Farewell in the Lord!
May 8th, 2014 No comments
All good things must come to an end, and so it is with a mixture of sadness and happiness that I end my blog.
I have been blogging since the time when blogging was one of those “cool new things” that people who were on the cool new thing known as the “Internet” started to do. It all began with a small circle of friends to whom I would email things I found interesting as I perused church news and events. They were all pastors. The list grew, and it grew, to a point where the powers that be at the IT department at the International Center said I was clogging up the server each time I sent out an email.
In fact, apparently, the emails became so interesting to some that I was even accused of sending cryptic messages out to let people know what to think or how to vote or what to do across the Missouri Synod. No, I’m not making that up. Unfortunately, nobody ever bothered to send me a decoding sheet so I could enjoy my own encryption. Some day I’ll tell you who, precisely, said this. Not today, but some day.
[GJ - Oh, oh. Tell us now! Better yet - tell everyone how you and Otten lied about working together secretly to get Al Barry elected. Or tell us why Harrison protects your sinecure at CPH.]
From there I started a blog. It was a fairly messy affair with several spectacularly awesome melt-downs due to my total incompetence with HTML coding, but I managed.
I was “picked up” by WORD magazine for a few years and became one of their “blogging pastors.” Then I finally moved the whole thing over to my own domain name and have been doing it this way ever since. Along the way kind people took pity on my HTLM incompetence, Ryan Markel, then Norm Fisher. Jenn Balaska worked her Photoshop magic to help make this blog look nice with the header I’m still using.
This blog has had bazillions of hits, page views, downloads, and reads. Yes, it was that awesome. I guess. I never made a red cent from doing all this and never considered it too terribly profound or even necessarily interesting, but apparently a good number of you did. And for that I am deeply humbled and grateful. [GJ - Actual McCain figures remain a secret. I publish mine, run a counter 24/7. My total is reaching 3 million - even though "no one reads it."]
I have thoroughly enjoyed blogging and all the interaction I received from literally around the world. [GJ - See what I mean about his junior high writing ability? Literally around the world! As opposed to figuratively around the world?]
But, in the past few months I stopped. I frankly just became bored with it and found it no longer providing the satisfying experience it once did, and so I’ve stopped blogging long enough now to recognize I want to permanently retire from blogging.
I realized that at this point in my life my passion for jumping into every online squabble, every Synodical kerfuffle, every controversy raging across the Synod, or the Church, or the world, just holds little interest to me. In fact, I’m quite sure at the end of the day, the Internet, and admittedly mostly because of my own shortcomings using it, have not been as helpful as I would have liked. [GJ - This sentence makes no sense at all. Please provide a translation.]
I have sinned in blogging from time and I ask for your forgiveness for any lack of kindness, charity, patience and tolerance I have exhibited here through the years. [GJ - Sinned in blogging from time and?... Paul, you were my best source for what is wrong with Harrison, the LCMS, Thrivent, ELCA, and the Church of Rome. You were a full-featured, bottomless source.]
And so, while it has been an enjoyable pastime and a great way to be in touch with people I never would have had a chance to speak to personally in any other way, I’ve decided to call it quits. [GJ - Run on sentence. Rewrite.]
So, I’m shutting it down. It will become inactive shortly since I did not pay my annual fees to Bluehost to keep it going.
Thanks to all who have put up with my musings, ramblings, rantings, speculating and posts.
I’m enjoying my work at Concordia Publishing House, with the truly wonderful folks there, and my hobbies and most importantly my dear wife, family and friends, the real kind, not the fake Internet kind. They put up with me even more marvelously than you, kind reader, have, and that is quite a wonderful reflection on their kindness, charity, forgiveness and humor, and on your’s.
May our good and gracious God be with and bless you all, through Christ our Lord.
Farewell in the Lord!
- See more at: http://cyberbrethren.com/#sthash.thxylD4B.dpuf
From there I started a blog. It was a fairly messy affair with several spectacularly awesome melt-downs due to my total incompetence with HTML coding, but I managed.
I was “picked up” by WORD magazine for a few years and became one of their “blogging pastors.” Then I finally moved the whole thing over to my own domain name and have been doing it this way ever since. Along the way kind people took pity on my HTLM incompetence, Ryan Markel, then Norm Fisher. Jenn Balaska worked her Photoshop magic to help make this blog look nice with the header I’m still using.
This blog has had bazillions of hits, page views, downloads, and reads. Yes, it was that awesome. I guess. I never made a red cent from doing all this and never considered it too terribly profound or even necessarily interesting, but apparently a good number of you did. And for that I am deeply humbled and grateful. [GJ - Actual McCain figures remain a secret. I publish mine, run a counter 24/7. My total is reaching 3 million - even though "no one reads it."]
I have thoroughly enjoyed blogging and all the interaction I received from literally around the world. [GJ - See what I mean about his junior high writing ability? Literally around the world! As opposed to figuratively around the world?]
But, in the past few months I stopped. I frankly just became bored with it and found it no longer providing the satisfying experience it once did, and so I’ve stopped blogging long enough now to recognize I want to permanently retire from blogging.
I realized that at this point in my life my passion for jumping into every online squabble, every Synodical kerfuffle, every controversy raging across the Synod, or the Church, or the world, just holds little interest to me. In fact, I’m quite sure at the end of the day, the Internet, and admittedly mostly because of my own shortcomings using it, have not been as helpful as I would have liked. [GJ - This sentence makes no sense at all. Please provide a translation.]
I have sinned in blogging from time and I ask for your forgiveness for any lack of kindness, charity, patience and tolerance I have exhibited here through the years. [GJ - Sinned in blogging from time and?... Paul, you were my best source for what is wrong with Harrison, the LCMS, Thrivent, ELCA, and the Church of Rome. You were a full-featured, bottomless source.]
And so, while it has been an enjoyable pastime and a great way to be in touch with people I never would have had a chance to speak to personally in any other way, I’ve decided to call it quits. [GJ - Run on sentence. Rewrite.]
So, I’m shutting it down. It will become inactive shortly since I did not pay my annual fees to Bluehost to keep it going.
Thanks to all who have put up with my musings, ramblings, rantings, speculating and posts.
I’m enjoying my work at Concordia Publishing House, with the truly wonderful folks there, and my hobbies and most importantly my dear wife, family and friends, the real kind, not the fake Internet kind. They put up with me even more marvelously than you, kind reader, have, and that is quite a wonderful reflection on their kindness, charity, forgiveness and humor, and on your’s.
May our good and gracious God be with and bless you all, through Christ our Lord.
Farewell in the Lord!
- See more at: http://cyberbrethren.com/#sthash.thxylD4B.dpuf
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"He found a new post to copy from The Catholic Encyclopedia!" |
GJ - Paul McCain has never apologized for stealing Roman Catholic material and presenting it as his own. Even when this was thoroughly exposed and explained on this blog, he continued. SpenerQuest stopped linking his RC plagiarism, but they never apologized for promoting false doctrine either.
McCain cannot write or edit. When he was deprived of his Roman Catholic and Lutheran plagiarism, he had nothing left to say, except for posting CPH ads. When he actually wrote a sentence or two on his own, he displayed the literary ability of a junior high student in remedial English.
Writing is demanding work. Writing also consumes the author. If nothing goes in, nothing is produced. Many people really want to write a blog, but they run out of steam.
One Evangelical said, "You blog about apostasy? You will never run out of material."
One thing is completely out of my control. I was born with an intense enjoyment of writing. Fortunately I married someone who actively supports my vocation - Christina. We are approaching our 45th anniversary. I was publishing for the Canada Lutheran soon after we married.
The Truth Makes Enemies
The truth makes enemies, I soon found out. I angered people by writing about Luther's family life, Roland Bainton at Yale, etc.
"Conservative" Lutherans really hate reading any posts about Luther's doctrine. Some day I will tell you about a letter Paul McCain wrote - about my dastardly influence on a Missouri pastor who questioned UOJ. He named me but did not send me a copy of his nasty-gram. A lot of others got it - who knows how many?
I finally saw a copy, but it did not come from McCain. I asked him for it and received no reply at all.
McCain engaged in a blatant violation of the law, when he joined the WELS Fox Valley blog in trying to get rid of my job. He signed the post and urged people to contact a school in an effort to get rid of me. In other words, he acts just like the gay activists who cannot abide heterosexuals.
McCain's effort with the fake Ichabod was poetic justice.
- Was he a plagiarist? So were they!
- Was he a fanatic UOJ promoter? So were they!
- Was he as lazy as he was dishonest? So were they!
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He was for Otten before he was against Otten. |
From a reader:
McCain is giving up blogging because all is lost. First, Rev. Rolf Preus is back in the synod, and now President Harrison is hanging out with the likes of Daniel Preus.
He and Daniel Preus traveled together to the Ft. Wayne call service on 30 April, for example. See cached screenshot of Harrison's FaceBook post which has since been deleted (perhaps because McCain complained about it?)