ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Thursday, October 24, 2013
Joel Lillo Presents a False Picture of UOJ - Typical of UOJ Enthusiasts.
UOJ Advocates Deceive People about Their Dogma
Brett Meyer replied to WELS Fox Valley Pastor Joel Lillo on the Ecclesia Augustana blog -
Joel, you are not presenting the UOJ doctrine completely in your statement. Vague representations such as yours is one reason why many of the Lutheran Synod’s laity believe the false gospel of UOJ is the same as the central doctrine of Scripture, one Justification solely by faith in Christ alone.
Joel states, "and that justification becomes the sinner's own when God brings him to faith through the means of grace."
The doctrine of UOJ teaches that God has justified the unbelieving world, declared the unbelieving world sinless, guiltless, justified and righteous because God removed their sin and placed it on Christ to atone for.
UOJ teaches God's divine verdict of 'justified' is every unbelievers condition in His sight - even if they never have faith.
Scripture teaches that only those who by the grace of God believe in Christ alone are justified. Every unbeliever remains under God’s wrath and condemnation.
UOJ teaches that all people – both believers and unbelievers are at the same time under God’s wrath and condemnation over sin and also under God’s grace and are considered by Him to be forgiven all sin (justified), righteous in Christ and worthy of eternal life.
Scripture teaches that those who, by God’s gracious gift of faith, trust alone in Christ are justified and righteous – having been clothed in Christ’s righteousness by faith and are no longer under His wrath and condemnation. Scripture also teaches that the unbelieving world remain under his wrath and condemnation and will never be in His grace, justified or considered righteous in Christ while they reject the Holy Spirit’s faith in Christ alone.
UOJ's teaching is that faith does nothing but is simply an outstretched hand that receives the benefit of the justification already imputed upon the unbelieving world – that benefit is eternal salvation.
Scripture teaches that the faith of the Holy Spirit is Christ’s righteousness, worked graciously by the Holy Spirit solely through the Means of Grace, by which a person clings to Christ alone, is regenerated – dies to sin and is raised to live under God’s grace, becomes spiritually minded, is adopted as God’s child, receiving the inheritance that Christ has appropriated to all who believe in Him.
UOJ's teaching is that faith can only be created by a declaration that the unbeliever was forgiven all sins, declared righteous and worthy of eternal life when Christ paid for the worlds sins.
Scripture teaches that the Holy Spirit’s faith is created graciously through the Means of Grace working contrition over sin and faith in Christ alone in those He has called to believe.
UOJ teaches the object of faith is the declaration that the individual was forgiven all sin, declared righteous and worthy of eternal life before they ever believed – even if they never believe.
Scripture teaches the object of faith is Christ alone – and Him crucified.
UOJ’s teaching is that men are justified by grace alone. Period. UOJ’s teaching is that men are saved by faith in the prior forgiveness. Period.
Scripture teaches that mean are justified by faith alone so that it might be by grace alone. That men are justified by grace through faith.
UOJ teaches that the forgiveness of sins is not eternal salvation.
Scripture teaches that the forgiveness of sins is eternal salvation.
UOJ teaches that unbelief is not a sin that Christ died and paid for.
Scripture teaches that unbelief is a sin that Christ paid for and that those who God calls to believe through the Means of Grace are forgiven the sin of unbelief which they, along with the whole world, were born guilty of.
GJ -
Compare Luther to a quotation cited favorably by Paul McCain and Jack Cascione:
When will David Scaer apologize for this rant and retract it? Never - because this is the substance of UOJ.
Links to the individual ELDONA Justification by Faith Posts.
ELDONA Justification by Faith Theses,