Sunday, September 18, 2016

Luther Days Would Like Your Opinion So It Can Be an Even Bigger Disaster Next Time

Gregory L. Jackson SP Mark Schroeder got behind this, got synod money to support it. No one can figure out why. Lots of money wasted.
LikeReply120 hrs
Karen Engdahl so our money
UnlikeReply219 hrs
Jeffery Clark Yep, between LACE (which means offering money) being a "presenting sponsor" ($5000) and a few other organizations and vendors, I am sure Luther Days (LLC - for profit! LLCs can't be non-profit in WI) took in at least $10,000.
LikeReply52 mins
Jeffery Clark I have skin in the game, so my opinion is obviously biased, but knowing that there were people in the synod actively working against the Return to Wittenberg conference (which was held at WLC in July), I would wager they saw Luther Days as a potential contender that they could control.

 How bad were the smaller conferences?