Friday, November 1, 2013

Confirmed - Intrepid Lutherans Closing.

Circuit Pastor Paul Rydecki above
and Circuit Pastor Steve Spencer
led the first and last Intrepid Lutherans conference.
It was a success.
I posted the rumor about the WELS group blog site closing soon. This was confirmed today in highly secretive messages, sent in machine language, from Spencer.

WELS cannot tolerate any open discussion of doctrine and practice that goes against the New Age boosterism of Mark/Avoid Jeske and his crew.

I agree with the premise that nothing can be done in or through WELS. Gurgle and Schroeder were supposed to be the great reformers, and Schroder makes Gurgle look like Martin Luther.

Moreover, there are dozens  of WELS clergy willing to take Schroeder's place and be Jeske's puppet and PR director. I am not blaming the former high school principal for being a typical high school principal. He was chosen for the role because of his lifelong willingness to fit in with the Wisconsin cult and cover up the crimes.

Schroeder's biggest concern has been his thralls leaking to Ichabod, but leakage has expanded during the stygian darkness of his administration. My biggest problem is keeping up.

Keeping people from this blog has been an epic fail. The page-views per day have moved from 1,000 to 3,000 to 6,000 today. The averages vary - the best way to see the effect is to watch pages erased and links broken after I have copied the URL and the page verbatim.

Breaking News - The Orange Blossom Special was deleted from the Bridge (Muskego, WI, WELS) page on Facebook. Nothing has changed - it just proves the Ichabod effect.

Pastor Rydecki seems happy in ELDONA,
the first group to post agreement with the Bible, Luther, and the Book of Concord
on the topic of justification by faith.
I published specifically against UOJand explained justification by faith in
Thy Strong Word.

A Sad Walk Through Lutherdom Today -
Because Mark Schroeder, John Moldstad, and Matt Harrison Are One with ELCA -
Through Thrivent and Mark/Avoid Jeske

Mark/Avoid Jeske is on the board of Thrivent,
so he oversees the funding of ELCA, WELS, and LCMS.
The Little Sect probably gets some leftovers.

(I received this the other day.  It's written by Pastor Tom Brock) - 

Today I walked through my old alma mater, Luther Theological Seminary in St Paul, Mn. It is known as probably the most conservative of the ELCA seminaries [GJ - Like the most conservative member of Obama's team?]. You wouldn’t know it from the number of gay/lesbian bumper stickers in the parking lot. 

Pastrix Nadia Bolz-Weber

Upon entering the main building a sign was up promoting a new book at Luther’s Bookstore, “Pastrix” by ELCA Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber. She was a favorite speaker at the ELCA Youth Assembly and a few months ago spoke at the historic Central Lutheran Church in downtown Minneapolis—using the “f” word in her speech. I flipped through her new book and she repeatedly uses the “f” word, referring to the 12 disciples as a “bunch of “f” ups”. Former ELCA Head Bishop Mark Hanson praises the book on the dustcover. Even more disturbing is that Bolz-Weber in a sermon on Christ the King Sunday denied that Christ died in our place to pay for our sins. To quote:

And just to be clear: The cross is not about God as divine child abuser sadly sending his little boy off to be killed because we were bad and well, somebody had to pay. 

Can someone deny the things of “first importance” as Paul puts it in I Corinthians 15:3, and still be a Christian? Yet she is a favorite speaker at ELCA events. 

This attack on Christ’s substitutionary atonement is also going on at the ELCA’s Wartburg Seminary. Professor of New Testament David Lull wrote this:

" . . .I can’t get past the idea that God had a thirst for innocent blood that had to be quenched, or that God’s justice required a death-penalty for sinners until Jesus’ death satisfied God’s wrath. Even if Bible passages can be made to support these ideas, I can’t get past the idea that God had been unforgiving before Jesus died. That’s not the God I find in the Bible."

“Even if” the Bible teaches it, Professor Lull rejects it. 

So now the day has come that the ELCA allows pastors and professors to deny the central teaching of the Christian faith: that sinless Jesus Christ died in our place to pay for our sins so that we could receive the forgiveness of God. 

Like I said, a very sad day walking through Luther Seminary.

The ELCiC (Canada)
bishop Susan Johnson laid hands on the
new ELCA Presiding Bishop, Liz Eaton.


10/31/2013 04:52
Thank God for steadfast shepherds like Lutheran pastor Tom Brock who, unlike their faithless ELCA counterparts, are faithful to preach and teach God's Word.

Pastor Brock writes on his website [ ]:

". . . On October 20th, I will preach on Minneapolis TV a program entitled “God’s Three-fold Cure for America” (you can watch it on our website at soon). In it I state that in my 60 years of life I have never seen America go downhill so fast as I have this past year. Then I preach on the three-fold cure from 2 Chronicles 7:14:

1. God’s people (the Church!) must humble itself
2. The Church must pray
3. We must turn from wickedness

Then, and only then, does 2 Chronicles promise God will heal our land.

Frankly, I see little at the moment that shows America is turning around. So I urge you: Would you please stop right now and take some time and pray for America? Please pray through the above list and pray that God would somehow step in and bring America (and the Church!) back to our senses. . . .

May the Lord grant us Christians grace in these trying times to be vocal, not compromise, and to follow the Word and not the world, all to the glory of our Heavenly Father."

In Jesus our Savior,
Pastor Tom Brock
Chuck Braun
10/31/2013 07:32
If these liberal theologians and pastors no longer believed Lutheran Biblical Christianity, why couldn't they at least be honest and leave the ELCA for Unitarian Universalism, their true "faith"? Do they not see that the false doctrines they are putting into the minds of the congregations which they serve, are alarming to them and serve only to weaken their faith in the Scriptures which their leaders ostensibly swore to uphold? I guess fancy robes, fat paychecks and promotion of vulgarized apostasy are more important than the flocks which they are leading away from Jesus Christ to their doctrines of demons.

Do these people have no fear of God, Whose Son they will stand before at the Last Day? And having abused "the least of these My brethren", the people with whose souls they were entrusted, with whom will they be counted among? The sheep or the goats? As leaders of the Church, they will be held to a higher degree of accountability. Have these people no fear of eternal punishment?

It is not my position to claim where they will spend eternity, but it is my earnest prayer that they would return to the Lord their God, for He is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. But they are far from God; we need to pray for their repentance.

Quite often I let my righteous anger bleed over into hostility at the ELCA. But as there are still doubtlessly tens of thousands of ELCA members who truly trust Christ as their Savior and believe that He died and rose again for them, we must consider them our brothers and sisters in Christ, "the least of these", and lovingly confront them with the great spiritual peril which these false teachers are putting them in, rather than ridiculing and mocking them, lest we become "goats" ourselves. 
Keith Wilson
10/31/2013 11:39
It is irrelevant why such a profligate group would not go associate with a "church" more in line with their beliefs/unbeliefs. These profligate unbelievers are parasites, feed off of any remaining moral capital that the Lutheran Church still might have. When the carcass is picked dry, they will move on to another body of believers to infest and feed off their heritage.
Gretchen Long
11/01/2013 16:50
I agree!
Jack Richards
11/01/2013 10:51
This, above all else, was the guiding force and drive for me to forsake the denomination that ordained me in 1977. Little could I have guessed that warm June morning that the Christ I promised to follow and proclaim...and "woe to me, if I did not preach it," would move to this cesspool of notions and heresies.
Rev. Jack Richards
Everett, WA

All Saints Day 2013

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    You Do Read Ichabod - 5,500 Views Yesterday - 4,000 at Noon Today

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    Forgetting the Laity - Who Understand the Clarity of the Scriptures

    Duerer - All Saints.

    The Reformation gave worship back to the people, and the entertainment evangelism specialists have taken it away again.

    For centuries the pipe organ supported the liturgy and great hymns, but untalented amateurs with Japanese keyboards have replaced interactive worship with their tinny interpretations, often with songs no one has ever heard before.

    The professionals know what people want, because they attended various schools built by con artists with a flair for marketing. If the laity do not want all these improvements, they are welcome to leave.

    The worship gurus are allergic to worship themselves. Luther made the sermon the central part of the Christian Church again. He preached sermons all his life and even gave up retirement to preach on the Gospel of John.

    Let's review the resumes of the great Church Growth experts:

    • Waldo Werning made himself a Church Growth consultant but avoided serving a parish for decades - few alive today remember the late Waldo as a pastor.
    • Paul McCain, the plagiarizing blogger who soaks up profits from CPH, only served a parish for two plus years, which was a way to pay him a salary for being Al Barry's campaign manager and Otten's back-door guy.
    • Paul Kelm and Larry Olson were failures in the parish, so WELS made each one a dominatrix for pastors who actually earned their keep in worship, preaching, and visitation.
    • Kent Hunter bragged that he quadrupled the size of a parish, a feat so heroic that he left all parish work to make big money telling people how wise and wonderful he was. And the WELS-LCMS listened in awe.
    • Wayne Mueller knew so much about parish ministry that he grabbed three successive jobs in a row to stay away from the parish ministry. 

    Above is merely a partial list of the dolts who did their best to destroy the Lutheran Church, each one showing a definite loathing and disregard for Biblical doctrine and Lutheran practice. Acting so superior to everyone else, they have promoted Fuller, ELCA, and Roman Catholic agendas. Because they have no confession of faith with their precious UOJ, they confess all dogmas, depending on the audience.

    The clergy would do well to listen to the laity, who read the Scriptures and Confessions without the dog notes beside them. They comprehend Biblical doctrine and write about the issues with great clarity, lacking the mind-bleaching labors of David Scaer, David Valleskey, and Larry Olson.

    A layman going over the ELDONA theses on justification by faith could have easily pointed out those sentences that fall harshly on the unwaxed ear. Who signed the Confessions - just the theologians? No - the lay leaders of the realm put their names on the documents, their lives and fortunes on the line.

    The Lutheran clergy -- and their man-made synods and schools -- have failed this generation. They have control of all the structures. At least they think they do. I see hollow men aping Fuller, the Church of Rome, and ELCA - but these empty suits are in charge. They confuse princely salaries and benefits with doing a good job - while mission pastors suffer, drop out, and find themselves driven out.

    Like WELS, they can discuss Biblical translations for years and decide on the NNIV without ever saying yes or no on that one barbarous creation of the Murdoch factory.

    Like Missouri, they can promote and fund the Church Growth Movement (and worse) while denying it.

    Like the Little Sect on the Prairie, they can strut about on Reformation and yell "Three Solas!" without meaning a word of either one. Grace alone? They offer grace to the Hindu, without faith in anything. Scripture alone? - no dog notes alone, synod says alone. Faith alone? - they settled that 150 years ago, but forgot to tell anyone until now.

    I have no contact with this layman. Look at how clearly he writes:

    Vernon Knepprath said...

    A fitting conclusion to your words by focusing on Baptism. From my youth, I was taught by Lutheran pastors and teachers that the gift of Baptism is faith, and through faith, justification and forgiveness. After reading your words, I went back to the Large Catechism to reread the words regarding Baptism. Strong clear words, some of which follow ...

    "so also I can boast that Baptism is no human trifle, but instituted by God Himself, moreover, that it is most solemnly and strictly commanded that we must be baptized or we cannot be saved"

    "Therefore state it most simply thus, that the power, work, profit, fruit, and end of Baptism is this, namely, to save. For no one is baptized in order that he may become a prince, but, as the words declare, that he be saved. But to be saved. we know. is nothing else than to be delivered from sin, death, and the devil, and to enter into the kingdom of Christ, and to live with Him forever. "

    "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. That is, faith alone makes the person worthy to receive profitably the saving, divine water."

    "Thus you see plainly that there is here no work done by us, but a treasure which He gives us, and which faith apprehends; just as the Lord Jesus Christ upon the cross is not a work, but a treasure comprehended in the Word, and offered to us and received by faith."

    I don't see faith being minimized in these words. I don't see faith being referred to with such words as "merely faith", as I have heard from some theologians who advocate universal justification. From these words I see faith as God's gift that is essential to our justification and our salvation.


    Denominations Spend Tons of Money in Court and Staying Out of Court

    SOUTH CAROLINA: TECinSC sues Church Insurance Company for Litigation Funds 
    When all else fails ... sue 


    By Mary Ann Mueller
    VOL Special Correspondent 
    October 29, 2013

    Lawyers are expensive. Contracting attorneys is an expensive proposition and once a legal representative steps foot into a courtroom it becomes an even more costly endeavor. With The Episcopal Church engaging in court battles in so many American courtrooms - Quincy, San Joaquin, Virginia, Fort Worth and now South Carolina - the legal bills are piling up, even sky rocketing.

    According to the most recent September Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society ("The Society") Budgetary Year-to-Date Income Statement, The Episcopal Church has spent $245,286 on legal costs, only $82,207 was budgeted leaving a deficit of $163,079 to be filled. Since the first of the year (2013), "The Society" has spent $1,497,903 in legal fees and court costs leaving a $758,042 shortfall. The report also shows that the entire 2013 annual litigation budget is $986,482 making TEC's on-going legal spending at least $511,421 over budget for the first three quarters of the year, a 152% overage with the final quarter of 2013 yet to come. A budgetary report footnote states that some of the legal funds were for "conflict resolution."

    A total for all litigation costs is about $22 million.

    As a result, it looks as if The Episcopal Church in South Carolina (TECinSC) is trying to be creative in its attempt to generate finances needed to pay its mounting legal bills in its swelling legal skirmishes against The Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina - sue. And who is The Episcopal Church in South Carolina suing? Its own church insurance company: the Church Insurance Company of Vermont, a part of the Church Pension Group.