Tuesday, January 26, 2016

WELS Adiaphoroa - Looks Like Freedom But It Feels Like Death.
It's Closing Time for LCMS, WELS, and the Little Sect on the Prairie

What schools are going to close?

WELS is praying for inter-church relations. Since the SynCon three are taking parallel paths in apostasy, they are reaching out and finding new ways to betray their members work together.

The book Mainline Meltdown, from 20 years ago, claimed, "Every merger is about money." As they say in some areas, "It's all about the benjamins." I didn't catch the reference at first, because I spend georges and abrahams.

WELS used to sneer about anything from the LCMS, using their ritualistic lip curl and patented phrases. "If they ever want to get together with us again, they will have to get their doctrine of ministry straight!" That was shouted at me by various droids at Mequon. Meanwhile, WELS pastors were ordering Sunday School and VBS material from Fortress Press (now ELCA's Augsburg Fortress).

Conversations with WELS pastors are just like swapping sound-bytes. I recall John Seifert's Pharisaical frown when I said something good about Concordia Ft. Wayne, his basilisk stare when I wore a clergy collar to the district convention. Both signs of displeasure were lacking during his tenure on the sect's Synodical Council, where the leaders coveted the lentil soup of Fuller Seminary in exchange for the treasures of the Book of Concord. That old book was boring and irrelevant anyway, as another member of the SC said with disdain.

The wrong statement will yield sharp retorts from WELS loyalists, who carry their Golden Calf with them on their journeys in the desert. Do not offend the Golden Calf, because they will not allow anything to startle, awaken, or anger that beast they crafted themselves, from their own treasures, while chanting, "Adiaphora. Adiaphora. Everything is adiaphora, unless you are legalistic."

Missouri is just as foolish as WELS, to look toward total cooperation instead of the Morganatic marriage they have been enjoying with ELCA. Does Matt Harrison really want the WELS lawsuits as part of their baggage? Missouri must have enough of their own. What will WELS and Missouri do when Herman Otten is no longer around to spike the truth about their scandals?

I did the math - goodbye Bethany, Ft. Wayne,
and a few more colleges - and Michigan Lutheran Seminary.

Another Sears-KMart Merger
Two dying retailers, Sears and KMart, merged to form an even weaker group.

Why would Missouri long for a closer walk with WELS?

  1. Urban parishes need to be closed, but they will look better if they merge.
  2. Expensive, outmoded college facilities cannot be propped up much longer.
  3. WELS could use a few more students at their last two prep schools.
  4. Add up the seminaries and total student body-count. Too much money is spent for poor results. The SynCons have five seminaries, counting Fuller. They could easily close Ft. Wayne and Bethany.