Saturday, October 26, 2013

ELDONA Justification by Faith Theses, #16-19: The Role of Halle University, Rationalism, Pietism, Knapp, and Woods

The Calvinist superstar Leonard Woods
gave America the Objective Justification/
Subjective Justification language in English,
when he translated Knapp's Halle lectures.

Without dispute, Knapp's Halle lectures were dominant in German
and English, before the LCMS was established.
They were almost canonical in 19th century American Protestantism,
which was taking a turn toward evolution and Biblical errancy.

Thesis 16
Again, the language of “Objective Justification”—not just the term itself, now, but the statement of the
formula in its various aspects, is troubling in several ways, as shall be discussed in the next several theses,
along with the terminology. The language with which we present an article of doctrine must accurately
and carefully exhibit what is in God’s Word; the language must not (inasmuch as it lies within us
in our speaking) mislead the hearer into thinking that he will find a direct statement in Scripture when
one does not exist or that he will find an expression there that it does not, in fact, contain.

Thesis 17
As much as possible, Biblical terms should be used only to express what they mean in the Bible (cf. the
term ‘elder’). Further, we should use Biblical terms and illustrations to express and proclaim scriptural
truth. (While “of one substance with the Father” was, finally, necessary and has been our common terminology for over 1,500 years, the reticence initially to use a non-biblical term was good and right. God
gave His Word to tell us about Himself; as much as possible, we should use what He has given us there.)
Even if a Biblical term has a long history of being misused (e.g., ‘deacon’), that misuse must not be allowed
to continue in our own teaching, as so doing perpetuates the associated errors.

Thesis 18
Thus, asserting the existence of a forensic declaration by God that is not stated in Scripture is to say
what God does not say and to attribute it to Him; if there is no direct statement,22 it is an attempt to delve
into God’s secret counsel (Deus absconditus). To proclaim an action as a forensic declaration, there must
be actual evidence of such a declaration—preferably a direct quote—and not simply a matter of conjecture,
no matter how well-founded we believe that conjecture to be. Especially is this so when such a
concept is first put forth by those who live nearly two millennia after the event and when those who are
ostensibly their fathers in the faith have never made such a declaration concerning the whole world of
sinners. (Cf. the second footnote to Thesis 21.)

Thesis 19
So, also, language such as “there took place a change in the heart of God,” which, unlike language asserting
a new ‘place’ of judgment,23 is an anthropomorphism that denies God’s immutability and/or the
full participation of all the Persons of the Blessed and Holy Trinity in the willing and working of salvation
(opera ad extra trinitatis indivisa sunt). If it was foreordained in the counsel of the Holy Trinity that
God the Son should be sent forth to do the work that He did, there is no ‘change in God’s heart,’ but a
change of the ‘place’ of judgment that is a fulfillment of what He has willed from before the foundation
of the world,24 an avenue through which a righteousness apart from the Law now avails,25 by means of
which God sees the sinner and the sinner sees God differently from the view that comes through Mt. Sinai.

22 The fathers we have cited and will cite were wise enough to see this and to pull back from overreaching, as we see with Luther’s correction on p, 286 of his 1535 lectures on Galatians (AE, vol. 26) to what he said on p. 280 that is wrongly used by some to accuse him of teaching what he did not teach regarding Justification. As St. Paul warns, “learn in us not to think beyond what is written.” (1 Corinthians 4:6, NKJV)
23 The Throne of Grace, which is nothing other than Christ and His merit, which is the fulfillment of the Old Testament Mercy Seat, by which name Christ is both called and referred to in the New Testament. (Cf. Exodus 25:22; Hebrews 9:5 and Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:2, etc.)
24 Cf. Revelation 13:8, which makes it clear that our salvation was already “in God’s heart” before He created the world.
25 Romans 3:21,22; note that v. 22 defines the term from v. 21 and may not be artificially separated from it.

Thus far the theses.


GJ - Objective Justification is not only wrong as an invented word but repugnant as an obnoxious dogma from the rationalistic Pietists.

OJ is not simply found in the Pietistic era, among Lutherans, but used in many other contexts as well. Among the Seventh Day Adventists, objective justification is universal.

Schleiermacher, the pivotal Pietistic theologian, followed by Karl Barth, simply made justification universal. Tillich, as adulterous as Barth and Martin Stephan, sounds very much like Schleiermacher in making justification a feeling of absolute dependence.

Adolph Hoenecke's mentor at Halle, Tholuck, was a loud and proud Universalist.

Halle University, established to promote Pietism, became increasingly rationalistic. Knapp was one of the old-timers, and he denied the Biblical foundation of the Trinity. Schleiermacher and Tholuck came later, and the school was soon thoroughly rationalistic. Halle merged with Wittenberg, so Wittenberg University no longer exists - ironic history for Lutherans and prophetic for America. American Lutherans have been merged into Halle rationalistic Pietism, but they consider themselves the real deal.

I could explore this for many pages, but instead I will offer the benefit of graduate study at Notre Dame. For three years I had the obligation to read as many modern theology books as possible:

  • Schleiermacher
  • Karl Barth
  • Paul Tillich
  • Rahner (Roman Catholic version of Tillich)

I listened to lectures and papers on these men. My favorite part came when a public lecture by famous theologian was interrupted by a blind man saying to me, "What is he saying? I don't understand a word." Like Bartimaeus, he saw what the ND crowd did not. The theologian was talking about God without faith to people without faith. They loved it. We were on the stage, so the theologian heard the angry whispers being voiced. He turned back, troubled at what he heard. It illustrated my time at Notre Dame, because almost all of modern theology is for unbelievers. The only famous exception I can name is Herman Sasse, the Lutheran shunned by Lutherans.

Believe me, all ye who cheer against Notre Dame - the liberals know their theologians and what they teach. They become quite hostile when the fatuous content of Barth or Tillich is challenged. Thus, they are no different from the UOJ Hive, buzzing and stinging anyone who threatens their store of honey.

Therefore, listen up maggots - as I used to say to the Marines studying in Yuma. UOJ is modern theology for unbelievers. UOJ Enthusiasts claim they are not Universalists, but once they have said everyone is forgiven without faith, even before being born, their denials mean nothing. They hang onto the shreds of Biblical language by saying, "You have to believe in this universal pre-birth absolution."

ELDONA is correct in saying that new terms should be avoided - especially when alien words convey new, unbiblical dogma and contribute nothing to the discussion.

False teachers love ambiguities, so the term Objective Justification means the atonement to some, but universal absolution to others. The UOJ artists want people to assume the atonement so they do not have to execute their pas de valse in explaining themselves.

Of course, the intended meaning of OJ has always been universal absolution without faith, so it is dangerous and foolish to make people think one thing when intending the original meaning. In fact, the UOJ Stormtroopers have gone far beyond the language of Knapp to stake their claims on being messengers of pure grace. But grace without the Means of Grace is Enthusiasm.

Links to the individual ELDONA Justification by Faith Posts.

UOJ as a Branding Tool - It Works

The ELDONA Justification by Faith Theses are stirring up the UOJ Stormtroopers. Their hides bristle as they scurry to denounce justification by faith and re-affirm their Enthusiasm.

Some of the players are:

  • Jack Cascione and the Illiterates.
  • Herman Otten, sole Lutheran distributor of  The Facts about Luther.
  • Paul McCain's Roman Catholic Wannabees.
  • Jay Webber.
  • Jack Kilcrease, Convent School Adjunct Teacher and Hall Monitor.

They all love each other now. The high church postulants have bowed to Cascione for being a UOJ warrior, First Class, all along. Cascione salutes Otten for being the most hated Lutheran, even though Luther has that distinction. Otten is simply the most irrelevant quasi-Lutheran.

Kilcrease and David Scaer have a close relationship, based on mutual fakery. Neither one has a credible doctorate, so they boost one another's works, the way Gothic novel authors do.

Each sect pretends that it alone has the truth - each one orthodox, Lutheran, and confessional. But because they only teach works, they have no fruits of the Spirit. Many of the UOJ Stormtroopers loathe each other: Otten and McCain, Cascione and everyone. But UOJ remains the glue that holds them together - a common set of unbeliefs.

Works? - they cry out as if suddenly recognizing Lutheran doctrine. Yes, either one teaches justification by faith or justification by works. Since they abhor faith and teach against faith, they teach justification by works.

The best and most noble work is to remain loyal to Holy Mother Sect. The others are evil, bad false teachers (except for UOJ). Asking about whether WELS and Missouri are really different will yield a savage beating and arctic shunning.

Our brand is the only good one. The rest of them are evil.

LutherQuestors should know by now -
UOJ comes from Halle University, from rationalistic Pietists -
not from Luther or the Concordists.

Results -

WELS trains people to think their sect is infallible, so all others must be avoided, shunned, and hated on - especially the ELS. Meanwhile, the leaders get their training at Fuller, Trinity, and Willow Creek - while working with the United Nations, LCMS, ELCA, and the Salvation Army.

The Little Sect on the Prairie trains people to think they are the only Lutheran sect in America, but communing ELCA family members is a great idea because it reduces conflict. They loathe the Wisconsin Sect while aping all the errors of WELS - especially UOJ.

The Missouri Sect specializes in accusing others of being against the Great Walther. If Stephan's disciple Walther had to testify on TV today, everyone would laugh him out of the country. "You didn't know Stephan was having affairs with young women? Why did he leave his wife behind in Dresden and take his young groupies to America? Rev. Walther - did you rescue Stephan by having your ruffians kidnap Stephan and take him to Illinois at gunpoint, or by stealing his hoard of gold, his library, his 120 acres of land, and all his personal possessions?"

Missouri is honest about working with ELCA - loves it - but sanctimoniously look down on the radical homosexual activism of their favorite partner. However, their stated policy is to destroy all evidence of their pastors molesting children in their congregations. Think of the cost of the lawsuits - God would not be happy with losing the mission to Moldavia!

Friday, October 25, 2013

VP Schone - Who Approved the Gay Video Shown on YouTube and on Many Gay Sites - Gave a Chapel "Sermon" Against the Inherit the Wind Director

Schone's profile is expansive,
his taste in clothes, ghastly.

WELS' ineptly named Martin Luther College is known for taking a lot of money for a poor education, charging it up to federal student loans, and throwing students out for offending their fragile egos. Naturally, when a school knows so little about Lutheran doctrine or higher education, they ignore or praise the worst behavior while punishing those who think independently.

MLC managed to break into the news in Mankato and New Ulm for banning students from having any part in the classic theater work "Inherit the Wind," about the Scopes Monkey Trial, which centered around teaching evolution.

The school tried to deny pressure against students and the student director of the play, but Schone began "counseling" the director once a week.

I know of many instances of students forced out of the school or threatened with expulsion for nothing more than questioning something.

If you want to borrow $80,000 to have your child learn synod-think, by all means make MLC your only choice. But what use is half a degree and a pile of debt, plus a steamed ex-student filling up your rec room with his bed, video games, and Donald McGavran posters?

The Hawaiian guitar motif is so Lawrence Welk.

Change or Die!
Mark Jeske Bought Naming Rights for the Newborn and Pre-School Learning Center at Martin Luther College - WELS

WELS officials, always eager to make an extra dime with the Gospel, agreed to let Mark Jeske name the "Early Childhood Learning Center" - aka the Diaper Changing School.

Jeske reckoned he could start the children early while promoting his ELCA-LCMS-WELS program, also called Change or Die! and funded even more conveniently by Thrivent.

Jeske crowed, "We are beginning to see a seamless transition between birth, endless child-care, and loyal devotion to my media."

As most people realize, Time of Grace is designed for people with no ability to concentrate. It was test-marketed on ferrets and tweakers, who simply stared at Jeske moving from chancel to office to chancel to office, listening without comprehension or edification.

His PR director, Mark Schroeder, cheerfully called it "Valium for the soul."

Hochmuth-proof doors in the restrooms
at Change or Die! Learning Center.

"God Made Me Teach the Voters' Assembly Essential for the Means of Grace and the Call"

God should warn him about logical fallacies
and Lutheran doctrine,
because Cascione knows neither one.

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Pastor Cascione (Cardinal)
Intermediate Member
Username: Cardinal

Post Number: 405
Registered: 11-2004
Posted on Friday, October 25, 2013 - 10:36 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Reply to Rev. Boisclair

Thank you for the kind words. I’m not very good with compliments and have become accustomed to criticism. We all attempt to pursue what we believe to be correct. I think the creeds, objective justification, and voter polity are worthwhile pursuits. The fear of divine retribution for not speaking out, more than public service, is the primary motivation.

I think you are also aware of my efforts to publish numerically ordered cognates from the Bible in two editions of “In Search of the Biblical Order” over the past 27 years. My research recently led me to the writings of the great rabbinical author, Umberto Cassuto.

He broadened my perspective from repeated cognates throughout the Bible to the legitimacy of repeated word stems and phrases in Genesis and Exodus. A hybrid of his and my approach has led to astonishing results in the Gospels, with more than enough data for another book. The abundance of startling new information, that Kuske says he never seen before, points to Matthew as the first Gospel and template for the others. It has also revealed coordination between the four Gospels that defies comprehension. Either the Gnostics rewrote the Gospels or the Holy Spirit is the single author of all four books. Biblical exegesis is going to change.


GJ - Cascione is starting to sound like Oral Roberts, another Enthusiast. Will God smite him if he does not feign his support for voters? What did Lutherdom do before coming to America?

Cascione is the same kind of dictator that Walther was, so he is truly Waltherian in the most sinister sense of the word.

The joke in the Midwest is - Cascione would let the voters vote, as long as they agreed with him.

Walther let the voters jabber about trivia matters. He decided alone who would go to certain parishes, so the Great Kidnapper was both the calling agency and advisor to the candidate.

The Cardinal's pope sells anti-Luther books,
just to make a profit,
but does not answer emails asking him why.
Otten promoted "The Facts about Luther" for Reformation."
Well-played, Cardinal and Pope.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Cascione Gang Lies about Their Own History - Read Your Own Textbook - Zion on the Mississippi

The Great Walther is the prophet of UOJ,
but he learned it from his syphilitic bishop
and agreed with Bishop Stephan
that they they alone had the Means of Grace.

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Rev. David R. Boisclair (Drboisclair)
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Username: Drboisclair

Post Number: 320
Registered: 1-2002
Posted on Thursday, October 24, 2013 - 7:26 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I would second this, and I would also offer prayers for the people who are led astray from the truth as a result of this false doctrine. They have slipped too far to one side, which is a characteristic of heresy, i.e. a truth pressed too far in one direction. In turn, we who confess the biblical doctrine of objective justification must guard against Universalism, which is what the likes of Gregory Jackson accuse us of.
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Pastor Cascione (Cardinal)
Intermediate Member
Username: Cardinal

Post Number: 404
Registered: 11-2004
Posted on Thursday, October 24, 2013 - 12:37 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I appreciate Rev. Boiclair’s comments.

Rydecki, ELDONA, and “Gottesdienst’s” problem with Objective Justification is Sacerdotalism. Martin Stephan, is the theological mentor for these (Hauptgnadenmittel) [head grace mediator] wanna-bees, not Calvin.

No one has forgiveness until the Bishop says they have it!

Their shibboleth is they will not quote any verses that support the formation of the LCMS in 1847.

The only publisher with the guts to speak out on the LCMS justification debacle is the most hated man in Lutheranism, the 80 year-old Herman Otten. [GJ - No, Luther is - as shown by this disgustingly ignorant chat forum.]
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Rick Strickert (Carlvehse)
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Username: Carlvehse

Post Number: 4200
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Posted on Thursday, October 24, 2013 - 2:19 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Their shibboleth is they will not quote any verses that support the formation of the LCMS in 1847.

Hand them a copy of Die Stephan'sche Auswanderung nach Amerika and watch their hands start to burn. 
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Rev. David R. Boisclair (Drboisclair)
Intermediate Member
Username: Drboisclair

Post Number: 322
Registered: 1-2002
Posted on Thursday, October 24, 2013 - 4:04 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I remember in the early years of this marvelous website, i.e. before 2001, that Gregory Jackson posted his own brand of this heresy, and all of us regardless of our differences on other issues unanimously opposed him. I want to commend Rev. Cascione for Reclaim News's clear refutation of this heresy in its latest posting.

In the past I regret to say that I was largely influenced by Loehism, but it was this attack on the biblical doctrine of Objective Justification that opened my eyes to what Rev. Cascione has indicated above. All of us need to celebrate the EASTER ABSOLUTION that Walther proclaimed in his Gospel sermons.

I would like to commend Rev. Cascione for three of his greatest accomplishments in the years of his ministry: 1) his advocacy of the return to the use of the ecumenical creeds in our worship (to counter what was known as "Creative Worship"), 2) his advocacy for the retaining of the name "Lutheran" by the churches of our Confession, and 3) his constant endeavor to maintain Walther's biblical Church polity: voter supremacy. Brother Cascione, thank you. You are a continuing blessing to your church.
