Friday, October 25, 2013

"God Made Me Teach the Voters' Assembly Essential for the Means of Grace and the Call"

God should warn him about logical fallacies
and Lutheran doctrine,
because Cascione knows neither one.

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Pastor Cascione (Cardinal)
Intermediate Member
Username: Cardinal

Post Number: 405
Registered: 11-2004
Posted on Friday, October 25, 2013 - 10:36 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Reply to Rev. Boisclair

Thank you for the kind words. I’m not very good with compliments and have become accustomed to criticism. We all attempt to pursue what we believe to be correct. I think the creeds, objective justification, and voter polity are worthwhile pursuits. The fear of divine retribution for not speaking out, more than public service, is the primary motivation.

I think you are also aware of my efforts to publish numerically ordered cognates from the Bible in two editions of “In Search of the Biblical Order” over the past 27 years. My research recently led me to the writings of the great rabbinical author, Umberto Cassuto.

He broadened my perspective from repeated cognates throughout the Bible to the legitimacy of repeated word stems and phrases in Genesis and Exodus. A hybrid of his and my approach has led to astonishing results in the Gospels, with more than enough data for another book. The abundance of startling new information, that Kuske says he never seen before, points to Matthew as the first Gospel and template for the others. It has also revealed coordination between the four Gospels that defies comprehension. Either the Gnostics rewrote the Gospels or the Holy Spirit is the single author of all four books. Biblical exegesis is going to change.


GJ - Cascione is starting to sound like Oral Roberts, another Enthusiast. Will God smite him if he does not feign his support for voters? What did Lutherdom do before coming to America?

Cascione is the same kind of dictator that Walther was, so he is truly Waltherian in the most sinister sense of the word.

The joke in the Midwest is - Cascione would let the voters vote, as long as they agreed with him.

Walther let the voters jabber about trivia matters. He decided alone who would go to certain parishes, so the Great Kidnapper was both the calling agency and advisor to the candidate.

The Cardinal's pope sells anti-Luther books,
just to make a profit,
but does not answer emails asking him why.
Otten promoted "The Facts about Luther" for Reformation."
Well-played, Cardinal and Pope.