Sunday, June 5, 2016

Email Addresses

Someone said my email address was difficult to find.

1. Here is the busiest and the easiest one to get lost in - Best avoid that one.

2. This one seldom gets personal email and hardly anything else -

3. This one is probably easiest to remember -

The initials stand for Walmart's motto, Every Day Low Prices. They often say - ee dee ell pea at Walmart meetings. That is the address I am posting at the top of the blog. Note the period after greg and after jackson.

One savvy blogger noted that gmail does not recognize the periods. Therefore,

also works. My geezer eyes prefer the periods, but that is an Adiaphoron for Google.

When one email disappeared into the spam folder, I began looking through spam in both my current email addresses and found several messages I did not know were there, including a series that wondered where I was when I was thinking the individual suddenly stopped writing.