Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Benefits of Being WELS!? - Rubrics Supplied

Next door neighbor of The CORE,
only the kids are balding Boomers.

What benefits does our congregation receive by being a member of WELS? 

1. IDENTIFICATION: The WELS logo helps people to quickly identify a congregation as a member of the WELS church body: a conservative, Bible-believing church that celebrates Christ’s love shown in his redemption of all people from sin, a church that sees as its calling the sharing of his love with the world.

Illumine graphic on its websty - really screams WELS apostasy and stupidity,
not to mention mocking the Holy Trinity.

A WELS pastor said many people walking by the booth at the fair said "Never again!"

2. TRAINING: Our pastors, teachers, staff ministers, and missionaries have all been trained by the same ministerial education system that focuses on proclaiming the Word of God and that provides opportunities for continuing education.

They are trained, over and over again, in Church Growth. Only the Church Growth fanatics get promoted and protected from their felonies. The graduates know nothing about the Lutheran Confessions, but they love, love, love the New NIV.

3. OVERSIGHT: Our Conference of Presidents funds and communicates the synod’s ministry plan as well as makes sure that WELS stays united in its teachings and practices. The Synodical Council manages the synod’s ministry plan, ensures that all gifts are used wisely, and acts on behalf of congregations between conventions.

Oh really? A District President says the only thing they agree on is to disagree.

4. MISSIONS: Our Home Missions division assists congregations with opening new missions and daughter congregations in the U.S., Canada, and the Caribbean. Our World Missions division carries the gospel throughout the rest of the world.

If you like popcorn and Coca-Cola entertainment farces, you will love the new WELS under Mark Schroeder and Mark Jeske. The mission department likes to foreclose on the mortgage, close down the congregation, and pocket the equity for itself. Ask Star of Bethlehem, Tim Glende's disaster in Illinois.

World missions? Don't make us laugh.

5. FINANCES: WELS Church Extension Fund provides grants and low interest loans to mission congregations that are purchasing land and building churches. WELS Foundation provides giving instruments that individuals can use to support the Lord’s work both now and after they have gone to heaven. Christian giving counselors are assigned to all congregations in North America to assist individuals with carrying out their charitable intentions. WELS Investment Funds provides cost-effective, professionally managed investment portfolios for endowment, scholarship, and charitable trust funds.

Bwa-ha-ha. First the chapel fund disappeared under Gurgle. Then Mark Schroeder missed $300,000 being embezzled by just one pastor. One old hand told me about Schwan checks that came in and were not even logged into the WELS financial statements or put in the regular account.

The Tetzels lie about Irrevocable Charitable Gifts - robbing the estates of widows and orphans. And yet they have "divine calls" no matter what. Does anyone wonder why these "counselors" are required to have an insurance license?

WELS stole St. John Lutheran Church and its endowment - in Milwaukee. Now an ELCA pastor is in charge there. Who facilitated the theft? Jeske pals.

6. PUBLISHING: Northwestern Publishing House produces literature that is true to God’s Word including Bible study materials for all ages, commentaries, devotions, and Sunday school materials. WELS Multi-Language Publications translates materials into different languages for use in our world mission fields.

They are deeply and passionately committed to the worst Bible paraphrase ever invented by the radical apostates - The New NIV. That should suffice. Lutheran Confessional materials?...Waiting, waiting, wanting.

7. CONGREGATIONAL SUPPORT: WELS Congregation and Ministry Support Group provides resources and services to support and strengthen congregations with their Lutheran schools, youth ministry, adult discipleship, worship, evangelism, and special ministries.

If you knew Fuller, like they know Fuller, oh, oh, oh what a school. Wayne Mueller made adult and youth education "adult discipleship" and "youth discipleship," part of the Fuller booshwa.

8. CALLED WORKER SUPPORT: WELS VEBA provides health, disability, and pension coverage to all of our called workers, striving to produce results that are advantageous to them and financially prudent for our congregations and synod. WELS Human Resources is available for advice as congregations strive to display the “double honor” we are to show our pastors, teachers, and staff ministers (1 Timothy 5:17). God gives us the privilege of reaching out to the world in his name and his Holy Spirit works generosity in our hearts so that these and other ministries can exist. Our congregational offerings are, year after year, the main source for funding the proclamation of Christ’s love to us and to all the world.

Lots of support for the Jeske-Patterson mob. The rest can starve. One pastor has to decide between medicine and buying food for his family. Everything is aimed at the "right families." They get a free pass on everything. The rest are duped and dumped at will. 

Here is the leadershp of WELS - no matter how foolish or incompetent they might be.
Lutheran doctrine is especially abhorrent to these louts.
No, I will not post Adam's cross-dressing photos again, not today.
Jeff Schone is no better in a plaid skirt than he is in that awful green monstrosity.

Seeing What Was Always There - And Far More Yet To Discover.

This hover fly or flower fly is easy to find on a calm, sunny day, 
unless the gardener uses insectides and systemic poisons.
Celebrity beneficials like the ladybug do not do as much for us as the
lessen known players - like this hover fly.

Here is a great summary, with photos. of beneficial insects.

I bent over the cone flowers growing in Norma Boeckler's front yard. As I got closer I could see the hover flies and Ichneumon wasps tending to business.

Cone flowers are good for beneficial insects, but I did not notice the flowers or insects until this year. I had a vague recollection of both. If I tried to explain them to grandson Alex, as my mother did to me, he would probably register some interest and go on to other subjects.

Jessica Walliser wrote about the dynamics of beneficial insects becoming more interesting than the plants that were her original passion.

My most recent discovery is the existence of cursorial (webless) spiders and roving beetles. They go out like recon forces in the military, killing pests and returning to their bases. I kept the back area in long grass, weeds, berries, and vines. That section was jumping with insect life this summer.

The key to having these beetles and spiders is giving them a base where their homes are not disturbed - aka a wild area of grasses, weeds, vines, and tall herbs.

Now I am working on a total environment for all forms of life in the front and back yards.

The Ichneumon wasp is tiny and hovers near flowers, just like the flower fly.
Darwin was disturbed that God would create parisitoid insects,
so he began to believe in Evolution instead.

Moving from Vegetables to Birds, Butterflies, and Hummingbirds.

The two areas planted for vegetables did not produce very well, perhaps because they are shaded by the house in the morning and by our super-abundant trees in the afternoon. We cut back the tree shade in the back but our neighbors to the West also have very tall trees.

I plan to move the Wright Rose Garden to the rustic fence area. New roses will go around the maple tree, a second ring around the rosie, with some Veterans Honor moved from the sunny garden.

The sunny garden has the richest soil, the composted straw from this year, and raspberry canes eager to fruit.

Putting tomatoes and some sunflowers in the sunny garden will take advantage of the warmest and most sun-soaked area on the property. Tomatoes on the north side might get along well too. That area is surprisingly sunny and yet not sun-baked and dry.

The ladybug is the most religious insect - named after Mary.
My wife has a great idea about putting the favorite plants where they are seen the most. I began doing that in the backyard with Bee Balm and new insect or bird-friendly plants.

Instead of growing corn, tomatoes, and pumpkins in the back, I will plant more of the fun flowers that entice so many birds, bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Many of them are easy to propagate for free, while vegetable seeds are alarmingly expensive.

Maybe I can learn more bugs this winter - big-eyed, pirate, assassin, and so forth. After all, some off-season reading changed a chemical gardener forever. He saw a fungus trap a nematode with a well engineered trap. Thus - Jeff Lowenfels -

The Two Who Rule This World - Greed and Deception

Harrison's ghosted book left out many crucial details.
Stephan brought the cult over - Walther followed.
Loehe provided the non-cult leaders that made Walther so quarrelsome.

Luther commented that the world runs on greed and deception, with deception used to disguise the greed.

The global warming fraud has been used to generate billions in grants and profits for the lying scientists, even after they were exposed, and to hide billions more in punitive taxes and regulations.

The bishops of ELCA and ELCANADA are women.
The Episcopal bishops are both men now, after the dark reign of Darth Schori.

The founder of the Missouri Synod and Synodical Conference, Martin Stephan, fooled pastors and laity into thinking he was in charge of everything in their lives. He told his harem that he was in charge of the spiritual lives so he was also in charge of their bodies. The ELS, WELS, and LCMS continue to lie about every aspect of their history, just as CFW Walther did.

Stephan had his clergy disciples gather money for him and the clergy drew large sums of money from the common fund when they left for America, once Stephan was put under house arrest and allowed to leave. Walther's mob robbed Stephan of his land, his gold, his books, and his personal possessions, kidnapping him at gunpoint and leaving him in Illinois to starve. Greed and deception worked together for Stephan and for his clergy followers who took over his tyranny. As one reader said, "The ships arrived with a bishop and a pope, because Walther became pope after he got rid of the bishop."

Megan Rohrer was the first trans-sexual (MTF) ordained in ELCA,
and she has received a grant from her activist group within ELCA.

The Synodical Conference continues to deceive everyone about the greed of the Walther followers, who rescued their cult by "suddenly discovering" the adultery of Stephan, even though their bishop booked passage for his mistress - in the cabin next door - and left his sick wife and children at home. They were dying from the syphilis he gave them.

Robin Steinke was given the largest Lutheran seminary, Luther, to manage.
She is single and has almost no parish experience, but she did earn a PhD at Cambridge.

The clergy admitted they knew about the adultery, but the story about suddenly discovering it - after a confession by one girlfriend - continues to be told.

How is the LCMS in Perryville, Missouri different from the Mormons who sold them the land? The Perryville shrine to Walther tells the well worn lies to all the gullible tourists. The Mormons also teach every action and statement of their adulterous founders as sacred, blessed, and inspirational.

Louise Johnson, single, is the new president of Wartburg Seminary,
which Loehe founded. She has no doctorate and very little parish experience.
Note the Jeske-esque lop-sided smile.

The Thrivent-ELCA lies are similar. The ELS-LCMS-WELS conspirators explain how they have to work with ELCA for the loot, but the leaders are getting the lavish bribes from Thrivent and ELCA is setting the agenda in each case.

The synods working as a unit through Thrivent do not have enough money, they imagine, so they must have the constant handouts from the insurance business. Thrivent does not have enough money so they have dropped the pretense of being Lutheran - still their base for income - and expanded in all directions. That was already policy when the Aid Association for Lutherans became plain old AAL, but they keep announcing this development as brand new. Thus - from the Religious News Service -

Active RNS subscribers and members can view this content at the RNS Archives website.
(RNS) The company chose to use the Apostles' Creed -- a statement of Christian belief dating back to the 4th century -- as the determining factor in whether a person is eligible to join Thrivent.

“Sam: Mordor. The one place in Middle-earth we don't want to see any closer, and the one place we're trying to get to. It's just where we can't get. Let's face it, Mr. Frodo, we're lost. I don't think Gandalf meant for us to come this way.
Frodo: He didn't mean for a lot of things to happen, Sam... but they did.”