GJ - Someone commended me for preserving WELS commentary, since so much of it disappears as commanded.
WELS behavior goes far beyond the labels of loutish and boorish, and its culture of alcoholism certainly plays a large part in their routine, casual criminal behavior.
They have taught one another that everyone is already forgiven, so the only sin is questioning Holy Mother WELS.
A culture where males pile up nude in the dorms, sexually assault other males--even during choir practice--shows that the system is degenerate, abusive, and evil. Supposedly the Roman Catholic priests (like their hero R. Weakland), are abusive homosexuals because they cannot marry.
The recent tales of degenerate behavior in WELS schools remind me of the Roman Catholic book Goodbye Good Men, which showed how the homosexual culture took over the American seminaries, winked at and supported by homosexual bishops (Weakland) and cardinals.
But WELS teachers and pastors usually marry but still carry out their assaults while married. Adultery is not a sin - but a sport in WELS - and child abuse is covered up faster than synod headquarters embezzlement.
People tell me, "Priests should marry," and I agree. But that does not solve the problem when the leaders are apostates who care more about their holy reputations than the destruction of souls.
When I reviewed a Roman Catholic book about their homosexual leaders, including the Pope Paul VI, I pointed out how that fit WELS perfectly. Herman Otten had a fit once WELS tightened the thumbscrews, so he denounced what he had just printed.
That was just in time for the homosexual scandal to erupt at the WELS headquarters building, where the FBI confiscated computers and flash drives. Joel Hochmuth revealed to them that his man-boy digital rape files were at the Love Shack. Hundreds of them. And nobody knew, nobody knew. What a shock. What a shock. He was absolved, forgiven, blessed, and assured that "this is not the Joel Hochmuth we know." Riiiiiight. He was caught before and "counseled" but nobody knew.
How low does a Synod President have to sink to absolve and defend flotsam like Hochmuth? But this is standard operating procedure for a "leader" who cannot tolerate justification by faith, so he cheers and encourages the Left Foot of Fellowship (selectively).
And here is a final bit of irony. The author of The Rite of Sodomy was happy to have me review volume I, but after Otten (her pal) denounced me for telling the truth about WELS, she did not even reply to my emails. I wiped my bitter tears away with my scapular.
I wonder if she got Otten to sell the toxic anti-Luther book, The Facts (sic) about Luther, for Reformation.