Saturday, September 22, 2012

Jack Schaap of First Baptist Hammond Facing 10 Years in Prison for Teen Affair

Pastor Jack Schaap formerly of First Baptist Church of Hammond, IN during this undated file photo.
He was obscene in the pulpit, but his gutless hirelings did nothing.
In WELS-ELS he would be a hymnal editor
and stay in the parish.
Jack Schaap of First Baptist Hammond Facing 10 Years in Prison for Teen Affair:

"I have agreed, as set forth in a separate filing with the Court, to wave my right to Indictment by a federal Grand Jury with respect to the charge of transporting a minor with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity and to plead guilty to that charge," reads Schaap's plea agreement in court documents obtained by The Christian Post.

The court document also states that the expected sentence for such a crime could be up to 120 months, or 10 years incarceration.

Schaap, who was removed from his position at the end of July, admitted to committing adultery with the girl, now 17 and a church member. First Baptist Church of Hammond relieved the pastor of his duties last month after a deacon apparently found a text message on his cell phone that showed the pastor and the girl kissing.

'via Blog this'

Just As I Warned - Wendland Promotes UOJ under the Guise of Justification by Faith

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "To Rob People of the False Comfort of a False Gosp...":

(W)ELS continues it's war against Christ and the Central and Chief doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone with NIV2011 champion and Seminary president Paul Wendland's 6 part video series on the anti-Christian doctrine of Universal Justification.

Notice how they no longer teach Justification by Faith Alone - it is now Justificaiton by Grace Alone (through faith). Another alergic reaction to the Holy Ghost's faith which Christ is the Author and Finisher of.{8CB46E7A-0B83-43C2-A200-F4B78D2F43F6}


From New NIV Paul Wendland:

2. Study Romans 3:21-31 The Heart of the Gospel:Justification by Grace Alone Through Faith
Three analogies Law court Slave market O.T. Sacrifice on Day of Atonement
Justification=justified status; the status of one who has been declared ‘not guilty’
God’s motive: grace alone!
A universal justification = unconditional gospel [Barth, Scheiermacher, Universalists and ELCA agree!]
Redemption: set free from slavery by the payment of a ransom
A located grace: in Christ alone!
An atoning sacrifice….in his blood!
God’s wrath…Jesus our substitute…blood sacrifice = the gospel Paul preaches
Faith…not works = Faith alone
This teaching upholds the law because…
i. No one takes the rigor of God’s demand more seriously than Paul
ii. The law exposes sin


GJ - Just as I suspected, Wendland uses justification by faith to slither into justification without faith. He is panting for the New NIV because Murdoch's latest money-maker gives him the extra "all" he so desparately needs

All the UOJ troops will say, "See - The Sausage Factory president says so; therefore, it must be true. It is established doctrine. Holy Mother WELS is never wrong. If you say you were NOT born forgiven, you will never be forgiven. We will excommunicate and shun you - for the joy that is ours in Christ."

ELCA and all the mainline denominations say justification by grace because they abhor faith. WELS and its UOJ allies take this another step by deriding and denouncing faith.

To Rob People of the False Comfort of a False Gospel

The arguments for Universal Objective Justification are shallow and contradictory, but they need to be outlined for those who have to listen to them. Lutherans should know that the SynConference leaders are united against justification by faith alone, but the pastors are not convinced. One estimate is that 40% of the LCMS and 20% of the WELS ministers still teach Biblical doctrine rather than Halle Pietism.

Misuse of the Scriptures
Simply quoting the Bible is not adequate to support dogma. UOJ advocates are like children using that arcade machine where they spot a toy they want and use a claw to drop it down the chute. Most of the time they drop the toy because their grip on it is weak.

  • The Word of God is not the primary authority for UOJ. Like Mormons, they wave it around bit but really have other norms. Holy Mother Synod is their ruling norm - just like Rome.
  • They simply use part of a sentence (Romans 4:25) instead of Romans 4:1 - 5:2, which destroys their entire argument.
  • They ignore the plain meaning of the Word and act as if only a special elite group philosophers can explain their dogma.
  • They are blind to all the contradictions they create as they exhibit their prolixity without offering any clarity. If the whole world is absolved of sin on Good Friday, why is it absolved again on Easter? By arguing for both days, they display an obstinate ignorance of the truth.

Misuse of Authorities
Second to the Scriptures should be the Book of Concord, which is the Book of Harmony, not another claw machine for childish minds. The Book of Concord is great because it deals with all the basic doctrinal issues with a unified, coherent, and harmonious understanding of the Word. The Formula of Concord is just as compelling on justification by faith as the Augsburg Confession and Apology are. Both assume and quote the insights of Luther and commend the Galatians Commentary as additional explanation for those who need it.

  • UOJ Enthusiasts overlook the obvious fact of their Enthusiasm, clearly defined in the Smalcald Articles. They separate the Holy Spirit from the Word, arguing that the entire world is forgiven and saved without the Word, assuming grace without the Means of Grace.
  • The UOJ Hive has four areas where they could concentrate, but those areas are toxic to their dogma, so they are silent on the eloquent sections of the Augsburg Confession and Apology, the Large Catechism, the Smalcald Articles, and the Formula of Concord. The Book of Concord commends Luther's Galatians Commentary for study, so they studiously ignore that masterpiece on justification.
  • The Formula of Concord, as the last of the doctrinal confessions, makes it clear that the only true righteousness is the righteousness of faith, but the Hive pretends that was never written down or believed.

False Authorities
When people argue a case, they give their agenda away with the authorities they consider definitive. The footnotes and references are more revealing than their dishonest claims about Biblical inerrancy and Confessional subscription.

  • When angry, which is most of the time, Holy Mother Synod is the final authority for UOJ Stormtroopers. Their dogma is true because their sect says so. To question Holy Mother Synod is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.
  • Walther and his circle can  be quoted, venerated, and enshrined without hesitation, but better Lutheran writers are by-passed for failing to teach the favorite, the only article of unfaith - universal salvation.
  • Robert Preus is an authority on the topic in the 1980s, which he was promoting UOJ and Church Growth, but not in his final book, Justification and Rome, when he was leery of Romanism, false forgiveness, and Fullerism. In effect, he excommunicated himself as an authority on justification.
  • Poorly educated hatchet-men like Paul McCain, Jay Webber, Tim Glende, Rolf Preus, and Jack Cascione create their own bromance and work together because UOJ gives them a unity and purpose.

All Analogies Limp
An analogy is a rhetorical device, to make a point clearer with a comparison. But there is a difference between a Biblical analogy and man-made one. The UOJ tribe repeats their favorite analogies as if they are citing the revelation of God. An ancient saying in the Church is good - "All analogies limp." No man-made analogy can be used to set aside the clear teaching of the Word of God, the witness of the Confessions.

  • "Objective Justification and Subjective Justification are two sides of the same coin." This is a contradiction, because justification is one - justification by faith. But these ignorant professors want to teach people that  the real Gospel is justification without faith and then rescue it by saying it is the other (better) part of justification through faith.
  • "I like Luther's analogy about inheriting an estate. Forgiveness is ours even if we do not know about it or accept it." One should not play with guns or analogies. The estate analogy works well for the atoning sacrifice of Christ, but these blind guides merge Christ's payment with justification by faith. The misuse of Luther's comparison leads people to thinking they are born forgiven, which contradicts original sin and calls infant baptism into question. A question arises - why do they love, love, love the estate analogy (not in the Book of Concord) but ignore the Augsburg Confession, the Apology, and the Formula of Concord?
Awful! No wonder his son is a Church and Changer
and another UOJ Stormtrooper.

False Claims about UOJ
The Enthusiasts have a number of false claims about UOJ and against justification by faith. These responses are as predictable as the memorized speeches of government tour guides at national monuments. Press the button out it comes, even when not pressing the button.

  • "UOJ protects the Gospel." Unfortunately, Hoeecke wrote this in the Dogmatics, but that does not rescue the motto from the dustbin. God's Word stands on its own and needs no protection. The Word is a shield and weapon against heresy, so no extra-biblical notions can or will protect something that belongs to God alone.
  • "Justification by faith is Calvinism." No one could study Calvin and say something so ridiculous. Calvin separated the Holy Spirit from the Word, just as Zwingli did. Calvin was the original crypto-Calvinist, subscribing to the Augsburg Confession without meaning it.
  • "Justification by faith is synergism." Since synergism is cooperation with God in salvation, that hardly reflects well on the speaker who seems to be calling Luther a synergist.
  • "Your faith is in faith." That is so Scaer-y. Biblical faith is faith in Christ. Luther's exegesis of John 16:8ff makes it clear that unbelief is the foundation of all sin, not of world absolution.
  • "Luther taught Objective Justification." The Reformer only taught justification by faith, the only justification in the Scriptures, the Book of Concord, Luther, Melanchthon, Chytraeus, Chemnitz, Gerhard, and others - except for Samuel Huber, who taught UOJ (and was repudiated and expelled for it).
  • "Objective Justification is at the heart of the Reformation." I would love to see some scholarly support for that unwarranted assertion. Robert Preus wrote that in an old essay that was a mix of UOJ and justification by faith, using quotations he later repeated in Justification and Rome.
  • "Objective Justification is the Chief Article of the Faith." The humor of this claim, from Church Growther Wayne Mueller is just too choice to go unremarked. He argued that the Confessions encouraged people to change doctrine later, so the First VP of WELS, a former seminary professor, used a bizarre statement about the Confessions to teach against the Confessions, the Chief Article of the Christian Faith is now world absolution without faith.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Hereof it followeth that the blessing and faith of Abraham is the same that ours is; that Abraham’s Christ is our Christ; that died as well for the sins of Abraham, as for us.

Hereof it followeth that the blessing and faith of Abraham is the same that ours is; that Abraham’s Christ is our Christ; that died as well for the sins of Abraham, as for us. “Abraham saw My day and was glad.” (St. John 8:56) Therefore all found one and the same thing.

Martin Luther, Kregel, Galatians 3:8, p. 139.

KJV John 8:52 Then said the Jews unto him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death. 53 Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead? and the prophets are dead: whom makest thou thyself?

54 Jesus answered, If I honour Myself, My honour is nothing: it is My Father that honoureth Me; of whom ye say, that He is your God: 55 Yet ye have not known Him; but I know Him: and if I should say, I know Him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I know Him, and keep His saying.

56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day: and he saw it, and was glad.

57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?

58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM.

KJV Exodus 3:1 Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb. 2 And the Angel of the LORD [GJ - pre-Incarnation Son of God] appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. 3 And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.

4 And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I. 5 And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground. 6 Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.

7 And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows; 8 And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites. 9 Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them. 10 Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.

11 And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt? 12 And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain.

13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?

14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

15 And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.


GJ - Notice that the Angel of the Lord is God, identifying Himself as I AM. The orthodox Lutherans saw the Burning Bush as representing the Two Natures of Christ, since the bush had two natures, seen together, yet one was distinct from the other, neither mixed nor blended together, but unified as the Two Natures are.

Jesus' response to the opponents is unique to His position as the eternal Son of God. Only God could say, "Before Abraham was, I AM." The I AM is not self-identification so much as it is the Name of God, from the Burning Bush.

So there is one Savior, one justification (by faith), one righteousness in the Old and New Testaments - the righteousness of faith.

Coming Soon - The Abraham Graphics from Galatians

I am working my way through Luther's Galatians Commentary for the adult class I am teaching.

I will soon place all the Galatians Abraham statements in one post, for good reason. One of the main arguments promoting UOJ is Romans 4:25, by omitting Romans 4:24, and by ignoring Romans 4 altogether. The Enthusiasts act as if part of one sentence, misinterpreted, can stand as the linchpin of their dogma.

But, say the opponents, what does Romans 4 have to do with Galatians?

Answer - The Bible is God's revelation of one unified truth, without error or contradiction. What the Holy Spirit teaches in Galatians is no different from the divinely inspired words of Romans. One way to test exegesis is to match up meanings in parallel passages.

No one is free to adopt a peculiar reading--contradicting the Word of God--even if it is several decades old and endorsed by one's blood relatives.

No entity and no author can establish dogma. That attitude is pure papalism - that a seminary professor or District President can establish doctrine from the shrine of his heart.

Romans 4:25 is connected with 1 Timothy 3:15 to advocate the universal absolution and salvation of mankind, through the exegesis of Rambach, the Halle Pietist and hymn writer. Jay Webber and his catechumen, Jon Buchholz, favor the Rambach spin, which contradicts what Martin Chemnitz wrote about 1 Timothy 3:15.

The Brief Statement of 1932, which was the beginning of the end for the LCMS, cites Romans 4:25 in its promulgation of Objective Justification.

If the Romans 4:25 is fully exposed, the entire SynConference fraud is also revealed as a smoke-filled hall of mirrors. Walther grabbed the Zinzendorf-Pietist cult from Bishop Stephan and made himself the new Pope of Perryville.

Not everyone followed the RePietisten* Movement of Walther. The newly arriving German immigrants, who found a denomination waiting for them, were conversant in Luther's German - and not so prone to fall for UOJ. Gausewitz and many others managed to produce catechisms without UOJ mentioned or taught.

The current attitude about UOJ (Rolf Preus, Jay Webber, Paul McCain, John Moldstad, Jack Cascione, WELS Conference of Popes)-- to pursue, silence or hunt down justification by faith ministers--would never have worked in earlier days, because most people knew that they were justified by faith alone.

Facing the false and Satanic approach to Romans 4 would mean accepting the bad leadership of CFW Walther and the obstinate apostasy of the WELS, ELS, and LCMS.

Here is a little test of their precious UOJ, which they think is the primary sign of the purity and orthodoxy of the SynConference - to wit:

They need one more "all" in Romans 3 to make their case that all have sinned and "all" are justified. Naturally, the Greek text does not have that second "all" because the Scriptures do not teach Universalism or UOJ or demi-semi-crypto-Unniversalism. So who provides that precious "all," the one word they need for their dogma? 

The New NIV does - in Romans 3. But is the New NIV the product of WELS and Missouri? No. It is the product of the ecumenical, mainline feminist denominations.They all worked together to produce the New NIV, a bobble so bad the Southern Babtists do not want its demonic cover to show up in the bobble department of their stores.

WELS woke up, floating on a mattress on a sea of UOJ iniquity...And. They. Were. Thirsty!

*The Walther approach is called Repristination, as if he brought Luther to American Lutherans. Har-dee-har-har. Walther never taught justification by faith and had to be Top Dog in everything, as the self-appointed supervisor of all Lutherans. I prefer my own term - RePietisten - because the Pietisten (The Pietist) was the favored magazine of the Augustana Swedish Lutherans. The Swedes were honest about their amalgamation of orthodoxy and Pietism. Walther was not, and admitted that maybe Stephan had some Pietistic leanings. And Benedict has some Catholic leanings, I noticed.

PS - the final blue sentence is a riff on a famous Voss sermon.

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