Friday, September 26, 2014

Didja Ever Wonder Why WELS DPs Seem So Dumb?
Their Education Is in Conformity, Not in Lutheran Doctrine

The fruit of the WELS educational system -
no knowledge of Lutheran doctrine, worship, or the Confessions -
and they bow the knee to Holy Mother WELS.
WELS Coven of Presidents.

WELS Discussion Page, Facebook

Daniel Baker I spent 14 years in the WELS educational system, preschool through my senior year of high school. At one time I intended to supplement that with WELS college and seminary, but obviously did not. 

I am not a called worker, though my dad used to be. I just play the organ. 

As for perceptions, I have a very low opinion of the WELS educational system. Not only did it crush my joy for learning, but it created an awful environment to grow up in, particularly with regard to the grade school portion of my experience. High school was much better, but academically I was entirely unimpressed. Many of the teachers seemed like they didn't know much of anything about the subject matter. Some would read an outline out of a binder, essentially dictating to us what we should write down. Of course, that wasn't difficult to begin with, since the classwork consisted of fill-in-the-blank type worksheets based on what the teacher was reading. All very unimpressive (however, we had exceptional phy. ed. and sports programs!). 

The worst of it was the religious education. NEVER was theological meat delved into (except, to the teacher's credit, two senior religion classes I attended: studies of Revelation and Biblical Archaeology, respectively). Everything repeated the same spiritual milk, such as learning the Genesis story for the 8 thousandth time (we even had a unit on the same in my *science* classes!) without ever delving into the types and meanings latent in these texts. Most regrettably, I had NO foundation in Confessional Lutheran orthodoxy after 14 years of WELS education. I was essentially Reformed in my thinking. I didn't understand the Liturgy. I didn't comprehend the point of worship and the Means of Grace. And I certainly wasn't familiar with the Book of Concord. It wasn't until I started reading that same Book of Concord for myself *while attending a secular university* that I started to become truly Lutheran. 

Suffice it to say, you couldn't pay me enough to send my children to a WELS institution for anything, much less education.

BTW: Someone mentioned that WELS College and Seminary are reminiscent of High School parts two and three. I had the exact same impression. When I visited the seminary (while I was still planning to go to MLC and the sem), I was immediately underwhelmed by how remedial the classes that we sat in on were on an academic level. Based on first-hand accounts I've heard, the environment is relatively juvenile as well.


Lemme see - Hagedorn head of  American missions, hotter than Georgia asphalt for Church Growth.
Wayne - head of Perish Services and First VP, Confessions encourage changing doctrine!?
Lawrenz - president of the portable Asian mini-sem, a founder of Church and Change.
Huebner - board member, Church and Change.
Kelm - honored heresiarch, self-styled promoter of every false teacher.
Rutschow - another illiterate DP.

GJ - WELS remains the only Lutheran group with a secret hazing ritual at the seminary, preceded by hazing at the synodical schools. Lower level hazing gets the boys ready for the latest version of GA, now called HB, so they can lie about GA continuing to this day.

Two ways to be one of the guys in the WELS clergy -

  1. Get falling down drunk - often.
  2. Sexually assault other young men, calling the ones who object "gay."

Anyone who questions the abuse is given a double-dose and  will probably be hated out of seminary. Talk to the dean about it? He is in favor of GA/HB, its crafts and assaults.

WELS seminarians are so brain-washed that they say all seminaries have a hazing for incoming students. No, I graduated from one seminary, took classes at an LCMS seminary, and I never had to take off all my clothes, eat chili laced with cigar ashes, or have beer poured on my head.

Travel the world on Other People's Money -
and call it missions.