Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Presenting the Stealth Awards to Ichabod, the Glory Has Departed

"I did not read Ichabod, Holy Mother.
My paws are clean."

I keep noticing the same thing on various blogs. People discover something days after I have published it. But there is no link to this blog, no indication that anyone has learned anything from 12,000+ posts, all the Luther sermons and Lutheran resources.

I have to concede that the Intrepid Lutherans blog posted and linked from time to time.

Meanwhile, the other blogs keep giving each other awards, kudus, amens, and glowing references.

Did anyone mention I published reams of research about Tim Glende's and Paul McCain's blatant plagiarism? I gave the examples, verbatim quotations from each websty, and the URLs. The LCMS and WELS support plagiarism, so there is reason not to thank me.

If I post a comment on another blog, with my name on it. everyone ignores it, unless someone takes the time for  gratuitous and unwarranted accusations.

But some are saying, "You publish the leaks we send so stealthily," and they are right. Several have said, "I could let 20 people know or thousands know, so I choose to let it be posted on Ichabod."

That is another part of the Stealth Awards. I would like to thank them by name, but I know they want to remain unknown and unknowable. No hints. No nicknames.

Have you ever noticed how many regulars from the past no longer send a comment, which they can easily do by email? They have gone silent.

This is my Byzantine way of saying that the silence is the greatest acknowledgement of all. For a long time I have followed a forgotten expert who said:
1. If everyone agrees with you, there was no reason to write it in the first place.
2. If it makes people angry, you are getting close to the truth.
3. If the reaction is utter silence, you have really struck the nerve.

So - thanks. I appreciate it. I get friendly phone calls and emails, and best of all - ranting, raving, bitter emails packed with accusations and ending with - "You are so negative. I am praying for you."

Stealth Award Nominations

  • Ichabod - Most defenestrations.
  • Ichabod - Most invocations of the Eighth Commandment.
  • Ichabod - Most examples of gratuitous shunning by friends.
  • Ichabod - Most prayers offered to repent from writing about sound doctrine.

Have Your Brain Washed by Elton Stroh, Full of Straw and Strawmen.
Lead Pastor in Latte Church Failure.
Bad Metrics or Bad Coffee?
Elton's Money Machine

Elton Looking for Work

Lookee Who Shows Up To Lead a Kelm Conference

This Is Obviously Made Up - But Still Shockingly Funny

Elton Stroh at Word - Or, Picking Up a Paycheck for Metrics

Elton Stroh

Pastor Elton Stroh

Presentation Description
Sessions 2A and 3B
Building a Strategic Ministry Plan
For ministry planning to be most productive it must be comprehensive (so it is well-informed and grounded in reality), engaging (so it has widespread ownership and participation),compelling (so it generates energy and enthusiasm), and cyclical (so both short- and long-term ministry goals are apt within an ever-changing context).  Strategic planners will want to:
  • Lay a firm foundation for planning
  • Accurately analyze ministry context
  • Form and cast a captivating vision
  • Gain measurable traction with implementation   
Do Metrics Belong in the Church?
This question is likely to raise some eyebrows and create some tensions.  Some ministry leaders could not imagine functioning within a church without discernible metrics.  Metrics and related words (e.g. measurablesscorecards, and outcomes) are mentioned routinely in their weekly staff or monthly elected leaders’ meetings.  Other ministry leaders balk at the use of such terms in the church.
  • What is at the root of these tensions?
  • Why does having meaningful metrics matter?
  • Which metrics belong in your congregation?

Joe Krohn Wonders Why Kudu Don Patterson Does Have a Gig
At the Jeske Gag Fest

Many of us think having live bunnies to pet
on Easter Sunday is a cutting edge idea
for evangelism.
That is what Easter Sunday is all about - cutting edge stuff.

Anonymous said...
I guess we need to define what "fellowship" is and "worship". Evidently they don't mean we think it means. (You keep on using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means...)

Bill Clinton had his own definition for "sex" and "smoking". Is there a similarity here?

--Joe K.
July 30, 2014 at 9:00 AM
Blogger Joe Krohn said...
BTW...I am saddened to see that Don Patterson wasn't on the bill. This leadership stuff is right up his alley...

Luther is rolling over in his grave; 'Lutherans' who have lost touch with the left and right hand kingdoms.

Comfrey - Or Knitbone: Big Relative of Borage

Comfrey flowers quickly turn to seed - and even more comfrey.

I did not have to look for comfrey in Michigan. The herb grows everywhere, so people consider it a weed. Organic gardeners like its green growth and deep roots, which mine minerals from the lower layers of soil.

Most plants are happy with feeding in the top 12 inches of soil. The plants with deep roots bring up those minerals that are out of reach of most plants. Tree leaves are a source of minerals, and so are the big green weeds often cursed, doused with Roundup, and cut down down with electric flails - weed-eaters indeed.

The big velvety Comfrey leaves are attractive, good for composting and mulching.
I suggest caution in using herbs for medicine,
since  opinions flourish on the Net.

Comfrey is on my list for the backyard next year. Near the alley, it will be a good screening plant and source for compost and mulch. Pumpkins will grow back there, too. I may grow very large butterfly bushes for a screen with sunflowers helping out while the bushes grow.

If it looks like the foot of a goose, it is goosefoot and good to eat.
I am a weed eater, when I know the weed is a good, healthy plant, related to spinach.

Learning the difference between good weeds and bad ones will help gardening projects. Goosefoot is big and green, with deep roots. Pigweed is similar, but not so nice. If compost and mulch producing plants are growing on their own and sheltering birds, why mow them down and bag them up for garbage?

This could become the official herb of the Church Growth Movement,
started by Karl Barth and Charlotte Kirschbaum,
imported by Fuller Seminary.

Daily Bird Care
Later I want the back part of the yard full of plants that will feed and shelter birds.

For now, I make sure there are many stations for drinking and bathing. A dozen total in the front and back yards always have fresh water from watering, and I dump out dirty water that could shelter mosquitoes.

If there is human food to share, I toss some out among the flowers, to encourage them to stop by regularly. The resident population will be based on food, shelter, and water, so an abundance and variety will encourage more birds and more species. Sassy spits out crust - she will only eat  medallions of cinnamon toast, and she leaves some snacks when they do not suit here. Crackers and stale bread might go out in the garden, but I like to toss a few peanuts instead.

Cardinals love to bathe but they are shy, so I will see one at the far end of the yard at this time, but eating at the feeder during the winter.

One Instance of NYT Plagiarism Is Worth an Article,
But WELS-ELS-LCMS Plagiarism Is Supported

N.Y. Times investigating plagiarism charge

The New York Times is reviewing an accusation of plagiarism against veteran reporter Carol Vogel, who was charged with lifting a paragraph from a Wikipedia article for a story about Italian Renaissance painter Piero di Cosimo.
The paragraph, discovered by FishbowlNY on Monday, appears in a July 24 article and is almost identical to a passage from the Wikipedia entry on di Cosimo, with minor word swaps and grammatical changes. Gawker's J.K. Trotter flagged the Fishbowl report on Tuesday.
“We’re aware of the situation and are looking into it," Times spokesperson Eileen Murphy said in a statement.
The charge against Vogel comes just days after BuzzFeed Editor Benny Johnson was fired for serial plagiarism. In many instances, Johnson lifted passages directly from Wikipedia. He also copied from news sites, including the Times.
WELS Church and Changers cannot write,
so they copy and paste their material,
much of it from the Fuller-Willowcreek-Groeschel-Stanley crowd.

GJ - The blessing of plagiarism among LCMS-WELS-ELS clergy should make everyone stop before launching a defense of Holy Mother Synod.
The WELS district responded to a lawyer's charge of plagiarism against Glende and Ski - by excommunicating the lawyer. WELS' blessing upon this dishonest and illegal behavior is signaled by Glende being a featured speaker at the WELS Teachers Conference. Nota banally - Plagiarism is one of the biggest issues in academics today.
Paul Kelm, David Valleskey, and Waldo Werning led the way by copying what they loved at Fuller Seminary and marketing it as their creativity. WELS-LCMS-ELS rewarded their dishonesty with star status, protection, and baskets of cash.

Jack Cascione and Herman Otten are so dumb that they regarded Paul McCain's verbatim plagiarism from Roman Catholic sources as signs of scholarship. McCain's boss at Concordia Publishing House saw nothing wrong with McCain's plagiarism,denying it reflected on the integrity of their very rich publishing house. Ironic twist - McCain pursues any example of using CPH copyright material. He even blocked an independent book where the accidental use of one (1) CPH graphic had already been removed.
I am still waiting for the email that says,
"You were right."
No public action was taken regarding McCain's repeated plagiarism from The Catholic Encyclopedia and his friends' blog. McCain boss unfriended me on Facebook and told me to stop being so unChristian. Finally McCain erased his entire blog without a word of apology - only lame excuses and more bragging than Toad of Toad Hall.
Cascione, who brandishes his anti-Catholicism, never admitted that he aided and abetted McCain by posting the links to the plagiarism on his dreadful SpenerQuest blog. 
I have noticed this about WELS-ELS-LCMS. They pose as eagles glaring at the evil of the world, thousands of miles away, but cannot identify the vermin in their own nests.

Remember the plagiarism flowing from the Great Cloaca of LCMS-ELS-WELS the next times someone is kicked out the ministry and robbed of his income, simply because he dared to question the holiness and infallibility of Holy Mother Synod.