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Read your father's book, Rolf, and underline the quotes I have provided. |
Pastor Rolf David Preus (Rolf) Senior Member Username: Rolf Post Number: 8523 Registered: 5-2001 |
There's a typo in my post above that affects the meaning significantly and so should be corrected. I wrote "He brings up bad articulations of objective justification that we abandoned before he was born" when I meant to write "He brings up bad articulations of objective justification that were abandoned before he was born." I was thinking specifically of the Kokomo statements that, judging by looking at Rev. Sullivan, were written by a WELS pastor (sic) and rejected by the WELS (sic) before he was born. The WELS pastor who promoted the Kokomo statements (sic) did so after members of his congregation who had been incited to oppose the doctrine of objective justification searched out the most extreme articulations of it from WELS sources (sic), took them out of context, and argued that their pastor should support these statements because he supported objective justification. He was a sincere young orthodox pastor (sic) who was snookered into supporting statements that he never would have prepared himself (sic). Then this group of WELS laymen, again with the aid and support of anti-objective justification agitators from outside of the congregation, went all over the place whining and complaining about how they had been persecuted by their WELS pastor for rejecting the Kokomo statements (sic). The anti-objective justification movement in WELS, LCMS, and now in ELDoNA is not known for their integrity in presenting our teaching. One of their favorite tactics is the "divide and conquer" tactic of claiming that there are all sorts of different versions of objective justification and that we can't agree among ourselves (sic). The WELS and the LCMS teach the same thing on objective justification (Yes!- Cowardly Universalism). That there may be poor articulations of this by some pastors shouldn't surprise anyone. By listening to Rev. Sullivan it is obvious that the ELDoNA is bent on distorting the orthodox teaching of objective justification. GJ - UOJ is not Christian, is not Lutheran, is not orthodox anything, just residue from Walther's bishop's syphilitic mind. |

GJ - Unlike Rolf and a lot of other blowhards who pretend to know about Kokomo, I went there with my wife, talked to the two families, obtained the letters kicking them out of WELS for denying the Kokomo Statements, and published about this in Thy Strong Word. By the way, Rolf agreed with the justification by faith chapter in TSW in an email to me. I sent him that file. Soon after, he denounced the book, which he claimed to own - when no one in America had the entire book. Thus Rolf exposed himself long ago as a clumsy opportunistic liar - like the rest of the UOJists.
The first three Kokomo Statements are almost verbatim from JP Meyer, the WELS Mequon professor, from the book Ministers of Christ. When the pastor began teaching UOJ, several laymen objected in that parish. He gave them a copy of JP Meyer and noted at one point that he never heard of UOJ until he got to seminary.
The two families took three statements from Meyer and added a fourth from a debate between the Norwegians and Augustana. They asked, "Is this what you believe?" Pastor Papenfuss said, "Yes."
The congregation - and later WELS - kicked the families out for denying those four statements and included the four statements in the letter kicking them out. A verbatim copy is in Thy Strong Word, linked free on this blog 24/7/365. Yes, the WELS panel headed by Armin Panning, upheld the excommunication.
Sig Becker affirmed that the first three statements are almost verbatim from JP Meyer's book, which was re-issued by WELS with the same statements in them. Rolf - put on your big boy pants for Reformation and read a little. You can buy JP Meyer yourself and read Thy Strong Word for free. (He asked me for a free copy of the book in exchange for his little pamphlet. Haha!)
In the Faith of Jesus, soon to be released, I copied lots of UOJ statements from WELS sources. Here is one from Rolf's father, before he saw the light. Cascione and Paul McCain endorsed that essay and necessarily this absurd statement from the Missouri pastor who joined the Church of Rome later.
Here is an extreme statement from David Scaer himself, Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne. -
And one from very pages of SpenerQuest:
No, the families did not whine about being persecuted. They appealed to WELS and lost. Their former sect slandered the men to this extent - Carl Mischke himself claimed the families made up the statements and attributed them to WELS. This deception has often been repeated, even though the infallible Sig Becker admitted the first three did in fact come from JP Meyer.
What set off these poor devils on LutherQuest was the set of videos from ELDONA, on justification by faith compared to UOJ.
They claim to have a discussion, but they only quote and praise themselves. They lack the integrity and critical thinking skills to present the opposite view fairly and refute it with their opinions. Notice that the denizens of the LQ skunkpatch cannot bring themselves to quote and cite what I have written.
But at least their eructations serve to alert the faithful.
Like Rolf, many hide their cowardly Universalism with phrases like "we are justified by grace through faith." That seems to be the accepted UOJ code phrase for:
1. Universal absolution without the Word, without grace, without faith (justified by grace)
2. Making a decision that this universal absolution is true (through faith - but it is not faith in Christ, but a belief in UOJ).