Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Now - A Word from a Pariah Who Trusted in the Efficacy of the Word in Consecrating the Elements of Holy Communion.
All the SynCons Know that the Hand Effects the Real Presence

The Word of God consecrates? How could that be?

John Gore has left a new comment on your post "WELS - Your Diaprax Is Showing. Translation Evalua...":

I graduated from the WELS Sem in 1985, just as Church Growth was taking over. This--and the loss of whatever deep thinkers the Synod had in the next decade or so--has completely debilitated the WELS at the top levels. I can't say much about the rank and file since none of them converse with me any longer (I was kicked out in 1997 and so am a pariah) but I'm sure there are still good men there who suffer at such news as this. 

I don't know what the solution is. Joining the ELS is more of the same, and the LCMS has its own problems to deal with. We are in the last days and there is a most definite dark age approaching, where ignorance and superstition will reign, as it did in the Middle Ages, and for the same reasons as well, the rejection of God's truth for human teachings. God be merciful to us sinners.


GJ - I knew John Gore before he was expelled from WELS for teaching what the Book of Concord confesses - the Real Presence.

The SynCons fell into this odd dogma of the elements remaining bread and wine until they were received by the communicant, making the bodies of communicants efficacious in consecration. And that dogma necesarily denied the efficacy of the Word. That was bad enough, but consecration by the Word became anathema to the SynCons, a sin worthy of excommunication.

The Pietism of WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect on the Prairie led to Receptionism (which Gore opposed), Church Growth (which I opposed), and UOJ (which the Kokomo families and Pastor Paul Rydecki opposed).

The common denominator is lack of trust in the Word of God, separating the work of the Holy Spirit from the Word. The neo-Enthusiasts are hailed as the great leaders of the SynCons today.

Even the peacock is speechless.

Rutschow expelled the Mother Church of the Synodical Conference from WELS - how appropriate.
Meanwhile, Mark and Avoid Jeske straddles the synods as their medial spokes-idiot.