray. [1 Timothy 4:1-2 ; 2 Timothy 3:1-5]

Nathan M. Bickel


GJ - When people run from their own confession of faith, they are either playing a game of deception or one of concealment.

The UOJ fanatics always cloak themselves with justification by faith, but they mean "faith in world absolution without faith." That has never been justification by faith.

There are many who believe in the Biblical doctrine of justification by faith, but they will not stand up for it, so they really do not believe it at all. If they did, they would confess the truth in the open. But some will object, "I would, but the synod would punish me." How can they believe in the power of the Gospel to erase their sins, the most powerful weapon of all, and yet fear the synod officials and their toadies? That means they really do not believe in the efficacy of the Word, the mercy of God, or His goodness.

God must be terribly weak or blind, to be weaker than the cowardly bullies of synod headquarters, to never see the needs of the faithful. I am going to erase Psalm 37:25 from my Bible, since it no longer applies.

KJV Psalm 37:25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous [justified by faith in Christ] forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Kilcreased Blogs.
Two UOJ Blogs Are Gone

The Appleton blog:

Blog has been removed

Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.
Did you expect to see your blog here? See: 'I can't find my blog on the Web, where is it?'

No posts.


Febreze has left a new comment on your post "Kilcreased Blogs":

Joel, this blog has woken up many faithful Lutheran pastors and laymen. I hope that this blog wouldn't ever go down. It's the lighthouse during a storm. Enjoy your Pietism and universalism, while we'll enjoy the BoC and actually uphold it instead of being a hypocrite.


GJ - Joel says he agrees with the Augsburg Confession, so why does he want this blog to die? How many blogs have copied most of the Book of Concord? One (1) - Ichabod.


LPC has left a new comment on your post "Kilcreased Blogs. Two UOJ Blogs Are Gone":

The same way the Huberites were driven by orthodox Lutherans, these UOJ blogs need to die as well.

UOJ is wrong and contrary to Scripture and the Confessions, UOJ bloggers deleting their blogs is the first step to their recovery.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Kilcreased Blogs. Two UOJ Blogs Are Gone":


Pastor Nathan Bickel

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Kilcreased Blogs. Two UOJ Blogs Are Gone":

Ichabod -

May I present a couple of plausible theories why the fake Ichabod has apparently closed down? You must know me by now that I seldom deny anyone my opinion:

1) Perhaps, fake ichabod was only showing 10 pageviews every two days and the author felt it wasn't his worthwhile anymore to plagairize your web name. Perhaps, he became guilt stricken that he was protesting too much while having to mimic your website's name in order to gain those 5 pageviews per day when some people did their online searches for the real Ichabod site.

2) Perhaps, fake ichabod somehow impressed some Lutheran district and synodical leaders that the author was offered some favor and or a position. Perhaps, fake ichabod was ordered to cease because it reminded synodical bureacracy of the real Ichabod. Perhaps, the rest of the anonymous fake ichabod commenting crew will be harnessed for some new website endeavor, such as extolling the latest church growth fashions and the latest cultural fades. After all, there are so many empty church pews to fill for all those Universalist back door loses......

Nathan M. Bickel


GJ - You have a point, Pastor Bickel. No one wants to show page-views. I have them out, with the most popular posts for the week, month, and all-time since June of 2010.

There is no doubt that the Appleton blog was simply fueling what I do. After all, I went there for inspiration and found it as barren as Fox Valley's doctrine. The dog in the manger is keeping the URL. If he cannot use it, no one else can. His other blog is the same way, so some gay blogger renamed it Anonymous E. Clever? I called Tim "Anonymouse" and he callled his really vicious, crude, scatological blog Anonymouse. He even signed his comments that way, until I pinned down his location and identified him (and Joel Lillo, his partner in crime).

Like most bullies, they act all fem and passive when confronted one-on-one. They are only tough when they have a ten-to-one advantage or anonymity.

The Arizona land steal should continue to heat up. WELS does not want its predatory nature out in the open.


Pastor Joel Lillo, WELS, Fox Valley, Anything Goes District has left a new comment on your post "Kilcreased Blogs. Two UOJ Blogs Are Gone":

Oh my goodness, where else COULD someone POSSIBLY find the Book of Concord online? It's so incredibly hard to find! Well,maybe someone might possibly find it if they went here:

As far as UOJ is concerned: I don't think there is an appreciable difference between what you believe (universal atonement) and the official teaching of (W)ELS (to use Brett Meyer's patented abbreviation). Let me repeat this (and I'll put it in all caps so that Greg's sycophants can know I'm emphasizing this): THERE IS NO ONE IN (W)ELS WHO TEACHES UNIVERSALISM. WE SAY THAT GOD CONSIDERS ALL SINS COMPLETELY PAID FOR BECAUSE OF JESUS' PERFECT LIFE AND INNOCENT DEATH, BUT THAT NO ONE RECEIVES THE BENEFIT OF THAT UNLESS THEY ARE BROUGHT TO FAITH THROUGH THE MEANS OF GRACE.

I think I'm done here.


GJ - Joel, you are a poster boy for obdurate ignorance of doctrine.


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Kilcreased Blogs. Two UOJ Blogs Are Gone":

Ichabod -

Believing Rev. Joel Lillo's claim that WELS doesn't promulgate universal objective justification is like forcing oneself to believe that Obama is a disciple of Christ:

Furthermore, Lillo is blowing hot air. I've documented the universalism in my WELS neck of the woods:

"Pastor Nathan Bickel on UOJ in WELS. Aaron Frey Still Preaching in WELS. How Far Will He Go?"

Finally, denying something, does not make it go away. Has Pastor Lillo not paid attention to what Ichabod has been exposing? But, then again, that's the denial factor at work [with him].

Nathan M. Bickel


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Kilcreased Blogs. Two UOJ Blogs Are Gone":


This is not true.

"Then of course there is our life's calling as proclaimers of God's own message. How can the lonely, the depressed, the grieving, the suffering and the insecure be pulled from the pits of their bad feelings unless they hear the objective reality of God's love apart from their feelings; unless they hear no condition attached to the universal salvation Christ procured for them as individuals?"

"What does frightened little Suzy need to hear when she comes to you and says, "Teacher, my Baptist friend told me I'm going to burn in hell if I don't hurry up and ask Jesus into my heart"? What a time to apply the objective reality of Jesus' love for Suzy! What a time to apply Christ's universal salvation to this trembling little lamb!"

"Whether it be a personal conversation with our landlord, neighbor or friend, or whether it be a more "professional" conversation with the unchurched parent of a pupil or with the new prospect discovered by the evangelism committee, we know for certain the message we have for them. In our minds there's no Reformed reflection on whether or not this person really is one of God's elect. There's no Arminian condition attached to the forgiveness we hold out to them. The only message that will bring them to faith, strengthen them in their faith and motivate them to want to hear the Word is our simplified version of universal and objective justification."
Page 9
David J. Beckman
Universal and Objective Justification with Special Emphasis on a Recent Controversy


LPC has left a new comment on your post "Kilcreased Blogs. Two UOJ Blogs Are Gone":

Joel could have done a real good job if he followed the rule for minister's scholarship, which is to quote the sources.

Are these CAP lettered words from the WELS official documents? Nope. The words were his interpretation or his own spin of what the official documents state.

So Brett was spot on to replay back for the whole Internet world to see what their synodic leaders really teach and confess.



There is always LaughQuest.

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Kilcreased Blogs. Two UOJ Blogs Are Gone":

It is no time to rejoice over a couple of websites, apparently closing down. I was reminded of the Scripture:

"Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth: Lest the LORD see it, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath from him. Fret not thyself because of evil men, neither be thou envious at the wicked; for there shall be no reward to the evil man; the candle of the wicked shall be put out. [Proverbs 24:17-20]

Furthermore, who are a Christian's enemies? Obviously, many unbelievers, as that is expected, as they are outside the pale of Christianity [the church]. But, those within the church are very deadly because they foment and promulgate doctrines of devils, thereby leading souls, astray. [1 Timothy 4:1-2 ; 2 Timothy 3:1-5]

Finally, regarding many Christian pastors' allegiances:

I've always thought that synodical (denominational) affiliation; coupled with (their) perspective church pension systems, pathetically end up being the worldly blood that is thicker than the Gospel water. [1 Peter 5:2-4 ; Titus 1:11 ; Matthew 23:14 ; Isaiah 56:10-11 ; John 15:1-3]

Nathan M. Bickel

WELS-LCMS Evangelism: A Parable

250 in attendance (local WELS members) - 3 years ago.
Now - 250 in attendance. 

Why Do the Synodical Conference Sects Wage War Against Faith?

KJV Luke 18:7 And shall not God avenge His own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though He bear long with them? 8 I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?

This parable leading up to this climactic statement is not often discussed. Here it is.

KJV Luke 18:1 And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; 2 Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man: 3 And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary. 4 And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man; 5 Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. 6 And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith.

This is an example of the Jewish argument, from the lesser to the greater. The judge is evil and never stops being evil. He does not care about man's laws or God's, a fact stressed twice for emphasis. But because the widow is never going to stop asking for justice, he acts on her behalf.

The judge is not God - but the opposite of God. Jesus' theme is clear - If an evil judge will concede due to persistence, how much more will our gracious and merciful Father respond to persistent prayers?

This second ending, a warning that accompanies the Gospel Promise, concludes the section -

But will the Son of Man find faith when He returns in judgment?

I cannot find a single passage where Jesus rails against faith in Him. Perhaps some Fuller graduates could cite them for me. They like to say the "justification of sinners" but do not disclose that they mean - the justification of all unbelievers.

Faith is constantly taught in the Bible, because the term means trust - not virtue or making a decision. The object of this trust is the Word of God, because the Holy Spirit conveys Christ to us in the Word.

No one has Christ or the benefits of Christ without this trust in the Word. How can someone be forgiven, righteous, and saved without even having a knowledge of Christ? Nevertheless, the rascals running the SynConference seminaries will protect that notion until Schwan gives them a grant to teach otherwise.

Since the prevailing theme of the SynConference is not faith, it must be fear. As Luther taught, fear is the opposite of faith.

Everyone has fears. Some of them are good and healthy, such as being afraid of sparking high-power lines or  driving while distracted.

Other fears are exaggerated and childish, such as imagining dragons in a darkened room, so mom sprays water into it to chase them away. Various mothers tell me this works wonders. My mother turned the light on.

A similar childish fear is the fear of synod officials. Yes, synod officials are vicious, vindictive, spiteful, and shamelessly self-centered. But they are cowards, every last one of them. They wave around their little weapon and the crowd falls back in terror. That same crowd could rush one of them and offer a tar-and-feather exit.

Faith Lutheran Church in Moline, Illinois stood up to one synodical bully. They said to the ELCA bishop, "If you or your representatives show up on our property, the Moline Police will arrest you." ELCA raged and threatened, citing the Eighth Commandment. The congregation left ELCA and joined the Augustana District of the LCMC.

The Pietists are all works-salesmen. They fret about this big question - What should I do? There is a system to supply about 10,000 rules for a good-conduct medal in Pietism.

The first one is:
Never question Holy Mother Synod.

The second is like unto the first:
Check with Holy Mother Synod about all the other rules.

One rule, being enforced with rigor, is - Never read Ichabod, quote Ichabod, or cite Ichabod. The leaders can break that rule because they enforce that rule. Therefore, when someone complains to me about something on the blog, I tell them, "You should not be reading it in the first place!"

Believe it or not, SP Mark Schroeder has time to contact anyone who breaks this No Ichabod rule. What was going on at The Love Shack during his Investigative Judgment? Answer - one pastor was running off with $300,000 in synodical offerings. Another was committing heinous felonies against children. Church and Change was growing Exponentially, with the help of rewards and promotions from SP Schroeder.

Party in the MLC? Helpless. Plagiarism of Groeschel? Helpless. WELS GLBTQ and Allies on Facebook? Helpless.

The real question is - What do I believe? Where do I put my trust?

The corollary is plain. Am I afraid of God or man?

Or - what do I leave behind?

Luther and his co-workers left behind a enormous body of work, defending and articulating God's Word. When I quote Luther, synodocats hiss and howl. Melanchthon, Chemnitz, and Gerhard are unknowns to them.

Faith receives what God freely offers. The opposite is a rejection of what God teaches and offers. To stay in favor with the synodical popes, one must constantly deny and reject the Word of God, share in the deception, and rake in the monetary benefits. The synodocats want pastors and congregations dependent on them. But they also toss out the useful idiots who serve them night and day.

The synods, congregations, and political groups ( like Church and Change) are far too generous in publicizing their crafts and assaults. "By their fruits ye shall know them."

Roman Catholic Archbishop R. Weakland embezzled from his church
to pay blackmail to his male love.
No wonder Wisconsin Lutheran College featured and publicized him as their speaker.

Their published dogma is either copied from the Enthusiasts of Fuller or the Enthusiasts of Rome. The gushing references to the Roman Catholic Church are accompanied by their public appearances and speeches at Lutheran institutions.

Instead of repentance, the synods respond about their Fuller and Roman apostasy with denial, then self-justification.

Neuhaus criticized me in one of his publications, for  my remarks
about his lunch with His Holiness, the Antichrist.

Father Richard John Neuhaus was an Evangelical Catholic until he became Catholic, then a priest honored by the Antichrist, then dead.

Although I am healthier than the legal defense funds of most synods, I have a lot more history than future. I simply want people to study the Confessions, Luther, Chemnitz, and their own histories. The foundation is Biblical studies.

As Warren Malach wrote earlier, it is not Christian doctrine unless taught clearly in the Scriptures. I would rather retire in a hut than earn a princely salary--with benefits--for teaching error and defending corruption.

Some indications of unbelief caused by UOJ are:

  1. Pastors do not visit their own sick and shut-ins, but that is no obstacle for a call or a position on the Synodical Conference.
  2. Evangelism is all talk, acting busy or conjuring visions.
  3. Valid, thoughtful criticism is rebuked with slander, such as WELS calling Corky K. "brain-damaged" because he criticized Church Growth. He was dying in the hospital when they said that.
  4. Pastors do not write their own sermons or meditations, but that is defended by the leaders by "many are doing the same thing."
  5. The only discipline is persecution of faithful pastors and laity.
  6. The adulterous, corrupt, and incorrigibles are rewarded and promoted.
  7. Congregations and denominations are admired for wealth and size, not for fidelity to the Word.
  8. Catechism is short-changed, because pastors are too lazy to teach it.
  9. Schools are replaced with state-licensed day-care businesses, so congregations subsidize an extra job for the pastor's wife and her friends instead of offering the Word of God to its children.
  10. ELCA is the secret partner, through Thrivent, calling all the shots for each joint religious project. Shh, do not tell or you will not be invited to the next gathering at a luxury spa.


The Holy Spirit is absent in UOJ, too.
See below.

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Why Do the Synodical Conference Sects Wage War Aga...":

Ichabod - Nice article!

You correctly say:

"Faith is constantly taught in the Bible, because the term means trust - not virtue or making a decision. The object of this trust is the Word of God, because the Holy Spirit conveys Christ to us in the Word........Since the prevailing theme of the SynConference is not faith, it must be fear. As Luther taught, fear is the opposite of faith.

I find:

The universal objective justification enthusiasts misunderstand, and / or totally gloss over this (what you say). Their fear and apparent paranoia of faith being a work, precludes [blinds] them from correctly understanding genuine faith. Hence, their (ungodly) fear; and they are driven further to molest the work of the Holy Spirit (who creates, maintains and completes personal faith in the individual soul).

These UOJ fanatics are blind to their preoccupation and over emphasis of Christ's Atonement work, at the expense of the work of the Holy Spirit; personal faith and belief. A good example of this is LCMS professor Dr. David Scaer's book, "Christology." In his last chapter, "The Ascension and Second Coming of Christ," Universalist, Scaer, mentions nothing of the Holy Spirit and His work - totally dissing the 3rd Person of the Trinity! Unbelievable! Yet, quite predictable! What a shame! What a perversion of ignoring what the Lord has lain out in Scripture! To totally dismiss what happens between Christ's Ascension and His Second Coming denies a major portion of the Gospel! Does Dr. Scaer have the ungodly practice as Thomas Jefferson, blacking out portions of Scripture with which he disagrees? Did Professor Scaer rip out the Gospel of John's Scripture, chapters of 14, 15 and 16?

But, returning to a major theme in your article, - that being the fear factor, exhibited by the universalism enthusiasts:

The Scripture says in the 2nd Epistle of Timothy, that God does not grant a spirit of fear but of a sound mind. When is the last time you ever had an intelligent conversation with a Universalist?

2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:13 - Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.

2 Timothy 3:8 - Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.

Nathan M. Bickel

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Why Is SP Schroeder Contacting Nathan Bickel - When WELS Has a GLTBQ Discussion Board on Facebook?

Here are the two posts related to the letter:

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "SP Schroeder to Pastor Nathan Bickel":

Well said Rev. Bickel.

Intimidation is a hallmark of those who are not led by the Holy Ghost.

SP Schroeder remembers standing at the end of the hallway during the 2012 Emmaus conference while everyone was out to lunch, fiddling with his phone and staring at me while I stood behind my Justification by Faith table patiently waiting for the participants to return. Soon after their return they sent a pastor to tell me to stop talking to the attendees.

I find it interesting that the current WELS SP would urged you to call him so that if you would critically speak anymore in public, that you would have some "factual information." - all while denying you that same factual information by refusing to write a concise email with clear specifics about his concerns.

Very similar to DP hireling Pastor Jon Buchholz who in his 2005 UOJ Convention essay stated that heresy was departing from Scripture and then immediately admitting to departing from Scripture in his trifecta defense of the false gospel of UOJ which drives and energizes the rampant apostacy in the Lutheran [self sic] Synods.

Concordist and faithful servant to Scripture, Aegidius Hunnius, was hired specifically to renounce Calvanism and subsequent false teachings and who thoroughly, clearly and without reservation condemned Samuel Huber's UOJ which is exactly the same as the false gospel of UOJ that Schroeder and Buchholz violently force the laity to gorge upon by condemning and withholding Christ's pure Gospel and chief article of Christian doctrine - One Justification solely by Faith Alone.


Certainly their condemnation is deserved and the result is for them to see the Synod they were given to lead crumble into abject apostasy as it continues to finance Thrivents abortion practices, the New Age Religion and all manner of occult doctrines.


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Why Is SP Schroeder Contacting Nathan Bickel When ...":

Brett Meyer -

Thank you for your personal witnessed account. I don't doubt in the least how there was an attempted intimidation as you seem to describe. I have no time or tolerance for that type of intimidation [either]. You well said:

>>>>>>>> I find it interesting that the current WELS SP would urged you to call him so that if you would critically speak anymore in public, that you would have some "factual information," - all while denying you that same factual information by refusing to write a concise email with clear specifics about his concerns. <<<<<<<<<<

That stated goal of "factual information," raised red flags with me. It smacked of the Edgar Allen Poe's "The Black Cat," over-kill overture. If someone is so intent to deliver me the [supposed] Gospel truth, then why wouldn't that somebody be willing to specifically point out where I supposedly have gotten it wrong? It was all obviously an attempted intimidation ploy. That's what church hierarchy does best when it desires to cruise right over the real issues and ignore them.

The reality is - and, I indicated it in my open letter; Rev. SP Schroeder has some big fish to fry. Those "big fish" are the rampant preaching, teaching and practice of the false doctrine of universal objective justification that is promulgated widespread in the Christian world - and, in his small corner of it, - WELS. To continue to deny that and allow the preaching of synod's pastors to molest the Scripture's teaching of the Atonement, making it out to be an end all, and scratching [out] the Holy Spirit's role in the process, of creating individual faith and cultivating that faith to the soul's end, - that, all, is deplorable. There is simply no excuse to deny what is going on. Ichabod has been pounding this UOJ issue. And, WELS leaders and SP Schroeder can't see it? Are their minds living in some distant alien planets?

Finally, it would be refreshing to witness more WELS members rise up and object to this universalism false teaching. It is a contaminating force. It needs to be met head-on. Thank the good Lord for Ichabod! May God have mercy as Lord only knows how many WELS members are negatively affected and are led to believe that their faith does not matter - but, only what mother synod proclaims through its universalism pastors!

Nathan M. Bickel 

Jack Schaap « Half a bridge.
Continuing the Tainted Work of His Father-in-Law Jack Hyles

Jack Schaap « Half a bridge:

"Before I proceed let me note the following:

Schaap is Jack Hyles’s son-in-law; Hyles died in 2001 and was survived by sons who were or had been pastors.

Similar but not identical charges had been made against Hyles by Voyle Glover; his is the book Kiesling refers to in the linked article.

Hyles and his sons had been accused of adultery and of having third parties procure and support women for them. It was not clear to me when I last looked at the details that these charges could be substantiated; at one point there were links to them from the Wikipedia entry on Hyles, but that has since been cleaned up to reflect a more neutral editorial voice."

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Statement on Jack Schaap and the King James Bible Issue

Regular application of Buch's Bees ointment
will cure chapped hides
and allow the Emergent Church and the NNIV to  seem inspired.

Statement on Jack Schaap and the King James Bible Issue:

Click here for THE TRUTH on the King James Bible issue

The Changing Ministry of Jack Schaap ~ 

When a man messes with The Book, God messes with his mind.

In this video, Jack Schaap promotes and praises a rap and dancing "Emerging Church" during Pastors' School 2010: 

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GJ - If you look at the way the Shrinkers took over the Fundamentalist congregations, through craft and stealth and shameless lying, the parallels to the SynConference will be obvious. The tactics are the same because they were taught at the same Synagogue of Satan - Fuller Seminary.

Jack Schaap’s Fall and the Future of the IFB Movement :: Fundamentally Reformed

Jack Schaap’s Fall and the Future of the IFB Movement :: Fundamentally Reformed:

Jack Schaap’s Fall and the Future of the IFB Movement

Another Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) leader is dismissed amid a national scandal. First Baptist Church of Hammond Indiana, which boasts the world’s largest Sunday School and membership of 15,000, issued the following press release yesterday:
At this time, we deeply regret the need to announce that First Baptist Church has dismissed our pastor, Dr. Jack Schaap, due to a sin that has caused him to forfeit his right to be our pastor. First Baptist Church is in full cooperation with our local authorities in their investigation of this matter. Our church grieves over the need to take this action and the impact it will have on our people.
We ask that everyone pray for the families involved and pray that the situation will be handled in a Christ honoring manner. We look forward to the days ahead as we continue to service the needs of our surrounding community and the Chicago area.
For any media-related questions, please contact First Baptist Church spokesman, Eddie Wilson at (219) 945-6475.
What has come out in various media reports so far is that Schaap had an affair with a sixteen year old girl. The deacons of the church found out, and reported the matter to the authorities. While the church thinks nothing criminal has happened, the police are investigating a crime. The age of consent in Illinois is 18 and some of the dalliances allegedly happened in Illinois and Michigan. Additional details have been shared on Facebook and, alleging that a picture of Schaap in a compromising situation with this girl was found on his cell phone which a deacon had found lying around somewhere. And this sonds correct since the church moved so swiftly in this case. In any case, the police have also brought in the FBI and the story is attracting a large media presence. More details will eventually emerge, I’m sure.
Some are saying “I told you so.” See the comments here on Sharper Iron. I do think we should pray for First Baptist and for Schaap’s wife, Cindy, especially. Schaap was known for his edgy statements about sex and intimacy and how this describes the union we have with Christ (see here and here). Maybe we should have expected that this day would come.
But the lessons to be learned from Schaap’s fall are wider than his own issues. Schaap was “king on the mountain” in his arena in fundamentalism. Even though he didn’t share the singular adulation that his father-in-law, Jack Hyles, did from a large segment of independent fundamental Baptists, he nevertheless controlled his church and ministry with a similar sense of bravado and hubris. And this is one of the biggest problems I have with many IFBs. Authoritarianism. Pastors living as “the Untouchables” among the peons of their church. The Holy “Man of Gawd” mentality, that we cannot “touch the Lord’s Annointed.” All of this sets up these men for big falls. At least when Schaap fell, he didn’t hand out “100% for Jack” buttons like his father-in-law did.
We have seen high profile scandals emerge lately from all across the IFB movement (and some have been keeping count). I suppose it is fair to point out that the Roman Catholics and even the Southern Baptists (as fundamentalist leader Bob Gray points out) have had their share of molestation cases. But as it is with the Catholics, in the IFB movement, there is a level of authoritarianism built into the very structure of the movement. And openness and accountability do not pervade the structures of the movement.
Over the years, I’ve covered several of the scandals here: ABC News 20/20 report on Chuck Phelps and CNN’s report on Fairhaven and Hephzibah House, are the newest and most high profile cases. But when an evangelist that I knew during my time in a IFB college (Rodney Stewart) fell, I had some specific thoughts about why pastor’s fall. Those thoughts are worth reading again. We all do need to take care lest we ourselves fall.
But to conclude this post, if the IFB movement is to have any future worth mentioning, they are going to have to move toward an elder-rule, accountability-focused leadership style. May Jack Schaap’s fall encourage more IFB churches to change. And I hope that for the first time in nearly 50 years, First Baptist of Hammond doesn’t host a national pastor’s school. Instead may they seek God’s Word for counsel and meditate on how they can protect their church from this kind of scandal and all the harm it does to everyone in the congregation.
CLARIFICATION: I mean “mutual-leadership by a plurality of elders rather than only a “elder-rule” leadership. I believe elders can operate effectively in a congregational style church (such as was the norm with historic Baptists in America), and that there can even be a “first among equals”. My main point is that too many IFB churches have an “untouchable” pastor who is “the Lord’s Anointed”, and he stands above the fray and above any kind of meaningful accountability.

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