Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sound Advice - Bounce the Rubble

One college student expressed shock that I did not know about certain events. He said, "They were announced in chapel" - which I do not attend. And, "they are on the message board at the Dome."

I told him, "I learned one thing from decades in congregations. It is impossible to announce things too many times." Most people in this corner of the state do not attend chapel or visit the message board at the Dome.

The same is true about Lutheran apostasy today. A topic needs to be covered dozens of times, by multiple authors, before there is much traction.

Corrupt leaders depend on letting everything blow over, and it often does, no matter how disastrous. I have seen national news stories evaporate from the collective memory. ELCA lost $40 million in a lawsuit for ordaining a known child abuser? Never happened, said an ELCA seminary graduate. Proof? He did not know about it. So I dragged out the link again.

The Air Force has a simple approach to enemy positions - bounce the rubble. If one strike is good, additional ones will be even better, especially since it is known that nothing is ever 100%.

Many have rejected the Means of Grace.
Zwingli's spirit lives on in Lutherdom.