Sunday, June 23, 2013

Luther's Quotation on This World's Wisdom versus the Gospel.
Guess Which One Is Synodical?

The KJV text: Psalm 4:2  How long will ye love vanity, and seek after leasing?

NKJ Psalm 4:2 How long, O you sons of men, Will you turn my glory to shame? How long will you love
worthlessness And seek falsehood.

"Hence, nothing more pestilential and destructive can be taught a Christian than moral philosophy and the decrees of men, if they be so set before him as to make him believe that he can walk in and by them so as to please God.  For by such instruction it will come to pass that, relying on this wisdom, he will judge, condemn, and persecute whatever he sees is against him, and will thereby reject the cross of Christ and utterly despise the way of God, which is in its best and most propitious state when we are following, as through a desert and wilderness, Christ in a pillar of fire.


"If the affections and thoughts of men are without faith in God, they are without the Word of God; if they are without the Word of God, they are without truth.  Thus all things which are without faith are vanities and lies; for faith is truth by the Word of truth in which it believes and to which it cleaves by believing."

The Sander collection of devotions based on the texts of Luther's work, for June 15.