First read this important and unsurprising note from Virtue Online:
By Julian Mann
Special to Virtueonline
February 13, 2015
Special to Virtueonline
February 13, 2015
Arguably the most serious threat to Reformed Anglican ministry in the Church of England since the Laudian persecution of the 17th Century came to light at this week's General Synod in London.
It has now emerged that all candidates for ordination selection are being required to assent to the House of Bishops' five guiding principles over women in the episcopate. This in effect means Reformed Anglican candidates have to agree with women bishops or be unable to serve local parish churches as licensed ministers...
This is how requirements, certifications, and quotas work together. Step by step, the denomination changes from traditional Christian views as mandatory--even if not believed--to submission to the most anti-Christian position possible.
The secret apostates work to get their guy on the board. He establishes seniority over time and quietly gets his associates on the same board or parallel structures. There is always a waiting period, when both sides apparently have an equal representation, but that shifts toward the unbelievers' position and is backed by Chopham armor rules. To question the new ruling is tantamount to excommunication.
An Evangelical minister mentioned his opposition to women's ordination in a conversation with his Presbyterian superior at the time. He was immediately kicked out of the ministry of his own denomination, although he promised never to mention his position. Although the Presbyterians had promised "tolerance" of male-only ordination, they quickly set that aside, making the former view illegal at all seminaries and districts. The natural consequence was the election of a female executive to rule over all.
The Church of England managed to survive without women clergy - ever since the Reformation, but once women's ordination was passed, women bishops were approved. The new position is canonical law. They will get their Katy Schori in time, accelerating the decline.
"Did you just question my authority as bishop?" ELCiC's Susan Johnson |
ELCA in the USA and its Canadian flavor (ELCiC) did the same, leveraging women's ordination into women bishops and then--as justice demands--a woman chief executive with the same One Ring To Rule Them All attitude, no matter what the denomination.
Church and Change Paradigm
WELS did the same with Church and Change beginning in the pre-Seminex era. Some of the apostates--like Jungkuntz and Gehrke--were exposed and sent packing. Those who agreed with them formed Church and Change and adopted Church Growth as their magic spell to unite them against traditionalists.
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Paul Kelm became the synod expert on evangelism - a created job."Our synod now has a fulltime executive secretary for evangelism. He's the Rev. Paul Kelm; and we need him. We need him to be our evangelism advocate." Rev. Ron Roth, The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Winter, 1985 p. 2. |
Some early Changers were Steve Witte, John Lawrenz, John Parlow, and Paul Kelm. David Valleskey and Frosty Bivens ran off to Fuller Seminary to have their brains shrunk (even more). The Popes Speak (aka Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly) began peppering their mediocre little journal with references to Church Growth. TELL was started with the goal of promoting the anti-Lutheran, anti-Christian ideology of Fuller Seminary, Robert Schuller, and Paul Y. Cho (a greedy, corrupt jailbird to inspire future jailbirds in WELS).
SP Naumann infallibly endorsed TELL - and the rot accelerated.
Children, children - this never had anything to do with helping any church grow. The agenda was apostasy, and it came from sneaky little parasitic liars who wanted to live off the work of others while destroying the work of others.
First they denied the Church Growth agenda existed - as Wayne Mueller did in print, even while feverishly promoting it in every way possible. They acted troubled about the whole issue - and I do mean acted. Once they had total control, they began chopping heads in earnest. Finally, people realized, "No one can question these people or their little fantasies. I need a call, a house, benefits, and the esteem of my equally timid brethren."
Boycott the Emmaus Conference
The foundational error is their denial of justification by faith. Nobody would have predicted the twaddle of "everyone is forgiven and saved, whether they believe or not" in the era of Synodical Conference President Gausewitz.
JP Meyer taught this UOJ nonsense at The Sausage Factory for decades. Not only did he publish it in Ministers of Christ, but WELS recently reprinted the volume, showing that Bishop Stephan's syphilitic delusions had become canonical in the Wisconsin Sect. No wonder, if you want your ministers three sheets to the wind, your file-swapping child pornographers, your cross-dressing and sex-changing men, the sect needs something equally idiotic and perverted to support it. UOJ delivers.
The ELS, LCMS, and WELS have already started their functional merger through Thrivent and their only dogma - UOJ. The purpose of the next conference is simply to nail down the basis for union.