Saturday, February 13, 2016

Have Guenther, Mark Schroeder, and Steinbrenner Read This News Item?
From Virtue Online

Virtue Online
SEXUAL SCANDAL continues to break out in The Episcopal Church. St. George's School, an elite Episcopal prep school in Middletown, Rhode Island is under investigation for the alleged sexual abuse of dozens of former students.

Three boys came to administrators at the prestigious Rhode Island prep school St. George's in 2004 with disturbing allegations: their dorm master had touched them inappropriately. Timothy Richards, then dean of students at the Episcopal school in Middletown, said he and the headmaster, Eric Peterson, interviewed the students.

The accused staffer left the school abruptly, and students were told he had taken a personal leave of absence. But a former school official says the school never reported the allegations to child welfare officials, as is required for credible accusations of abuse.

Luther's Gospel Sermon for Invocavit, The First Sunday in Lent. Matthew 4:1-11.
The Temptation of Christ

Luther's Sermon for INVOCAVIT. FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT. Matthew 4:1-11

German text: Erlangen edition II, 107; Walch II, 727; St. Louis II, 532.


Matthew 4:1-11. Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he afterward hungered. And the tempter came and said unto him, If thou art the Son of God, command that these stones become bread. But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Then the devil taketh him into the holy city; and he set him on the pinnacle of the temple, and saith unto him, if thou art the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and, On their hands they shall bear thee up, lest haply thou dash thy foot against a stone.

Jesus said unto him, Again it is written, Thou shalt not make trial of the Lord thy God. Again, the devil taketh him unto an exceeding high mountain, and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and he said unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Then the devil leaveth him; and behold, angels came and ministered unto him.



1. How this fast has been twisted in the most unreasonable manner by those who have been led to imitate it 1f.

* An opinion on the fast of the papists 1-2.

2. The nature of this fast 3-4.

* How and why man should not seek the temptation and need of fasting without being called by God to do so 4.

3. How Christ’s fasting should serve us. For instruction

5. For admonition 6.


A. In Detail.

1. The First Temptation, a. How Christ in this temptation was forsaken by all 7. b. How Christ is here attacked by Satan through unbelief and hunger (bauchsorge) 8-9. c. How Christ overcame this temptation 10-12.

* God’s care for mankind 13-14.

* Why God nourishes mankind by means of bread, and not only by means of the Word 15-16.

2. The Second Temptation. a. The nature of this temptation 17-20. b. How this temptation seldom takes place in outward things, but often in spiritual matters 20-21. c. Comparison of this with the former temptation

3. The Third Temptation. a. Its nature

23. b. Comparison of this with the former temptations 23-24.

B. In General.

1. Which is the hardest of these temptations

2. The order of these temptations

3. What follows these temptations 27.28.


1. This Gospel is read today at the beginning of Lent in order to picture before Christians the example of Christ, that they may rightly observe Lent, which has become mere mockery: first, because no one can follow this example and fast forty days and nights as Christ did without eating any food. Christ rather followed the example of Moses, who fasted also forty days and nights, when he received the law of God on mount Sinai. Thus Christ also wished to fast when he was about to bring to us, and give expression to, the new law. In the second place, Lent has become mere mockery because our fasting is a perversion and an institution of man. For although Christ did fast forty days, yet there is no word of his that he requires us to do the same and fast as he did. Indeed he did many other things, which he wishes us not to do; but whatever he calls us to do or leave undone, we should see to it that we have his Word to support our actions.

2. But the worst of all is that we have adopted and practiced fasting as a good work: not to bring our flesh into subjection; but, as a meritorious work before God, to atone for our sins and obtain grace. And it is this that has made our fasting a stench and so blasphemous and shameful, so that no drinking and eating, no gluttony and drunkenness, could have been as bad and foul. It would have been better had people been drunk day and night than to fast thus. Moreover, even if all had gone well and right, so that their fasting had been applied to the mortification of the flesh; but since it was not voluntary, and it was not left to each to do according to their own free will, but was compulsory by virtue of human commandment, and they did it unwillingly, it was all lost and to no purpose. I will not mention the many other evils as the consequences, as that pregnant mothers and their offspring, the sick and the weak, were thereby ruined, so that it might be called a fasting of Satan instead of a fasting unto holiness. Therefore we will carefully consider how this Gospel teaches us by the example of Christ what true fasting is.

3. The Scriptures present to us two kinds of true fasting: one, by which we try to bring the flesh into subjection to the spirit, of which St. Paul speaks in 2 Corinthians 6:5: “ In labors, in watchings, in fastings.” The other is that which we must bear patiently, and yet receive willingly because of our need and poverty, of which St. Paul speaks in 1 Corinthians 4:11: “Even unto this present hour we both hunger, and thirst,” and Christ in Matthew 9:15: “When the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, then will they fast.” This kind of fasting Christ teaches us here while in the wilderness alone without anything to eat, and while he suffers his penury without murmuring. The first kind of fasting, one can end whenever he wills, and can satisfy it by food; but the other kind we must observe and bear until God himself changes it and satisfies us. Hence it is much more precious than the first, because it moves in greater faith.

4. This is also the reason that the Evangelist with great care places it first:

Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness, that he might there fast and be tempted, so that no one might imitate his example of their own choice and make of it a selfish, arbitrary, and pleasant fasting; but instead wait for the Spirit, who will send him enough fastings and temptations. For whoever, without being led by the Spirit, wantonly resorts to the danger of hunger or to any temptation, when it is truly a blessing of God that he can eat and drink and have other comforts, tempts God. We should not seek want and temptation, they will surely come of themselves; we ought then do our best and act honestly. The text reads: Jesus was led up of the Spirit into the wilderness; and not: Jesus himself chose to go into the wilderness. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” Romans 8:14. God gives his blessings for the purpose that we may use them with thanksgiving, and not that we may let them lie idle, and thus tempt him; for he wishes it, and forces us to fast by the Spirit or by a need which we cannot avoid.

5. This narrative, however, is written both for our instruction and admonition. First, for instruction, that we should know how Christ has served and helped us by his fasting, hunger, temptation and victory; also that who ever believes on Christ shall never suffer need, and that temptation shall never harm him; but we shall have enough in the midst of want and be safe in the midst of temptation; because his Lord and Head triumphed over these all in his behalf, and of this he is assured, as Christ says in John 16:33: “Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

God, who was able to nourish Christ forty days without any food, can nourish also his Christians.

6. Secondly, this is written for our admonition, that we may in the light of this example also cheerfully suffer want and temptation for the service of God and the good of our neighbor, like Christ did for us, as often as necessity requires it; which is surely accomplished if we learn and confess God’s Word. Therefore this Gospel is sweet consolation and power against the unbelief and infamy of the stomach, to awaken and strengthen the conscience, that we may not be anxious about the nourishment of our bodies, but be assured that he can and will give us our daily bread.


7. But as to how temptation takes place and how it is overcome, is all very beautifully pictured to us here in Christ. First, that he is led up into the wilderness, that is, he is left solitary and alone by God, angels and men, by all creatures. What kind of a temptation would it be, if we were not forsaken and stood not alone? It is, however, painful when we do not feel anything that presents its back to us; as for example, that I should support myself and have not a nickel, not a thread, not a twig, and I experience no help from others, and no advice is offered. That means to be led into the desert and to be left alone. There I am in the true school, and I learn what I am, how weak my faith is, how great and rare true faith is, and how deeply unbelief is entrenched in the hearts of all men. But whoever has his purse, cellar and fields full, is not yet led into the desert, neither is he left alone; therefore he is not conscious of temptation.

8. Secondly, the tempter came forward and attacked Christ with these very same cares of food for the body and with the unbelief in the goodness of God, and said: “If thou art the Son of God, command that these stones become bread,” as if he should say: Yes, trust thou in God and bake and cook nothing; only wait patiently until a roasted fowl flies into your mouth; do you now say that you have a God who cares for you; where is now your heavenly Father, who has charge of you? Yea, it seems to me he lets you in a fine condition; eat now and drink from your faith, let us see how you will satisfy your hunger; yea, when you have stones for bread. What a fine Son of God you are! How fatherly he is disposed toward you in that he fails to send you a slice of bread and permits you to be so poor and needy; do you now continue to believe that you are his son and he is your father? With like thoughts he truly attacks all the children of God. And Christ surely felt this temptation, for he was no stock nor stone; although he was and remained pure and without sin, as we cannot do.

9. That Satan attacked Christ with the cares for daily food or with unbelief and avarice, Christ’s answer proves, in that he says: “Man shall not live by bread alone;” that sounds as if he said: thou wilt direct me to bread alone and dost treat me as though I thought of nothing but the sustenance of my body. This temptation is very common also among pious people, and they especially feel it keenly who have children and a family, and have nothing to eat. Therefore St. Paul says in 1 Timothy 6:10 that avarice is a root of all kind of evil; for it is a fruit of unbelief. Do you not think that unbelief, care and avarice are the reasons people are afraid to enter married life?

Why do people avoid it and live in unchastity, unless it be the fear that they must die of hunger and suffer want? But here we should consider Christ’s work and example, who suffered want forty days and nights, and finally was not forsaken, but was ministered to even by angels.

10. Thirdly, behold how Christ resists this temptation of bread, and overcomes; he sees nothing but stones and what is uneatable, then he approaches and clings to the Word of God, strengthens himself by it and strikes the devil to the ground with it. This saying all Christians should lay hold of when they see that there is lack and want and everything has become stones, so that courage trembles, and they should say: What were it if the whole world were full of bread, still man does not live by bread alone, but more belongs to life, namely, the Word of God. The words, however, are so beautiful and powerful that we must not pass over them lightly, but carefully explain them.

11. These words Christ quotes from Deuteronomy 8:3, where Moses says: “Thy God humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by everything that proceedeth out of the mouth of Jehovah doth man live.”

That is as much as to say: Since God permits you to hunger and you still continue to live, you ought indeed to grasp the thought that God nourishes you without bread through his Word; for if you should live and sustain yourself by bread alone then you must continually be full of bread. But the Word, that nourishes us is, that he promises us and causes it to be published that he is our God and desires to be our God.

12. Thus now the meaning of Moses and of Christ is: Whoever has here God’s Word and believes, has both blessings; the first, where he is in want and has nothing, but must suffer hunger, that Word will sustain him, so that he will not die of hunger nor perish, just as well as if he had abundance to eat; for the Word he has in his heart nourishes and sustains him without eating and drinking. But has he little to eat, then a bite or slice of bread will feed and nourish him like a kingly meal; for not only bread but the Word of God also nourishes the body naturally, as it creates and upholds all things, Hebrews 1:3. The other blessing he will also enjoy, namely, that finally bread will surely be at hand, come whence it will, and should it rain from heaven like manna where none grows and none can grow. In these two thoughts every person can freely trust, namely, that he must in time of hunger receive bread or something to eat, or if not, then his hunger must become so moderate and bearable that it will nourish him even as well as bread does.

13. What has been said of eating and feeding the body should be understood also of drinking, clothing, house, and all our needs: namely that although he still permits us to become naked and suffer want for clothing, house etc., clothing must finally be at hand, and before it fails the leaves of the trees must become coats and mantles; or if not, then the coats and garments that we wear must never grow old; just as happened to the Children of Israel in the desert Deuteronomy 8:2-4, whose clothing and shoes never wore out. Likewise the wild wilderness must become their houses, and there must be a way where there is no way; and water, where there is no water; stones must become water. For here stands God’s Word, which says: “He cares for you;” and St. Paul in 1 Timothy 6:17: “God giveth us richly all things to enjoy;” and Matthew 6:33-34: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Be not therefore anxious for the morrow.” These and like words must continue true and stand forever firm.

14. All this one may indeed learn from his own daily experiences. For it is held, and I almost believe it, that there are not as many sheaves of wheat grown as there are people living on the earth; but God daily blesses and increases the wheat in the sack, the flour in the tray, the bread on the table and in the mouth, as Christ did. John 6:12 f. It is also noticeable that as a rule poor people and their children are fatter and their food reaches farther and agrees with them better than is the case among the rich with all their provisions. However that the godless at times suffer need, or in times of famine many die of hunger, is caused by a special plague as pestilence, war etc. In other ways we see that in all things it is not the food, but the Word of God that nourishes every human being.

15. Now that God sustains all mankind by bread, and not by the Word alone, without bread, is done to the end, that he conceals his work in the world in order to exercise believers; just as he commanded the children of Israel to arm themselves and to fight, and yet it was not his pleasure that victory should come through their own sword and deeds; but he himself was to slay their enemies and triumph with their swords and through their deeds. Here it might a1so be said: The warrior was not victorious through his sword alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God, as David sings, Psalm 44:6: “For I will not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me.” Also <19E710> Psalm 147:10 and Psalm 33:16-17: “He taketh no pleasure in the legs of a man. A mighty man is not delivered by great strength. A horse is a vain thing for safety.” Yet he uses man and the horse, the sword and bow: but not because of the strength and power of man and of the horse, but under the veil and covering of man and the horse he fights and does all. This he proves in that he often did and daily does the same without man and the horse, where there is need and he is not tempted.

16. Thus he does also with the bread; since it is at hand, he nourishes us through it and by means of it, so that we do not see it and we think the bread does it; but where it is not at hand, there he nourishes us without the bread, only through the Word, as he does by means of the bread; so that thus bread is God’s helper, as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3:9: “We are God’s fellow workers,” that is, through and under our outward ministerial office he gives inwardly his grace, which he also could give and does give indeed without our office; but since the office is at hand, one should not despise it nor tempt God. Thus God sustains us outwardly by bread; but only inwardly he gives that growth and permanency, which the bread cannot give. And the summary is: All creatures are God’s larva and mummery, which he permits to work with him and to help to do everything that he can do and does do otherwise without their cooperation, in order that we may cleave alone to his Word. Thus, if bread is at hand, that we do not therefore trust the more; or if there is no bread present, that we do not therefore despair the more; but use it when it is at hand, and do without it, when there is none; being assured that we shall still live and be sustained at both times by God’s Word, whether there be bread or no bread. With such faith one overcomes avarice and temporal care for daily bread in the right way.

17. Christ’s second temptation is opposed to the first and is repugnant to common sense. Its substance is that the devil teaches us to tempt God; as he here calls to Christ to cast himself down from the pinnacle of the temple, which was not at all necessary, since there were surely good steps upon which he could descend. And that this temptation was for the purpose of tempting or making trial of God, the answer of Christ also clearly proves, when he says: “Thou shalt not make trial of the Lord thy God.” By this he shows that the devil wished to lead him into temptation.

18. And this very appropriately follows the first temptation. For where the devil feels a heart trusts God in times of want and need, he soon ceases his temptation of bread and avarice and thinks: Wait, wilt thou be very spiritual and believing, I will assist you: He approaches and attacks on the other side, that we might believe where God has not commanded us to believe, nor wills that we should believe. For example, if God gave you bread in your homes, as he does yearly everywhere in the world, and you would not use it, but instead you would cause need and want yourselves, and say: Why, we are to believe God; I will not eat the bread, but will patiently wait until God sends me manna from heaven. See, that would be tempting God; for that is not believing where all is at hand that we need and should have. How can one believe that he will receive what he already has ?

19. Thus you see here that Satan held before Christ want and need where there was neither want nor need; but where there was already good means by which to descend from the temple without such a newly devised and unnecessary way of descending. For this purpose Satan led Christ to the top of the temple, in the holy city, says the Evangelist, and placed him in a holy place. For he creates such precious thoughts in man that he thinks he is filled with faith and is on the true way of holiness; and yet he does not stand in the temple, but is only on the outside of the temple, that is, he is not in the true holy mind or life of faith; and yet he is in the holy city; that is, such persons are found only in Christendom and among true Christians, who hear a great deal of preaching about faith. To these persons he applies the sayings of Scripture. For such persons learn Scripture also by daily hearing it; but not farther than they can apply it to their erroneous opinions and their false faith. For Satan here quotes from the Psalter, Psalm 91:11-12, that God commanded the angels that they should protect the children of God and carry them on their hands. But Satan like a rogue and cheat fails to quote what follows, namely, that the angels shall protect the children of God in all their ways. For the Psalm reads thus: “For he will give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone;” hence the protection of the angels does not reach farther, according to the command of God, than the ways in which God has commanded us to walk.

When we walk in these ways of God, his angels take care of us. But the devil omits to quote “the ways of God” and interprets and applies the protection of the angels to all things, also to that which God has not commanded; then it fails and we tempt God.

20. Now, this temptation seldom takes place in outward material things as bread, clothing, house, etc. For we find many foolhardy people, who risk and endanger their body and life, their property and honor, with out any need of doing so; as those do who willfully enter into battle or jump into the water, or gamble for money, or in other ways venture into danger, of whom the wise man says in Sirach 3:27: “Whoever takes pleasure in danger, will thereby be overcome;” for in the degree one struggles to get a thing, will he succeed in obtaining it; and good swimmers are likely to drown and good climbers likely to fall. Yet it is seldom that those of false faith in God abstain from bread, clothing and other necessities of life, when they are at hand. As we read of two hermits, who would not accept bread from the people, but thought God should send it to them directly from heaven; so the consequence was that one died and went to his father, the devil, who taught him such faith and left him fall from the pinnacle.

21. But in spiritual matters this temptation is powerful when one has to do with the nourishment not of the body but of the soul. Here God has held before us the person and way, by which the soul can be forever nourished in the richest manner possible without any want, namely Christ, our Savior.

But this way, this treasure, this provision no one desires. Everybody seeks another way, other provisions to help their souls. The real guilty ones are those who would be saved through their own work; these the devil sets conspicuously on the top of the temple. They follow him and go down where there is no stairway; they believe and trust in their own work where there is no faith nor trust, no way nor bridge, and break their necks. But Satan makes use of and persuades them through the Scriptures to believe that the angels will protect them, and that their way, works and faith are pleasing to God, and who called them through the Scriptures to do good works; but they do not care how falsely they explain the Scriptures.

22. Who these are, we have identified often enough and very fully, namely, workrighteous persons and unbelieving hypocrites under the name of being Christians and among the congregation of Christian people. For the temptation must take place in the holy city and one temptation is seldom against another. In the first temptation want and hunger are the reasons that we should not believe; and by which we become anxious to have a full sufficiency, so that there is no chance for us to believe. In the second temptation, however, the abundance and the full sufficiency are the reasons that we do not believe, by which we become tired of the common treasure, and every one tries to do something through his own powers to provide for his soul. So we do; if we have nothing, then we doubt God and believe not; if we have abundance, then we become tired of it and wish to have something different, and again we fail to believe. There we flee and turn against want and seek abundance: here we seek want and flee from the abundance we have. No, whatever God does for us, is never right. Such is the bottomless wickedness of our unbelief.

23. Christ’s third temptation consists in temporal honor and power; as the words of the devil clearly teach, when Satan shows and offers Christ all the kingdoms of the world if he would worship him. To this class those belong who fall from their faith for the sake of honor and power, that they may enjoy good days, or not believe further than their honor and power extend.

Such are also the heretics who start sects and factions in matters of faith among Christians, that they may make a great parade before the world and soar aloft in their own honor. Hence one may place this third temptation on the right, and the first on the left side. The first is the temptation of misfortune, by which man is stirred to anger, impatience and unbelief; the third and last, the temptation of prosperity, by which man is enticed to lust, honor, joy, and whatever is high. The second or middle temptation is spiritual and deals with the blind tricks and errors that mislead reason from faith.

24. For whom the devil cannot overcome with poverty, want, need and misery, he attacks with riches, favor, honor, pleasure, power and the like, and contends on both sides against us; yea, “he walketh about,” says St. Peter in 1 Peter 5:8, so that if he cannot overthrow us either with suffering or love, that is, with the first temptation on the left or the third on the right, he retires to a higher and different method and attacks us with error, blindness and a false understanding of the Scripture. If he wins there, we fare ill on all sides and in all things; and whether one suffers poverty or has abundance, whether he fights or surrenders, all is lost. For when one is in error, neither patience in misfortune nor firmness in prosperity helps him; seeing that in both heretics are often powerful and the devil deliberately acts as if he were overcome in the first and last temptations, although he is not, if he has only won in the middle or second temptation. For he lets his own children suffer much and be patient, even at times to spurn the world; but never with a true and honest heart.

25. Now these three temptations taken together are heavy and hard; but the middle one is the greatest; for it attacks the doctrine of faith itself in the soul, and is spiritual and in spiritual matters. The other two attack faith in outward things, in fortune and misfortune, in pleasure and pain etc., although both severely try us. For it is sad that one should lay hold of heaven and ever be in want and eat stones where there is no bread. Again, it is sad to despise favors, honor and possessions, friends and associates, and let go what one already has. But faith, rooted in God’s Word, is able to do all things; is faith strong, then it is also easy for the believer to do this.

26. The order of these temptations, as they met Christ, one cannot absolutely determine; for the Evangelists give them in different order. The temptation Matthew places as the middle one, Luke places last, Luke 4, 4f.; and again, the temptation Luke places in the middle, Matthew places last, as if little depended on the order. But if one wished to preach or speak of them, the order of Luke would be the better. For it is a fine opportunity to repeat and relate that the devil began with want and misfortune; when that did not work, then he began with prosperity and honor; and last, when all fails, that he wantonly and wickedly springs forth and strikes people with terror, lies and other spiritual tricks. And since they have no order in practice and experience, but as it happens that a Christian may be attacked at one time with the last, and another time with the first etc., Matthew gave little attention to the order for a preacher to observe in speaking of this theme. And perhaps it was also the same with Christ through the forty days that the devil held to no order, but today attacked him with this and tomorrow with another temptation, and again in ten days with the first and so on, just as occasion was given.

27. At last angels approached and served him. This must have taken place in a literal sense, that they appeared in a bodily form and gave him to eat and drink, and just as at a table, they ministered to all his wants. For the service is offered outwardly to his body, just like, no doubt, the devil, his tempter, also appeared in a bodily form, perhaps like an angel. For, seeing that he places him on the pinnacle of the temple and shows him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment, he must have been a higher being than a man, since he represents himself as a higher being, in that he offers him all the kingdoms of the world and permits himself to be worshiped. But he surely did not bear the form of the devil, for he desires to be beautiful when he lies and deceives, as St. Paul says of him in 2 Corinthians 11:14: “For even Satan fashioneth himself into an angel of light.”

28. This however is written for our comfort, that we may know that many angels minister also to us, where one devil attacks us; if we fight with a knightly spirit and firmly stand, God will not let us suffer want, the angels of heaven would sooner appear and be our bakers, waiters and cooks and minister to all our wants. This is not written for Christ’s sake for he does not need it. Did the angels serve him, then they may also serve us.

From 2012 - Herman Otten Selling Anti-Luther Book for Reformation

Follow up:

For good reason I have focused on the McCain-Weedon-Harrison promotion of Romanism in the LCMS. McCain, as the under-blogger for Concordia Publishing House, promotes the Apocrypha and the Catholic Encyclopedia in honor of the Reformation.

But McCain is a regular Chemnitz compared to his old political buddy, Herman Otten. 

Earlier, Christian News had a feature on The Facts about Luther, by O'Hare, which is published by TAN - the Roman Catholic side of Thomas A. Nelson (Protestant) publishing. Oh, how rich, to cover both sides of the ecumenical church and make money from both.

Otten has learned from TAN/Nelson. His big spread on books for Reformation includes the horrid, bigoted, lying and slanderous book about Luther - The Facts about Luther, by Msgr. Patrick F. O'Hare.

Why exactly would a Lutheran pastor give money to the papists to attack the Reformer with a pile of lies?

Ironically, he did not list Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant on the same page. What better book to discuss the differences among the three major branches of the Christian Faith? In fact, CLP deals with the factual errors and outright lies in the O'Hare book.

How many books deal with the actual differences between Rome and the Lutheran Reformation, using the original sources?

Answer - One. Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant.

I do not see how Otten can criticize any Protestant group or any leader when he sells Roman Catholic Dreck to make a few bucks.

Perhaps he will offer statues of the Virgin Mary giving St. Bernard a fill-up next. McCain would take three- one for him, one for Weedon, one for Harrison.

From CLP:

Now we know what the LCMS thinks about Luther -
while Walther is venerated as a saint!

The Seven-Headed Luther
Coclaeus published his Seven-Headed Luther (Septiceps Lutherus) in 1529, with a title page illustrating Luther as a seven-headed man keen on novelties, raging furiously, looking for violence, and eager to set up a new papacy for himself. The image is from the Book of Revelation: Revelation 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns,
and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. Surrounded by unreliable associates, Cochlaeus became increasingly wild and undiscerning in his attacks, publishing another work in 1534. One scholar wrote:

For the personal element in this history of the Lutheran Reformation is so dominant, the reader finds it difficult to avoid the impression that, for Cochlaeus, the Reformation was exclusively to be blamed on Luther. No good was to be expected of such a man, and no defamation seemed too base to
be left unmentioned.


GJ - Here is a free clue, Herman Otten - the Roman Catholics have abandoned the Seven-Headed Luther and the book based upon Cochlaeus' defamation of Luther - The Facts about Luther.

Why is the editor of Christian News selling this book - FOR REFORMATION STUDIES?


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Pastor Herman Otten Joins Forces with Paul McCain ...":

Ichabod -

I gain the impression that Otten is another McCaininite. Hence, it follows that those who engorge themselves with the false doctrine of universal objective justification; they then naturally become attracted to Roman Catholicism.

Come to think of it; - no wonder CPH's McCain is so hooked on his Mother Mary lactation.

Nathan M. Bickel


GJ - People think their Mennonite shunning methods are the equivalent of fellowship principles. For instance, Otten shuns me for being against UOJ. Or Grace does. She is the theologian in the family.

But UOJ does make people oblivious about doctrine - except for that one dogma.

I know from Notre Dame that the only dogma that mattered was being a member of Rome. The ND worship department laughed at Lutherans as the "Western Orthodox."

Luther wrote - "The entire Bible is a sermon about Jesus."

Someone Refused a Free Copy of The Faith of Jesus Offered,
To Read on a Long Trip.
I Thought of Brett Meyer and This Luther Quotation

Corrected PDF of The Faith of Jesus: Against the Faithless Lutherans.
Final Black and White Edition.

The Faith of Jesus: Against the Faithless Lutherans

You may download this PDF, share it, print it, etc.

The quotations are set up so that people can print a page or two and have the citations directly under the quotations and not dropped below in fine print or buried at the end of the chapter or the book.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Who Are the Authorities? - The References Give Away the Agenda.
Like Jay Webber Recently, Zarling Argued One Side - Against Luther and the Book of Concord.
A Sign-Off Tonight for the Icha-peekers

The President of Martin Luther College published this UOJ nonsense:

"Faith does nothing more than receive the forgiveness which is offered in the Gospel. It is not a condition we fulfill nor is it a cause of forgiveness. We are already forgiven. God's message of justification in Christ is there whether we believe it or not. Faith then receives the blessings." And, "Faith that accepts the good news of universal justification is the work of God the Holy Ghost." Page 7
“The glorious Gospel: In Jesus, God has declared the entire world righteous and forgiven, irregardless of whether or not the world believes it. Such is the jewel described by objective, universal, or general justification.” Page 2
Quoting Stoeckhardt, “If God has already in Christ justified all men and forgiven their sins, then I also in Christ have a gracious God and the forgiveness of all my sins.” Page 5
“Irregardless of man's faith, God declares the world just.”
Page 6
“Our salvation is an accomplished fact. It is done. It is finished. The resurrection is the proof that God has declared the sinners justified!” Page 6
“Faith does nothing more than receive the forgiveness which is offered in the Gospel. It is not a condition we fulfill nor is it a cause of forgiveness. We are already forgiven.” Page 7
“Simply present Law and Gospel. Warn sinners that unbelief damns, and rejection of Christ will bring eternal torment. Then comfort them with the glorious objective reality that all sins are already forgiven in Christ.” Page 7

I previously identified, more than once, the dishonest opening of Mark Zarling's horrible essay, Stand in Awe of Justification - which began calling justification the Chief Article of the Christian Faith and perversely defined justification as justification without faith.

Oh - that justification?

Ardnt, D. "The Doctrine of Justification and the Controversy Over the Views of Dr. W. Maier in the Missouri Synod." Redwood Falls Conference paper, delivered Nov. 17, 1981.

Arndt, Wm. "The Doctrine of Justification," Essay IX in volume 2 of The Abiding Word. St. Louis: CPH, 1947.

Becker, S.W. "Objective Justification." Essay delivered at the Chicago Pastoral Conference, November 9, 1982. Becker, S.W. "The Gospel." Essay XIV in volume 2 of The Abiding Word. St. Louis: CPH, 1947.

Brinsmead, R.D. "Lutherans in Crisis over Justification by Faith." Verdict, vol. 2, no. 6, November, 1979.

Burgdorf, T. "The Basis of Justification: The Work of Christ and the Grace of God." Essay number 3 at the Second Lutheran Free Conference, printed in His Pardoning Grace. Milwaukee: NPH, 1966.

Concordia Triglotta. St. Louis: CPH, 1921.

Curia, R.N. "The Significant History of the Doctrine of Objective or Universal Justification Among the Churches of the Former Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of North America." Paper delivered at the California Pastoral Conference, January 24-25, 1983.

Hummel, H.D. "Justification in the Old Testament." Concordia Journal, vol. 9. no. 1, January, 1983.

Kuske, D. "Making Use of Lutheran Heritage: 'Objective Justification' in our Mission Outreach Based on an Exegesis of II Corinthians 5:18-19." Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, vol. 77, no. 1, January, 1980.

Lawrenz C.J. "On Justification, Osiander's Doctrine of the Indwelling Christ." No Other Gospel. Milwaukee: NPH, 1980.

Meyer, J.P. Ministers of Christ. Milwaukee: NPH, 1963.

Moellering, H.A. "How to Preach Objective Justification—A Lesson from C.F.W. Walther." Concordia Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, January, 1983.

Otten, H. "The Meaning of Justification." Essay two of the Second Lutheran Free Conference, printed in His Pardoning Grace. Milwaukee: NPH, 1966.

Pieper, F. Christian Dogmatics. St Louis: CPH, 1951. vol. 2.

Plass, E.M. compiler. What Luther Says. An Anthology in 3 volumes. St Louis: CPH, 1959.

Preus, R.D. "Perennial Problems in the Doctrine of Justification." Concordia Theological Quarterly, vol. 45, no. 3, July, 1981.

Reim, N. "The Appropriation of Justification: Justifying Faith." Essay five at the Second Lutheran Free Conference, printed in His Pardoning Grace. Milwaukee: NPH, 1966.

Sanday W. and Headlam, A.C. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark, 1971 reprint. [Favorite liberal, HCM commentary set. But where is Lenski?]

Scaer D.P. "The Two Sides of Justification." Christianity Today. June 26, 1981.

Schaller, J. Biblical Christology. Milwaukee: NPH, 1981.

Schaller, J. "Redemption and Universal Justification According to II Corinthians 5:8-21." Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, vol. 72, no. 4, October, 1975.

Scheutze, A.W. "The Presupposition of Justification: The Sin of Man and the Holiness of God." Essay one at the Second Lutheran Free Conference, printed in His Pardoning Grace. Milwaukee: NPH, 1966. Seminary Dogmatics Notes, cf. the Seminary mimeo company.

Steele, D.N. and Thomas, C.C. The Five Points of Calvinism: Defined, Defended, Documented. Philadelphia: Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing Company, 1963.

Stoeckhardt, G. Epistle to the Romans. translator E.W. Koehlinger. Ft. Wayne: Concordia Theological Seminary Press.

Stoeckhardt. G. "General Justification." Concordia Theological Quarterly, vol. 46, no. 2-3, April and July, 1982.

Surburg, R.F. "Justification as a Doctrine of the Old Testament: A Comparative Study in Confessional and Biblical Theology." Concordia Theological Quarterly, vol. 46, no. 2-3, April and July, 1982.

Teigen, R.N. "The Proclamation of Justification: The Gospel Message of Forgiveness." Essay four at the Second Lutheran Free Conference, printed in His Pardoning Grace, Milwaukee: NPH, 1966.

Walther, C.F.W. The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel. translator, W.H.T. Dau. St. Louis: CPH, 1928. Warth, M.C. "Justification Through Faith in Article Four of the Apology." Concordia Theological Quarterly, vol. 46, no. 2-3, April and July, 1982.


GJ - Serious lapses can be spotted at once. Zarling's list is larded with recent UOJ authors. Where are:

  • Lenski, 
  • Luther, and 
  • Gausewitz?

Luther's sermons are extremely important and easily obtained in many forms and editions. Since Luther placed the sermon as the most important effort in church life, ignoring them is a major - and in fact - a dishonest omission.

Zarling ignored the Book of Concord and merely copied some quotations this way -

"32 This presentation was simplified greatly by Torald N. Teigen, in his essay, "the Proclamation of Justification: The Gospel Message of Forgiveness," printed in His Pardoning Grace, (Milwaukee: NPH, 1966), pp. 62-88. We follow his outline."

Zarling asserted that his cursory copying of quotations proved that the Lutheran Confessions are  in agreement "with our position."

This brief presentation of confessional quotations should be sufficient to assure us that our position is indeed synonymous with the Symbols of our church. Justification is the diamond among the jewels of God's revelation. It is the heart of the Gospel message. For our own eternal comfort, let us always treasure its priceless worth. p. 10, Zarling essay!

Let us everyone try to keep from laughing out loud when someone claims a "quia subscription to the Confessions" is the WELS position. Zarling makes it sound like the Book of Concord has a quia subscription to the UOJ of WELS.

Zarling's rhapsody is a clear case of begging the question, a type of circular reasoning. He simply assumes his initial point is true and piles on all the statements agreeing with it. But this is a logical fallacy because he does not entertain or even acknowledge that another position, even another definition of justification, is relevant.

In short, he correctly states that justification is the Chief Article of the Christian Religion, etc etc. His source is What Luther Says, which sounds like going deep sea fishing with a Ronco Pocket Fisherman. This betrays the modern WELS loathing of the Book of Concord. Why actually study The Righteousness of Faith, Article III in the Formula of Concord -  or engage the Apology's brilliant, clear discussion of justification by faith?

The Formula of Concord cites Melanchthon and Luther
in the article, The Righteousness of Faith.
These are authorities for sincere Lutherans,
far above the recent synodical squat-heads.

Instead, Zarling defines justification by opposing Luther, Melanchthon, and the Book of Concord. This sleight of hand, almost magical, is academic dishonesty and doctrinal bankruptcy. Instead of declaring a difference between the Book of Concord and the WELS dogma, he defines the original statement as really meaning the WELS dogma and runs away with his begging the question. Everyone must conclude from Zarling's manipulation that the Chief Article is indeed Objective/Subjective Justification, which are flotsam and jetsam from Halle Pietism and a Calvinist translator.

Zarling and Bivens remind me of the young woman who sang the praises of Margaret Sanger in her presentation in college. I asked about Sanger's speech to the Ku Klux Klan. Did she know about that?

The woman said, "Oh, I ran into that stuff about the KKK, but ignored it because it clashed with my theme."

Full Color Edition of The Faith of Jesus: Against the Faithless Lutherans Will Go into Production Today, God Willing and the Cricks Don't Rise

Today I am going to finish fixing the typos found in the black and white edition of The Faith of Jesus: Against the Faithless Lutherans.

Once that improved file is received by the publishing arm of Team Ichabod, the new edition will be prepped for Create Space (Amazon).

Listen up, readers
The color version will replace the black and white edition now in print.

Pretty soon - no one will be able to order up the less expensive version. However, that PDF will remain available free as a public link. Anyone can share the link and spread it around, to infinity and beyond.

If you want extra copies sent (no charge), let me know in the next couple of days and I will send them. If you already received a copy, I have your address. Let me know how many you need. Gifts have already been given to send these books around.

Last night I ordered up 15 copies for one person.

I do not know the price of the printed color version, but both companies charge for color for the whole book, when any color is used inside. But the on-demand books are far less expensive than the old system.

The new version is large format to make it more attractive. Norma Boeckler has used that format a number of times with her books, and these illustrations are all hers.

Color PDF Will Be Free
When the color version is available, the PDF will be linked for free. Anyone may use and share that link. Print it up on your own if you wish.

The idea is not to make a bundle on the book, which is impossible, but to distribute it everywhere, as freely as possible.

The book was written for informed laymen. As one early reader said, much more could be explained. However, this is a start for anyone new to the topic. Justification by faith can be learned by using the best sources (KJV and the Book of Concord) and UOJ can be un-learned by examining the false claims and deceptions used by the synodical leaders.

WELS false teachers Mark Zarling and Forrest Bivens claimed in writing that God pronouncing the entire world forgiven - whether anyone believes or not - to be the Chief Article of the Christian Faith. However, here are two citations that say otherwise.

Who knows better - Zarling and Bivens?
Or Melanchthon, Luther, and the Formula of Concord editors?
One wise guy said, "I agree with Webber."
I said, "I agree with the Holy Spirit, St. Paul, and Luther."


"No matter what you did yesterday -- or failed to do -- and no matter what you will do tomorrow, God has forgiven you."
WELS's Meditations, March-May 2014, for Monday, 17 March 2014.

"That faith, which, as we considered in the preceding chapter, is wrought in us by God (Col. 2:12; Eph. 1:19), is firmly based upon the fact that we are justified, that our sins have been forgiven. Justification, just like its opposite, condemnation, is a judgment of God (Rom. 5:18, 19). It is a judicial act of God in which He, as the Judge of all, pronounces a verdict of acquittal upon all sinners." 
Edward Koehler, Justification, Objective and Subjective

"Objectively speaking, without any reference to an individual sinner's attitude toward Christ's sacrifice, purely on the basis of God's verdict, every sinner, whether he knows it or not, whether he believes it or not, has received the status of saint."
WELS Kokomo Statements, JP Meyer, Ministers of Christ

"After Christ's intervention and through Christ's intervention God regards all sinners as guilt-free saints."
WELS Kokomo Statements, JP Meyer, Ministers of Christ

"When God reconciled the world to Himself through Christ, He individually pronounced forgiveness to each individual sinner whether that sinner ever comes to faith or not."
WELS Kokomo Statements, JP Meyer, Ministers of Christ

"At the time of the resurrection of Christ, God looked down in hell and declared Judas, the people destroyed in the flood, and all the ungodly, innocent, not guilty, and forgiven of all sin and gave unto them the status of saints."
WELS Kokomo Statements, taken from an earlier conflict over justification

“When Paul uses the word ‘reconciling’ here, [2 Corinthians 5:19] he clearly means that forgiveness of sins is really imputed to ‘the world.’"
Pope John the Malefactor, Lutheran Sentinel, 1996.

"This is very conveniently expressed by the terms objective and subjective justification. objective justification is the act of God, by which he proffers pardon to all through Christ; subjective is the act of man, by which he accepts the pardon freely offered in the gospel. The former is universal, the latter not."
The Calvinist Leonard Woods translating the Halle Pietist Geoge Knapp, 1831.

There is not one for whose sin and death he did not die, whose sin and death he did not remove and obliterate on the cross...There is not one who is not adequately and perfectly and finally justified in Him. There is not one whose sin is not forgiven sin in Him, whose death is not a death which has been put to death in Him...There is not one for whom he has not done everything in His death and received everything in His resurrection from the dead. 
(Karl Barth,Church Dogmatics, IV, 1, 638, cited with approval, Carl Braaten, Justification, p. 140.)

"For God has already forgiven you your sins 1800 years ago when He in Christ absolved all men by raising Him after He first had gone into bitter death for them. Only one thing remains on your part so that you also possess the gift. This one thing is--faith. And this brings me to the second part of today's Easter message, in which I now would show you that every man who wants to be saved must accept by faith the general absolution, pronounced 1800 years ago, as an absolution spoken individually to him." 
C. F. W. Walther, The Word of His Grace, Sermon Selections, "Christ's Resurrection--The World's Absolution" Lake Mills: Graphic Publishing Company, 1978 p. 233. Brosamen, p. 138. Mark 16:1-8.

We proclaim boldly, “Jesus Saved,” past tense, finished, certain. 
Jon Buchholz, WELS Convention Essay

"The justification of the human race indeed also ocurred, in respect of the acquisition, in one moment, in the moment in which Christ rose and was thus declared righteous; but in respect of the appropriation it still continues till the last day."
Jay Webber, quoting Halle Pietist with approval, Intrepid Lutherans
GJ - The statements above represent what Jay Webber, Jon Buchholz, and the Synodical Conference leaders believe or at least pretend to believe.

The hymn for the Emmaus Conference will be - I'd Rather Have Rambach -

to this tune -

  1. I’d rather have Rambach with silver and gold;
    I’d rather be Pietist with riches untold;
    I’d rather have Rambach with houses and lands;
    I’d rather be led by the Halle U. band.
    • Refrain:
      And to be the king of a vast domain
      And be held in sin’s dread sway;
      I’d rather have Rambach than anything
      The Gospel affords today.
  2. I’d rather have Spener with men’s applause;
    I’d rather be faithful to UOJ's cause;
    I’d rather have Rambach and worldwide fame;
    I’d rather be true to Halle U's name.
  3. They're fairer than roses or sauerkraut;
    They're sweeter than Thrivent grants without doubt;
    They're all that my Old Adam needs;
    I’d rather have Rambach and let him lead.

 Valleskey is a good example of promoting UOJ
and Church Growth in the same book,
which Webber considers "weird."
The Synodical Conference does this inconsistently
but persistently.

From 2009 - Money Wasted by the WELS Popcorn Cathedral of Love

What does DP Englebrecht of the Anything Goes District
have to say about these questions?
Rev. Douglas J. Engelbrecht
Ex-Northern Wisconsin District President

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Bishop Katie Attends Drive 09 This Week: Ski, Busk...":

This is just plain wrong, Wrong, WRONG! I am outraged and saddened. We cannot trust the pastors in WELS. Why are these men not removed from WELS? Who is caring for the souls in The CORE while the pastor and assistant are gone? Why didn't this group go off to a WELS conference to study the Lutheran Confessions? I can't trust anything the WELS' pastors say anymore. The membership of WELS has been victimized by the leadership. WHY is the leadership of WELS allowing this to go on? How can the Presidents let these men take care of souls when they return? If WELS is Lutheran why are the pastors learning from prominent non-Lutherans? Why are they not learning from Scripture? Why are they learning the ways of men? Don't you know how you are confusing and driving away the very souls you once evangelized? Don't you know how much you are hurting the members? Don't you know the despair you are leading us into? Some of us have left Baptist and Evangelical churches to join WELS. We are being very very hurt by this stuff. We don't know where to turn for pastoral counsel.


rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Traitorous Ski, or the Enablers?":

My guess is that few congregations will give the WELS power meisters an ultimatum. There is a strong but subtle undercurrent of fear that is quite rampant throughout the synod. Most fear being given the left foot of fellowship. Remember that the divine call has a lot of human intervention from the DP's. This type of intimidation has been a long time in the making. However, we should still pray about it that the Lord will use this for the benefit of his Kingdom, no matter what the outcome.


Follow the WELS gang at Drive 09 on their Twitters:

Pastor Tim GlendeSt. Peter's, Freedom, Wisconsin.
The 5 Seasons is a great place to debrief at the end of a great day in Atlanta.
about 2 hours ago from txt
Just had chili slaw dogs for lunch. If you are ever in Atlanta make sure you hit the Varsity.
about 12 hours ago from txt

Pastor Jim Buske (also at Drive 08), Gospel Lutheran Lighthouse.
No Tweets so far. Ski is on the Lighthouse board.

Bishop KatieThe Core, A-town.
What a night. Still trying to process @andystanley 's talk at Drive. Headed to bed and hoping I get to stay there till morning.
13 minutes ago from Tweetie
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. (via @tommytrc)
20 minutes ago from Tweetie
Hangin in the ATL with some great people. Yes they're out there. So awesome to be a part of the awesome things God is doing right now.
about 1 hour ago from Tweetie
@toddfields one word: phenomenal! God is great!
about 1 hour ago from Tweetie in reply to toddfields
Just talked with @loswhit. He's as real in person as he is on the web. That's good stuff. Love authentic people!
about 2 hours ago from Tweetie
"it is well with my soul"!!
about 2 hours ago from Tweetie
@tonymorganlive breakout one starts 8:30
about 5 hours ago from Tweetie in reply to tonymorganlive
Dinner at the Golden Corral. Got to have a salad. Probably the healthiest food I'll get for 3 days. I'm a happy girl now.
about 6 hours ago from Tweetie
Walk in 2 register. tell the guy we r from The CORE. He (clay) says I've been praying 4 u. pulls a card from his pocket with r name on it.
about 7 hours ago from Tweetie
Ready to take on the next three days after a nap and clean clothes. Does wonders!
about 7 hours ago from Tweetie
@loswhit I'm there #drive09about 11 hours ago from Tweetie in reply to loswhit
First meal in the ATL - The Varsity. Now just drivin round the city.
about 13 hours ago from Tweetie
On the ground in Atlanta. Long ride to the gate now. In desparate need of a nap.
about 15 hours ago from Tweetie
Up at 2:30 and headed to the airport now for a 6am flight. Not a morning person but this is a good reason to be up early.
about 19 hours ago from Tweetie

SkiPopcorn Cathedral of Rock, A-town.@loswhit I'm here in the ATL 4 Drive 09
about 8 hours ago from twitterrific in reply to loswhit

This Tweet is from Carlos, on the staff at Northpoint/Buckhead:
So there you have it.
I have joined arms/signed a deal with Integrity Music to write some kick booty, make you sweat, get out of your chair and leave the church building to actually do something for the Kingdom songs.

Jay King, Stephen Brewster, Chris Estes and all the peeps at Integrity. It’s time to create culture and change the world.
And it is all going to go down here…
You ready for the ride?


Cost for four people?

Tuition paid to the Babtists x 4 = $1,000.
Jet fare x 4 = $2,000.
Hotel and meals x 4 = $2,000.

Thus, $5,000 (roughly) was blown on this Schwaermer conference. Compare the cost to a Lutheran pastoral conference, a fraction of the cost. But hey, how many take-aways can anyone get from one of those?

Thursday, February 11, 2016

By Popular Request - "How Can We Take Greg Jackson Seriously When He Puts Our Pastors in Bunny Suits?"

Matt Doebler earned a drive-by DMin
and got himself a call to be a WELS professor
at the Church and Change mini-seminary.

"How Can We Take Greg Jackson Seriously When He Puts Our Pastors in Bunny Suits?" - That is what one WELS pastor said to dismiss this humble little blog's efforts.

Patterson disgraced the office of ministry
by using bunnies to promote his Easter service.
Kudu Don hates this Photoshop, one of my best.

But he omitted this crucial fact. I put Don Patterson and Matt Doebler in bunny suits because both promoted their Easter Sunday service with live bunny rabbits. Bring the kiddies to church so they pet those cute little bunnies. Patterson hid the bunny notice on a separate websty the next Easter, but I found it by Googling Patterson and bunny. I am not a genius, just by comparison with the average IQ of WELS DPs. The third year Patterson dropped the public mention of Easter bunnies.

Patterson life-coach victim Ski would love to bring a bunny to church on Easter.
Osteen knows it's all about the bunnies and the Benjamins.
They were almost rained out one year, an act of God.

I admit adding the caption to the hat and the clown suit for Glende,
but they are metaphors for both. Figure it out.
They became FB friends during Ski and Glende's harassment troubles,
and Ski got his insta-call next door to Patterson.

DP Don is so pleased to have half of the Odd Couple at his church.

Don Patterson has lots of property and income,
plus rich members who take him to Africa to wild kudu deer,
but he mines WELS for more loot to run his operation.
That lets him run around being a bigshot.

PETA swung the DP vote to Kudu Don. WELS gossip said that
Schroeder and the previous DP did not want him in that office.
But opposition to the New NIV stopped when Don stepped up.

Did I put the Dapper Don in that silly mob outfit? No!
Did I add $ to his dark glasses. Yes!
No one fishes for funds faster than Kudu Don -
stirred by his mission to move from Hispanic Austin
to rockin' rich Round Rock.