Friday, December 30, 2016

Cardinals Win - Squirrels Lose

 Squirrels feel entitled.

Readers remember that I changed the bird-feeder configuration to outsmart the squirrels, who used the platform feeder and the squirrel-proof (sic) feeder to reach the two hanging sunflower seed feeders.

I was only partially successful, which will surprise no one. The squirrels began using the screen, hanging on by their toes, to reach and hold onto one hanging feeder. The second feeder was reachable from the brick wall, but not so easily grabbed and held.

Seeing a mature squirrel stretched from the window screen to the hanging feeder, keeping the birds away, I went looking for screen-removal tools. Unlike most handyman ventures, I did not break anything this time as I popped the screen out.

I moved the screen to the Great Room (formerly the garage) and came back to hear sweet words - "The squirrel is having a meltdown on the window sill."

Soon after, one squirrel was gamely trying to get a sunflower seeds while a male cardinal sat majestically on the central feeder, calming enjoying his seeds, out of reach.

 "Yer eating my food!"