Saturday, June 11, 2016

Mountain Mint Reboots Itself - Rising from the Accidental Mulch Shroud

Mountain Mint is known for swarming beneficial insect activity,
unlike any other plant.

As I wrote earlier, Mountain Mint impressed me the first time I saw it in Washington DC at one of the government gardens there. That was around 30 years ago, when finding a supplier of unusual plants was a challenge. Now that takes about five seconds with Google - "purchase mountain mint."

I bought two for a reasonable price and planted them in the front yard. But our helper saw one as a weed to be covered over with cardboard and wood mulch - and he did. I knew the proximate location but could not find it. Nor could he.

Today I was gathering the roses for the altar when I saw a scraggly little thing poking up from the mulch, where I remembered planting the mint. It looked like a newborn colt, weak and wrinkled. I pinched off a leaf and crushed it - mint. No - MINT! That was the strongest mint smell I had encountered.

I was not entirely surprised, because Mountain Mint has a reputation for being aggressive. The large mulched area preserves moisture and promotes soil microbes and earthworms, so I often get super-weeds bursting through for a taste of freedom, sunlight, and fresh air.


Mountain Mint Herb and Food Use, Medicinal Properties

Mountain-mint is edible and medicinal, raw or cooked the flower buds and leaves are edible and have a hot, spicy, mint-like flavor that makes a great spice or seasoning for meat. The fresh or dried leaves are brewed into a refreshing mint-like medicinal herb tea that is alterative (for that run down feeling), analgesic, antiseptic, diaphoretic, carminative, emmenagogue and tonic. The medicinal tea is used in alternative medicine in the treatment of menstrual disorders, indigestion, mouth sores and gum disease, colic, coughs, colds, chills and fevers.     A strong decoction is medicinal poured over festering wounds. Crushed flowers are placed on tooth ache and almost instantly kills pain. Very aromatic the herb is used in potpourri or burned as incense. Placed in a muslin bag it can be used as bath additive, and is said to be very soothing to irritated skin. Will freshen laundry when used in the dryer. Thrown in a drawer or trunk it will not only freshen clothing and blankets, but keep moths away. Sprinkle on carpets to freshen the whole house and is said to be a good natural insecticide, the plant does repel insects and is good for use in the garden. Crushed flowers are rubbed on clothing to repel insects.

Caution: Not for use by pregnant women, may be harmful to fetus.


What is the best native plant to attract many different types of beneficial insects?  I live in CT.


Beneficial insects come in many different shapes and sizes, and are active at different times of year.  So, the best approach is to plant many different species of regional native plants timed to bloom throughout the growing season.  There really is no single plant that will do it all.  Having said that, any plant in the Pycnanthemum genus (Mountain Mint) is a great choice to include in your landscape.

The abundant nectar of Mountain Mints attracts a dizzying array of insects.  Mountain Mints draws bees, wasps, butterflies, moths, ants, flies and beetles.  I cannot think of another plant genus that attracts such a diversity of insects.  I have seen some extraordinarily large predatory wasps on Mountain Mints – not to worry, though, these wasps are highly effective predators of many insect pests.

Mountain Mints are square stemmed with opposite leaves.  Some have very broad foliage and some have quite narrow leaves.  The plants are strongly scented and as a result, deer and other herbivores tend to avoid them. It’s a good defensive strategy to plant Mountain Mint around plants which deer like to browse.

Some plants, like Broad-leaved Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum muticum) prefer moist soil, and some, like Slender Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum tenuifolium) thrive in dryer soils.   Although some Pycnanthemum species are vigorous growers, most do well at minding their manners in the garden.  Of the four different species I have grown, not one has been a “thug” in my garden.

There are approximately 20 species of Mountain Mints that are native to North America. These are the ones that I usually see available for sale in the Northeast:

Pycnanthemum tenuifolium (Slender Mountain Mint)
Pycnanthemum muticum (Broad-leaved Mountain Mint)
Pycnanthemum virginianum (Common Mountain Mint)
Pycnanthemum incanum (Hoary Mountain Mint)
Pycnanthemum flexusosum (Appalachian Mountain Mint)

I encourage you to add some of these plants to your landscape – you will be supporting a great variety of pollinators and beneficial insects.

Good luck!

Kim Eierman at EcoBeneficial!

Next Best - Stored Water. Plus Bacteria and Fixing Nitrogen

I knew my mother's secret for having the best houseplants at Garfield Elementary School. She filled her watering container early, let it evaporate out the chlorine, and then used it. No other teacher had so many flowers in their classroom.

She told me about it with a big smile - "Give it at least 24 hours. Flowers do not like chlorine." Later, when I bought her bare-root roses to grow in St. Louis, she ended up with the best ones in the condo area, and people asked her how she did it. She said, "I grew up on a farm."

Now that regular rains have departed, and the rain-barrels are empty, I have done the same to build up a supply of stored water. When I was done with some routine watering, I filled one barrel almost to the top. Some replacement roses are coming, so they will be soaked in stored water before planting. The $2 rugosa roses will get daily watering from the same supply.

What seems like a lot of water is soon gone when gallons are used here and there. I have four large rain-barrels and four 5-gallon painting buckets (clean).

People gasp at Big Bertha,
which is an expensive copy of the earthworm
they take for granted.

Avoiding chlorine in the water is short-hand for favoring the bacteria cycle. As readers know, earthworms graze on bacteria. The earthworm's rings of muscle and bristle propel them through the soil. They are like the giant tunnel-boring equipment used to create space for subways and underground pipes. From the mouth to the disposal area, the earthworm is one straight digestive track, with little grinding stones to pulverize the intake.

When man tries to imitate Creation, a much more elaborate device is needed, and it can choke on a pipe found in the wrong place.

But earthworms patiently continue the work assigned them, which brings us back to bacteria. The earthworm does not digest the food taken in through its mouth. The bacteria digest the food for the earthworm and get a free ride.

Since most bacteria are not dangerous and help keep disease organisms at bay, they are good and useful.

Nitrogen fixing bacteria are the foundation for improving the soil. I visited the office of a company that drew nitrogen from the atmosphere in Midland, Michigan and sold it to Dow Chemical. Nitrogen gas is handy for preventing fires and explosions in chemical reactions.

Pulling nitrogen from the atmosphere without changing it is an elaborate and noisy operation, but the bacteria do the same and make a compound at the same time. I am no chemist, just a chemnitz, so here is the explanation -


Legume family[edit]

Plants that contribute to nitrogen fixation include the legume family – Fabaceae – with taxa such as kudzucloverssoybeansalfalfalupinespeanuts, and rooibos. They contain symbiotic bacteria called rhizobia within nodules in their root systems, producing nitrogen compounds that help the plant to grow and compete with other plants. When the plant dies, the fixed nitrogen is released, making it available to other plants; this helps to fertilize the soil.[1][12] The great majority of legumes have this association, but a few genera (e.g., Styphnolobium) do not. In many traditional and organic farming practices, fields are rotated through various types of crops, which usually include one consisting mainly or entirely of clover or buckwheat (non-legume family Polygonaceae), often referred to as "green manure".
Inga alley farming relies on the leguminous genus Inga, a small tropical, tough-leaved, nitrogen-fixing tree.[13]

Cow Vetch is a legume that produces
seed loved by budgies and other birds.

Vetches are not glamorous because they grow on their own,
but Cow Vetch has a delicate flower that would be prized if rare.

During the District Conventions in WELS - Pageviews Soared

This is not our German Shepherd mix, but it could be.

Pageviews peaked at 6,200 for a 24-hour period and stayed at 4 - 5 thousand a day for 10 days. The 30 day views are around 90,000 at the moment. I attribute the surge to district conventions.

When people are reading stories from way back, I check them out and see if they are worth re-posting.

Reactions to the Universalism of Otten, Cascione, McCain, Harrison, et al.
From 2013

How many Lutherans (apart from Bethany members) study
Luther's Galatians Commentary?
Instead, they read Sig Becker, Jungkuntz, and the Brief Confession of Universal Absolution.
Jay Webber mentioned, then ignored the commentary in his odious Emmaus meltdown.

Mr. Mcgranor has left a new comment on your post "A 21st Century Formula of Concord: RESURRECTION AN...":

Many a Lutheran is quick to play theological condemnation games.

Unfortunately you are in a Spiritual Church that you have limited control over. However even that limited control is not entirely asserted by you and others.

If Christ had not effected (sic) even the non-believer the universe would be in hell.

Still i (sic) understand the need to find precise definitive doctrine. At the same time, any doctrine that is not ultimate will not stand; whether it is on paper, or not. Or will stand even though it is not on paper.

This is not relativism; but as Philipp Melanchthon and His Philippist Party suggested--the Spiritual Church is absolutely true.


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "A 21st Century Formula of Concord: RESURRECTION AN...":

Ichabod -

It is so true what you say:

>>>>> ...... Luther always praises the atonement and describes how Christ has graciously taken all our sins upon Him. However, he never confuses that with the imputation of righteousness..... <<<<<<

Cascione's own words, illustrate his confusion when he mischaracterizes those who reject universal objective justification:

>>>>> .....our own faith causes our own atonement. Hence, the Sovereignty of God would necessarily be more significant than an atonement that we are able to bring on ourselves....... <<<<<<

Cascione overlooks the reality of God's grace. He, apparently is putting words in the mouths of those who believe Scripture's "justification by faith alone." What is so difficult for these Universalists to understand? Can they not appreciate God's good grace, followed by faith? Can they not understand Ephesians 2:8-9? Why do they confuse this and then go on their mischaracterizing binges alleging that those who adhere to Scripture and Luther's teaching on "justification by faith alone" are out to lunch?

Nathan M. Bickel


He was not the leader and not the founder,
but Walther was the enforcer and pimp for his syphilitic bishop,
Martin Stephan, STD.

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "A 21st Century Formula of Concord: RESURRECTION AN...":

I disagree with your analysis Mr. Mcgranor. Christ is of no affect to those who do not believe.

Galatians 5:3-5, "For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith."

The same response applies to Otten's teaching of the false gospel of Universal Objective Justification. In the previous post Otten makes the following statement.

Otten, "Christ reconciled the world to God by offering Himself as Propitiation to God for the sins of mankind. Paul declared that Christ "gave Himself a ransom for all" (1 Timothy 2:6). John wrote that Christ “has paid for our sins, and not for ours only but for the whole world" (1 John 2:2). William Beck correctly comments in a footnote on this verse in his translation of the New Testament: "His sacrifice wipes out our sins and changes God’s anger to love.”"

This false tenet of UOJ is destroyed by Christ's declaration in John 8:24, "I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins."

Only through the Holy Spirit's faith, the righteousness of Christ, worked solely by God's grace through Word and Sacrament alone, is any man's sins forgiven.

UOJ declares God's forgiveness upon the unbelieving world outside of and before Christ's faith in man. This is rejected by Scripture in Romans 14:23, "And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatever is not of faith is sin."

UOJ is sin.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "A 21st Century Formula of Concord: RESURRECTION AN...":

Link to Otten's war on the Scriptural doctrine of Justification as quoted in my comment above. 


I'm taking notes here...

GJ - The UOJ Enthusiasts claim to follow justification by faith, so why do they persecute and excommunicate justification by faith? They love every other dogma. They either adore Fuller dogma or keep their silence. But Luther's doctrine! - they loathe that.

If Herman Otten wants to create a 21st century Formula of Concord, why does he begin by selling a poisonous, hate-filled, lying book about Luther? Roman Catholics laugh about the lies in The Facts about Luther, the equivalent of those nuns' stories about "don't wear patent leather shoes, because they will reflect your underwear." Otten responded - it was for the money. He sells to both sides of an issue.

Not true.

Once I identified Otten with Enthusiasm and UOJ, he refused to mention anything I published. Otten only printed remarks against Thy Strong Word and spiked positive comments. That was "the other side of the issue."

And yet he is happy to sell Valleskey's pathetic UOJ-Church Growth textbook, We Believe...

I can hear the Fox Valley Andy Stanley Chorus saying, "But you only care about him selling your books."

I give away PDFs of every book I have written. Did NPH give away Liberalism? No, but I give it away as a PDF. Bethany Lutheran Church gave away several thousands in free books at two Emmaus conferences (ELS-WELS-LCMS), but the host did not want justification by faith discussed at a "free conference."

I have promoted the free exchange of ideas among Lutherans and other confessions. UOJ, in contrast, silences the Gospel with great venom and dishonesty.

Calvinism is the foundation of Lutheran Pietism,
and its rationalism leads to Universalism.

Consider What Chemnitz and Melanchthon Taught - From 2012

A. Berean has left a new comment on your post "Imputation Is the Foundational Issue - Says A. Ber...":

Justification - the Chief Article of Christian Doctrine as Expounded in Loci Theologici, by Martin Chemnitz. Translated by J.A.O. Preus. Published by Concordia Publishing House. Page 149.

Also in his Examination of the Council of Trent vol. 1, pg. 532, paragraph 17. Published by Concordia Publishing House. Translated by Fred Kramer.


solafide ( has left a new comment on your post "Imputation Is the Foundational Issue - Says A. Ber...":

Here it is to be noted that these three things are joined together: faith, Christ, and acceptance or imputation. Faith takes hold of Christ and has Him present, enclosing Him as the ring encloses the gem. And whoever is found having this faith in the Christ who is grasped in the heart, him God accounts as righteous. This is the means and the merit by which we obtain the forgiveness of sins and righteousness. “Because you believe in Me,” God says, “and your faith takes hold of Christ, whom I have freely given to you as your Justifier and Savior, therefore be righteous.” Thus God accepts you or accounts you righteous only on account of Christ, in whom you believe.

Now acceptance or imputation is extremely necessary, first, because we are not yet purely righteous, but sin is still clinging to our flesh during this life. God cleanses this remnant of sin in our flesh. In addition, we are sometimes forsaken by the Holy Spirit, and we fall into sins, as did Peter, David, and other saints. Nevertheless, we always have recourse to this doctrine, that our sins are covered and that God does not want to hold us accountable for them (Rom. 4). This does not mean that there is no sin in us, as the sophists have taught when they said that we must go on doing good until we are no longer conscious of any sin; but sin is always present, and the godly feel it. But it is ignored and hidden in the sight of God, because Christ the Mediator stands between; because we take hold of Him by faith, all our sins are sins no longer. But where Christ and faith are not present, here there is no forgiveness of sins or hiding of sins. On the contrary, here there is the sheer imputation and condemnation of sins. Thus God wants to glorify His Son, and He Himself wants to be glorified in us through Him.

Martin Luther, Luther's Works, Vol. 26 : Lectures on Galatians, 1535, Chapters 1-4, ed. Jaroslav Jan Pelikan, Hilton C. Oswald and Helmut T. Lehmann, Luther's Works (Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1999, c1963). 26:132-133.

SolaFide: Pretty clear, I think.


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Imputation Is the Foundational Issue - Says A. Ber...":

Ichabod - Thank you for highlighting, A Berean's excellent comment. Yes! The word "Imputation," is at the forefront of this universal objective justification controversy and discussion.

Luther correctly said: "Where there is the forgiveness of sins, there is life and salvation."

But it is here where the universal objective justification enthusiasts [UOJE] get tripped up, and never do get to first base:

UOJE [Universal objective justification enthusiasts] become hung up on the Atonement as a "be all" and "end all." They would rather just view Christ's universal sacrifice for sin as the one time imputation to the human soul. Their basic view of imputation is that when Christ died and rose; - that is what Luther talked about - "Where there is the forgiveness of sins, there is life and salvation." To them, that is the sum and substance of imputation. Hence, this is why UOJE often don't highlight the Holy Spirit's work in the salvation process. [John 3:8 in context] They essentially diss (ignore) faith. They bypass faith and actually believe that with the forgiveness of sins brought about by the Atonement, - that has brought [as Luther put it] "life and salvation" to all. So, then, their understanding is all based around the Atonement; that Christ's sacrifice was imputed, - not, faith.

On the other hand, those of us who believe Scripture, (and, the Confessions, concur); we believe that we, (by God's grace) are justified by faith. [Ephesians 2:8-9] We believe that the faith the Holy Spirit creates in us is imputed to us. We could almost use the words "infused" and "continually dispensed." Luther put it this way in his explanation of the 3rd Article of the Apostles Creed:

"In which Christian church He daily and richly forgive sins to me and all believers......"

Finally, I will point to an illustration, using an analogy. [And, I realize that no analogy is perfect]:

The universal objective justification crowds are stuck on the Atonement. To them that is their priceless "auto body."

But, the car doesn't travel (anywhere) without wheels and fuel. Hence, the Atonement without its (Holy Spirit) "imputation wheels & fuel" is useless. Without the Spirit's wheels and fuel, the human soul cannot personally partake of and benefit from Christ's all encompassing Atonement. Nor, (without Holy Spirit wheels and fuel) will that human soul travel to heaven. All that, though, does not matter for the universal objective justification enthusiasts still stuck in their Atonement auto. To them a car without wheels and fuel is a perfect and complete auto.

Nathan M. Bickel


GJ - The readers and I are grateful for the thoughtful contributions that arrive as comments.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Update on Fake Luther Days Conference.
Learn All the Four Letter Words on One Twitter Account Liked by LD.
ELCA Seminaries, World Council of Churches, Andy Stanley Gay Activist, and Tony Robbins

Sample of Twitter accounts linked by Luther Days:

  1. Three on porn addiction.
  2. Uncrappy Theology.
  3. Northpoint - Andy Stanley, gay activist.
  4. Craig Groeschel.
  5. Obscene title (c___) foul language, etc. Supposedly Christian account.
  6. Pastor Rick - WELS.
  7. Thrivent salesman.
  8. Wartburg ELCA Seminary - celebrating the inauguration of Louise Johnson, president
  9. World Council of Churches.
  10. Gettysburg ELCA Seminary.
  11. Plenty of ELCA congregations.
  12. Tony Robbins.
"So much good stuff to read!
And distinctively Lutheran!"

She has "generous donors"?  The biggest in North America - or the biggest scam?

Tony Robbins, Church and Change, and ELCA - distinctly Lutheran?

More on the Effectiveness of Rain - Rugosa Roses

I posted about Purple Splash roses being revived by rain, which is always effective.

Several events got me interested in rugosa roses. One was the mother of Almost Eden talking about old roses and hips, using them for wreaths. However, my initial investigation found them being offered for a princely sum on the Net, about $30 each.

Every rose flower tries to turn into a a rose hip - seed pod -
packed with Vitamin C. Some roses have very large hips.
Chewable Vitamin C tablets taste just like rose hips.

But I also heard about this group of roses being large and shade tolerant. I was thinking about which dominant plants could be featured in the semi-shaded Wild Garden, and I had my answer. They would block the back alley view, provide hips for birds and wreaths, and shelter for birds.

I checked out Direct Gardening, which has various roses and plants for deeply discounted prices.

Rugosa bushes are fragrant, tolerant of shade and salt spray.

Textured leaves make them rugosa wrinkled.

Rose growers are a bit wary of such low prices, but I read they replace roses that do not grow, just as the big commercial sites do - Edmunds, Jackson and Perkins. So - what about the price?

Six for $10! They threw in some bonus plants, too.

When they arrived, the bare root roses were little sticks with roots on them. The other plants were a bit stronger and more vital looking.

I put everything into the rain-barrel and made sure they were immersed. They remained soaking almost 24 hours. The hosta starts began to sprout. The balloon flowers also began to grow.

I looked closely at each rose stick - they were covered with buds!

Mrs. Ichabod was struck by how they revived overnight in rainwater. "Do people know about this?"

I said, "Roses are often soaked before planting. After I received some bad-looking roses from California, I soaked them in rainwater for a long time and pruned the canes and roots. They leafed out faster than any roses I planted before that time."

I went on to say, "Some people add bleach to water they use for soaking." Mrs. I - "Oh no!"

"And others add fertilizer, in another attempt to kill all soil microbes." Mrs. I - "Pathetic."

The cardboard collar is handy for protecting small plants
from weeds, clover, and foot-traffic.

Small Plant Protection
Nobody beats me in stepping on plants, so I have learned to set them off when they are in high traffic areas. I open up a cardboard food package - empty of course. Each one is a single piece, almost square, often with scoring to make the central hole easy to fashion with fingernails or scissors.

I make a ruffled clergy collar, without the ruffle, to pass over the plant and block most of the weed growth. The Elephant Ears were trying to grow in the front yard, and the clover were ready to take over completely - one example. The location was out in the sun where anyone might walk and injure the new plant rising up from its bulb.

In the Wild Garden I had brown sticks among brown leaves in the semi-shade. I made the collar weed-blockers and kept them in place with small logs on each side. On our walk today Sassy and I saw a familiar pile of logs. I picked out a light, rotten log and took it home for one of the collars.

To make a reasonably straight line, I tied twine between two screw hooks and stuck them in the soil.

I was about to dig into clay. "Oh, clay is so heavy and hard to dig, especially when the soil dries out."

But this clay was covered with cardboard in the fall and garnished with 60+ bags of leaves. This cardboard and leaves mulch proved so effective that hardly anything grew through the layer.

Underneath the mulch, in spite of the dry weather and no watering in the Wild Garden, the clay soil was soft, damp, and filled with red wiggler earthworms. I did not have to deal with digging through a tangle of grass roots - the sod was composted by the lack of sunlight, the abundance of soil creatures, the engineering and management of the Creator.

Covering the Wild Garden in the fall was a matter of getting cardboard boxes from Goodwill, laying them down on 1/2 of the backyard, and weighing down the cardboard with various logs, weights, garbage pails, boards from an old desk. Caution - autumn winds will try to recycle the cardboard into neighboring yards until it is wet and soggy from rain.

Rugosa roses are simple but aromatic.
Many prefer the old roses.

How the LCMS Handles Sex Abuse of Minor by Church Workers - Erase It.
Ichabod Copied the Facts, Predicting They Would Be Erased.
And They Were by the Steadfast - Ha! - Editor.
From April 5, 2012

Minnesota LCMS officials encouraged Darwin Schauer, a convicted sex offender,
to become a lay pastor, so he abused another victim.
All the "conservative" Lutheran synods and ELCA are guilty of this kind of behavior.
More information and better formatting later.
This is another Steadfast article with comments.

From Steadfast Lutherans - Accounts by Pastor Don Kirchner - In Case They Are Kilcreased  - Erased - Later

And they were erased, as ordered by SP Matt Harrison's!

It’s time…

I went down to Park Rapids two weeks ago, to the Hubbard County Detention Center, and spoke with Darwin Schauer for about an hour. (I had tried to see him a week earlier but was unable to see him due to an ongoing shift change of jail personnel at the time.) On March 4, 2012, I met with Minnesota North District President Donald Fondow (Fondow), Bemidji Circuit Counselor Allan Wierschke, and the congregational president of Trinity, Lake George to discuss what I had learned as laid out in Schauer’s current criminal charges and to discuss further action on our part. It was determined that Rev. Wierschke would render pastoral care to Schauer since I had a clear conflict of interest. Still, it was necessary for various reasons for me to talk to Schauer about what had transpired. When I met with him, I immediately advised Schauer that I was not there as his pastor or as a lawyer, lest he be given any expectation of confidentiality.

I now know from that conversation that The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS), particularly on the district level, was well aware of Darwin Schauer’s 1983 conviction for the sexual abuse of his 13 year old step-daughter and, in spite of it, assisted him in becoming a lay minister and chose to place him as a lay minister in Immanuel Lutheran Church of Cass Lake and Trinity Lutheran Church of Lake George without warning or advising the congregations that a sexual predator was being placed in their midst to render them pastoral care, to teach confirmation classes to 12 to 14 year olds, etc.

Fondow recently told me that when he was convicted in 1983, Schauer was told to resign his Synodically rostered position as a school teacher or he would be removed. He had resigned. I was upfront with Schauer and told him that we now knew about the 1983 conviction. We discussed that. I then asked Schauer how he got into the lay ministry program at Concordia College in Mequon,WI (now Concordia University-Wisconsin.)

He stated that, after his probation on the 1983 conviction was completed, he went to Rev. O. H. Cloeter, who was District President of Minnesota South District of the LCMS 1978–91. Darwin laid out everything about his conviction and asked if there was any way that he could still serve the church. Cloeter stated that being an ordained minister was out of the question, but that there were other ways around that. The answer was the lay ministry program that led to being commissioned as a lay minister in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. I do not know how involved Cloeter was in getting Darwin into the program, but he certainly had no objection to it and encouraged Schauer. Darwin stated that President Cloeter was a very nice, understanding man. No one has been able to explain to me how it is out of the question for a sexual predator to become an ordained minister but perfectly okay to be a lay minister, performing nearly all of the same functions as an ordained minister!

It seems that, given his previous undergraduate degree, Schauer spent only 6 months at Mequon to complete the lay ministry program in 1989 and was commissioned as a lay minister and was assigned to Immanuel, Cass Lake. His supervisor was a Rev. Rudder of Blackduck. Rudder knew all about Darwin’s conviction. Later on, there was some friction between Darwin and a pastor of the LCMS- sponsored Indian Ministry in Cass Lake. Rev. Richard L. Guehna, District President of Minnesota North District of the LCMS 1986-96, came up from Brainerd to personally meet with Darwin about the issue. He also brought with him the newspaper clipping that had been sent to him, the article in Darwin’s District file, and asked Darwin about it. Darwin again laid it all out on the table, explaining everything about what had happened, Darwin stated that President Guehna was a very forgiving man. Guehna took no action and, it seems, told no one in the congregation.

Later, Darwin was allowed to serve Trinity, Lake George with no objection and with no one at the congregation being told that their minister had a 1983 conviction for ongoing sexual abuse of his 13 year old step-daughter. As I now know from emails between Fondow and me in late 2007 – early 2008, and from what he has now confirmed, is that Fondow knew about the 1983 conviction at least as early as 2008, at that time discussing Schauer’s history and situation with MNS DP Seitz, Synodical Secretary Hartwig, and then Synodical 1st VP Diekelman, had possession of the 1983 newspaper article, and continued the District apathy toward the situation. He did nothing.

I thank everyone for their prayers and words of support to the congregation and me and especially to the victim and the victim’s family. Through these weeks we have learned that the glorious Gospel is indeed the Word of life. As we enter the Paschal Triduum let us remember that the Lord indeed has made all things new.

Thanks be to God.
Don Kirchner


Rev. Don Kirchner
April 5th, 2012 at 07:33 | #55 Reply | Quote

On March 4, 2012, at a meeting at the Lake George Café with Minnesota North District President Donald Fondow (Fondow), Bemidji Circuit Counselor Allan Wierschke, and the congregational president of Trinity, Lake George, we discussed what had happened and the fact that Darwin Schauer was being arrested even as we met. At one point, the congregational president excused himself to use the restroom. Fondow then advised Allan and me that he had looked through Darwin’s file when he retired (which would have been May or June of 2008, I believe) and that there was a newspaper article in the file about a similar sort of incident. The next day Fondow emailed me a scanned copy of the article which detailed Schauer’s 1983 plea of guilty to sexual abuse of a minor.

This seemed somewhat odd. I recalled a series of emails between us some years ago when Fondow had done some extensive checking of Darwin Schauer’s history. I had previously written to Fondow , inquiring about why the Minnesota South District had blocked Darwin Schauer’s path to ordination, which Schauer had told me happened, though Schauer did not tell me why. Fondow had responded with a non-answer, that Minnesota South had determined that he should not be allowed to complete such a path, confirming what we already knew.

On 10-08-07 I emailed Fondow, advising him that, given our membership at Immanuel, Cass Lake, (Darwin Schauer was serving that congregation and the congregation of Trinity, Lake George), my wife and I “would certainly would like the minister at our congregation to be an ordained pastor so that we can actually receive an indicative-operative absolution, etc. How do we go about getting Darwin Schauer ordained?”
I heard nothing back from Fondow. On 10-22-07 I sent him the exact same email. I heard nothing. On 10-26-07 I sent him the exact same email. On 10-30-07 Fondow responded, advising me that he had been checking on Schauer’s situation. He stated, “I apologize for the delay in responding to your e-mails regarding Darwin. I am doing some more checking into this and will communicate with you as soon as I receive some more information and clarification.”

I waited a month and heard nothing further. On 11-30-07 I decided to get his attention. I emailed: “Having not heard back from you on this matter may I propose an action before Darwin retires? Is it okay if a few of us pastors go ahead and ordain Darwin Schauer, thereby formally establishing what already is in place- i.e., his call as a pastor to Immanuel, Cass Lake and Trinity, Lake George?”

That got a response. Within less than two hours, Fondow responded: “In my last e-mail to you I indicated that I would look into this matter. I have had conversation with President Seitz and Secretary Hartwig and asked them to find out information for me and I will be checking back with them.

In answer to your question and in keeping with the agreed upon protocol of our church-body it would not be in order for an Ordination such as you are proposing. I would ask you to be patient as I seek answers and clarification as to the reasons for past decisions in an effort to see that all things be done ‘decently and in order’.”

I replied, “Thanks for your reply and your response to my proposal. That’s why I asked, although to formalize or ‘ordain’ what already has taken place- Darwin’s placement as a pastor- would seem to be decent and in good order. As we all know a lay minister, in this context, is an oxymoron. but I understand your position. I’ll await to hear from you.”

Nearly three weeks later, having not heard anything, I wrote: “We’re coming up on the end of the year. What have you found out about Pastor Schauer’s situation?”

I heard nothing. A week later, I decided to press the situation again. I wrote, “We are now nearly into the new year, about a half-year from Darwin’s retirement. I still would like my pastor to be a legitimate pastor. A few of us were looking at possibly [of ordaining him.]” Fondow responded, “I understand your intention, however, I strongly advise against this course of action… I will be speaking once again with Secretary Hartwig about this matter as well as President Seitz…The fact that his Ordination was not approved sometime ago is what I am asking to have looked at now. We do need to things decently and in order and that is the way in which I am proceeding.”

I couldn’t understand the delay. On 12-31-07, I wrote, “I simply can’t understand why you are putting this off. The appearance, even though I’m not saying that it is the case, is that you simply are waiting for Darwin to retire so that the issue is moot. Meanwhile, my wife and I, along with the other members, cannot even receive an indicative-operative absolution from our pastor who is somewhat placed in the office but is not allowed the rite of the Office.”

On 01-02-08 (it was now nearly three months since my initial inquiry), Fondow responded: “I’m sorry if it seems that I am putting this off, it is not my intention to do so…I have spoken today with President Seitz and he is calling me back tomorrow. Also, tomorrow I will be in communication with Secretary Hartwig.”

I waited a week and on 01-09-08, having heard nothing further, I asked for an update. Fondow replied later that day: “I have spoken to both President Seitz and Secretary Hartwig. At the present time I am waiting to hear back from First Vice-President Bill Diekelman. So, I am following through as previously indicated and I will be in contact with you.”

I waited a week and, having heard nothing back, again inquired. Later that day, Fondow replied: “This morning I spoke once again to President Seitz and this afternoon First Vice-President Diekelman called me back. They have shared with me information pertaining to Darwin and his situation (past and present). To the end that, according to the Handbook of Synod, Darwin may apply for admission to the Pastoral Ministry (Ordained) Roster of the Synod…I would ask that if he is seeking to pursue this that he would contact me to schedule a meeting to discuss this and to request the necessary application forms and to schedule a meeting with the District Interview Committee (cf. 2007 LCMS Handbook)

Once again, I apologize for the delay in answering your initial straight forward question. Due to the fact that there was some previous history involved and with a desire to learn of the background and information pertaining to this matter and wanting everything to be done according to our agreed upon procedures, it has taken me longer than it should have.”

I was frustrated. I replied, “We’ve spent months and months, and you’ve needed to make numerous calls to a district president, a Synodical Secretary, and a Synodical VP so that you could tell me that Darwin is eligible to do what we already knew he could do- apply for admission to the Pastoral Ministry (Ordained) Roster of the Synod by colloquy according to Bylaw, (a) or (b)?”

I wrote to a friend that day, “There’s something going on here. At any time Fondow could have picked up the phone and said, “Sorry. Darwin would have to go through the regular colloquy process to be ordained. Nothing else can be done.’ But everything has been done quite formally, including Fondow’s stiff, formal, non-conversational tone which is quite unlike him, except in cases where he’s being wary and treading lightly.

So, the reason that Darwin was blocked from being allowed to do this back in the ’70s was…?
Something stinks…”

The next day, 01-17-08, Fondow snapped back, “Since you inquired, I felt that it would be well to check on the past history of his situation to see if there was anything that would prevent him from applying! If you already knew what he could do, then why did you ask me?”

Later that day, I replied, “I’m not sure why you are being this way, President Fondow. As I previously stated, normally you would pick up the phone and call me. Instead, you’ve been quite formal, cool, and careful with your statements. There was no phone call stating, ‘I checked it out, Don, and it looks like Darwin is going to have to go the regular route under the Synodical Bylaws. I realize that the chances of anything being done before his retirement are virtually nil, but it appears that there is no other way.’
No, it was a formal statement that Darwin ‘may’ pursue this under such and such rule, something that you and I both know he always could have done. Please go back and look below at your statement, President Fondow. It is a caricature of lawyerspeak.

And now you respond with a testy attempt to play word games. Of course I knew the Bylaw. You know quite well why I asked. I asked if there was a way that we could get him ordained given the time constraints. And by the way, after waiting months you now suggest that he take action similar to what he did years ago and which was denied him at that time. What has changed that you suggest that he should try again? Can you give any assurance that he would not simply be going through the motions (as if this could be done in 4 months) in order to again receive a denial? Bottom line- why not simply state, ‘Sorry, it looks like Synodical approval to ordain Darwin is not going to happen, given his probable retirement in May’?”
Schauer retired a few months later.


Now, before we see the usual “circle the wagons” mode with suggestions such as that putting forth Schauer’s conversations with District personnel is hearsay (it is not), information is from a secular reporter and we know what they’re like (a classic argumentum ad hominem), and other such fallacies and irrelevancies, let me state the main reason why I make these things public and why I am not doing so.

With the events of the past month I have become beyond cynical with District interaction. I have virtually no trust left. The continued verbal dancing and passing of the buck continues. Our DP met with the congregation on March 7th and claimed little or no knowledge about the newspaper clipping of the 1983 incident, claiming that all knowledge rested with a man who is now in heaven (former DP Guehna).

On March 13th, our DP emailed me, now even suggesting that he showed me the newspaper clipping on February 7, 2008. He did not. But it is a classic red herring, intended to divert. For the sake of argument, even if he had shown me the article, I was covering a vacancy in Duluth at the time. Our DP was the ecclesiastical supervisor and it was he who bore responsibility to Trinity Lutheran Church of Lake George, a congregation with which I had no relationship at the time. Most importantly, our DP’s suggestion that he showed me the article confirms that HE had knowledge of it at least in early February of 2008, while Darwin Schauer was still serving Trinity of Lake George and Immanuel of Cass Lake.

Keep in mind that Schauer also continued on the Synodical roster after his retirement, filled in for me at Trinity the last several years when I was out-of-town, filled in for at least one other Circuit pastor/congregation, attended winkels, etc. until March 4th when the horror began for the congregation. Thankfully, and that is what we look to, that is the day that the horror for the young victim ended. Somewhat, for the victim will never be the same. What was taken can never be replaced. Only the Gospel can give that peace that passes all understanding, the victim knowing that he or she is a lamb safe in the Good Shepherd’s arms.

It goes on. Our DP attended Schauer’s arraignment on March 19th. One of our congregational elders is a court bailiff for Hubbard County and also was at the hearing. Afterwards, our DP approached the elder and told him that he had been trying to contact “Pastor Kirchner” and that he wanted to meet with me and congregational leadership. My response to the elder was that this simply was baloney! Our DP has my email address. He has my cell phone number. He had used both to communicate with me until recently when, suddenly, there is silence. He hasn’t been trying to contact me!

I expect that the silence is due to my announcement to our DP, on March 15, 2012, that our congregational delegate and I will not be attending the District Convention later this month. We simply see it as a waste of time for us. Our view is not only that there is nothing beneficial in doing so but that we trusted District and District leadership allowed a child predator in our midst without telling the congregation. The congregation asks me why, and I have no answer for them. I do not know why church leadership does this– past, present, and regrettably probably into the future.

I also have no expectation that anything will be done at the District level to hold anyone accountable. The time when the integrity of leadership– The buck stops here, this happened on my watch and, therefore, I must step down– is long past the present day. Leaders don’t do that anymore. Thankfully, the secular entities that some disdain will hold Schauer accountable. Our DP will be re-elected, probably on a unanimous ballot, and Synodical life on the District level will go on. The only change I foresee is that I will become an outcast in District circles, maybe even disciplined.

Brothers and sisters, I hope that I am wrong about much of this. Perhaps I will be surprised. I realize my cynicism is great, spiritually unhealthy, and sinful. Tomorrow, at a Circuit Treore service, I will preach on the words of our Lord, “Father forgive them.” Do we forgive those who have wronged us? Of course! For this Christ died! Because of the forgiveness won for us on the cross we get to forgive others. That is the joy this Holy Week.
Trust? That takes time.

SP Matt Harrison ordered Steadfast editor Pastor Joshua Scheer
to erase the entire thread. Scheer obeyed.
Scheer went from junior pastor and junior editor to senior in both areas.
That was his home congregation, but what's child rape when money is on the table?


GJ - There is some discussion about what rules would keep these things from happening.

I can list exact parallels with the Episcopal Church (Bishop Bennison) or WELS (Tabor, Just, Stolzenburg, Werner, Adrian, Zerbe).

Or the Roman Catholic Church, which the Protestants deride but emulate to perfection.

The problem is not with the rules but with the men involved. Denominational leaders are spineless, ruthless, unethical, and shameless. They shift from one deception to another, whenever caught in a lie. They have no concern about the victims or the congregations, only about their careers, perks, and reputations.

Two stories on Schauer -

The great Saxon migration was part of a sex cult where
Martin Stephan controlled a group of young women
and the CFW Walther circle looked the other way.

The Otten crowd continues telling the Walther myth
while despising Loehe who invited the Perryville cult
to join his group. Walther later asked Loehe for
the Ft. Wayne seminary - for free - with continued Loehe support.

WELS Pastor Mark Jeske Tried to Spin the Dave Wendt Rape Threat.
April of 2015

Jeske covers for a fellow WELS pastor
in the most bizarre smokescreen ever -
the Internet did it.

U Will Eat What U Tweet

Nothing on the Internet ever dies.

There is apparently enough server capacity on earth to preserve every word and picture that ever went into cyberspace. Good news for researchers and history nerds. Bad news if you assumed that you have any kind of “personal privacy” once you post or send something. A Lutheran pastor in Wisconsin just lost his job because the screen name, behind which he hid as he crudely and obscenely tried to flame somebody with whom he disagreed, turned out to be porous. He was outed, and then he was out of a job... - April 9, 2015, 8 AM Central Daylight Time.

GJ -

Mark Jeske's spin-machine portrays him as smart, but I have never seen evidence of it. A small-time Robert Schuller, a would-be Joel Osteen, he repeats the bromides of the success gurus. 
This Jeske post is a crude attempt to put the WELS Pastor Dave Wendt scandal  to rest by publishing a series of excuses and falsehoods.
Wendt denied sending the message, but it came from his account, he admitted. Is he trying to blame a family member, a pet, the NSA?
Oddly, Jeske tells the truth by saying Wendt sent the email.

Claire Van Fossen found out who sent the
abusive and threatening email.

Let's Parse the Post
  1. Jeske omitted the fact that Wendt is a WELS pastor, who immediately resigned. Why resign while denying sending it?
  2. Wendt "tried to flame" Claire Van Fossen. Is that not strange, coming from a sect where the slightest imagined insult is portrayed as slander and an apology and retraction is demanded? Wendt used a series of vulgar terms, not unlike the language Ski and Glende (both Jeske veterans) used in front of women. That is not "trying to flame," as Jeske must know in his hip coolness. Flaming is an online argument with personal insults. Wendt's email went far beyond that.
  3. Worst of all, Wendt called the blogger "hot" and threatened to bring friends over to gang rape her.
  4. So Jeske has this down as "trying to flame" while omitting the crime of threatening to gang-rape the young woman with his friends. One mobster was put in prison simply for making a threat to an  FBI agent.
  5. "He was outed and then he was out of a job." Not exactly, hipster guru Jeske. The young woman investigated who sent the email, and her associates discovered it was Pastor Dave Wendt, staff member at a $1 million a year budget WELS congregation in LaCrosse.
  6. I have been reading the First Evangelical Lutheran Church, LaCrosse website and the WELS website. I have not seen an admission of the crime committed, not a word of remorse, regret, or apology.
WELS Attitude Toward Women

I have no contact with the blogger, but I hope she soon finds out this is normal behavior for WELS clergy and leaders. Claire can find out how Ski behaved and how SP Mark Schroeder, DP Doug Engelbrecht, and the future DP Zank protected Ski. Did anyone apologize to the lady staffer? Why did the previous staffer quite suddenly while working with Ski?

Claire can easily discover that Ski and Glende sued the husband of Ski's victim for telling the truth, as Glende had to admit in court. DP Patterson gave Ski an insta-call to Texas, and Ski escaped his own follies once again.

WELS clergy are notorious for their alcoholism and adultery.

When they are in training, they have "score reports," where the manly men get together and brag about how far they have gone with their current girlfriends. In other words, they humiliate their potential brides in front of their fellow students. When one wife complained about this, her husband howled with laughter.

WELS does not admit anything and expects everyone will soon forget:
  • Pastor William Tabor's wife murdered in the parsonage.
  • Teacher Al Just's wife stabbed to death in her bed.
  • District President Ed Werner sent to state prison for molesting young girls in his congregation, sent there by the girls' mothers who were previously molested and said "No more!"
Normally, married men post photos with their wives on Facebook.
Glende and Ski were thrilled to be  with Katy Perry for a moment,
and kept these photos up for a long time.