Perhaps readers have noticed something that should be more obvious than the Fuller Seminary training of their synodical leaders -
The UOJ Stormtroopers are completely silent about any objections to their Pietististic rationalism:
- The Augsburg Confession, Articles IV and V
- The Apology of the Augsburg Confession, on Justification
- The Large Catechism, Book of Concord, The Creed
- The Righteousness of Faith, Formula of Concord, Book of Concord. Note - there is no section in the entire Book of Concord called The Righteousness of Unbelievers.
- The crushing of Samuel Huber's UOJ by P. Leyser and Hunnius
- The writings of Luther, Melanchthon, Chemnitz, and Gerhard
- The obvious quotations cited favorably by Robert Preus in Justification and Rome
- Gausewitz' orginal edition of the Small Catechism
- The CPH Small Catechism, KJV edition
- LCMS Pastor Vernon Harley's essays against UOJ - no excommunication
- Anything I have written against UOJ - not even a snotty footnote in their horrid, confused essays
I realize that graduates of The Sausage Factory in Mequon do not study the Book of Concord and hardly know its contents, so I have linked key sections above, to appeal to their curiosity without harming their intellectual laziness.
Some of aspiring Stormtroopers are going to say, "He craves attention for endorsing justification by faith," except they cannot bear to say those words - justification by faith. As James wrote, "They believe, but their hides bristle." (They know what the Scriptures teach, but those words raise their hackles, like the snarling wolves they are.)
I get plenty of notice, in the form of silence. That is the greatest possible reaction to a claim.
- If everyone agrees, it was not worth saying.
- If people get angry, it is something they realize it to be true but cannot accept it.
- If the entire audience is silent, they cannot cope with it at all. SynCons would have to admit their failing sects are built on false doctrine from a syphilitic, uneducated bishop - Martin Stephan.
The Stink-Eye - loved by Babtists, ELS, WELS, and Missouri - only Level Two. Silence is Level Three.
If they ever engaged the Book of Concord with their UOJ nonsense, they would find themselves refuted at every turn.
I know that dabblers like Jay Webber and Jon Buchholz use their Barbie fishing poles to pull out phrases as proof that Rambach was right and Chemnitz was wrong. But their method is self-destructive. If Romans 4:25 proves UOJ, as Stephan and Walther wanted to claim, then Romans 4:24 shows the Bible is full of errors and contradictions, as the Left-wing mainline theologians always teach.
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WELS-ELS-LCMS seminary students are trained just like their ELCA counterparts - to fish out phrases that prove their professors correct: Dogmatic Repetition of Already Refuted Errors. |
How appropriate for Jay to crown his academic achievements, after being rejected for a call in the LCMS, with buying an STM from an ELCA professor-and-businesman's for-profit online school. The owner of the Institute of Lutheran Theology is ELCA. Many professors and students are also ELCA. They are proud of the woman pastors they produce. Jack Kilcrease is one of the adjuncts, and he perfectly fits the Webber ministerial model. Kilcrease grew up in a WELS parsonage, but attended Luther Seminary (ELCA), only to be rejected for the ministry by the LCMS. So he teaches at a Roman Catholic convent school and adores UOJ.
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Lutheran seminary candidates line up to get their Barbie Fishing Poles, borrowing up to $100,000 for the chance to get a call. Fortunately for them, Biblical language requirements are now a joke. |