Monday, July 18, 2016

From Moline Memories Blog - One of the Finest Teachers Ever.
Burt Ringquist, Calvin Coolidge Junior High, Moline, Illinois

As readers can see, Coolidge was a tough junior high.
Here is the faculty pouncing on a student.
We had our own coroner for Coolidge.
My first English assignment was, "What I Want To Be,
If I Grow Up."

We are wishing Coolidge Teacher and Principal Burt Ringquist "Happy Birthday" now on our Coolidge Facebook Page.

We are just getting started, so join us and leave a greeting and thank-you for Mr. Ringquist.

Here is his personal Facebook page in case you want to go there too:

Burt Ringquist - outstanding teacher and principal at Coolidge, will have a birthday on July 20th. Let's start with some Happy Birthdays and comments about his classroom excellence.

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Gregory L. Jackson Mr. Ringquist was one of the best teachers I had at any school. He was always ready for fun and had a great project for us in learning about civics and government.
LikeReply7 hrs
Sarah Rosborough Bancroft Happy Birthday Mr of the best teachers I ever had. He always kept my attention!
LikeReply6 hrs
LikeReply6 hrs
Linda Franks Snyder Nache Happy Birthday Mr Ringqiust!!!
LikeReply5 hrs
Jennifer Steffen Happy Birthday, Mr. Ringquist!
LikeReply5 hrs
Liz Copeland Have a Happy one!!!
LikeReply4 hrs
Guy Johnson Happy Birthday Mr Ringquist!
LikeReply2 hrs
Linda Swanson Lootens Happy birthday Burt
LikeReply2 hrs
Tim Cook Happy Birthday!
LikeReply2 hrs
Becki Searls Grimes ðŸŽ‚Happy Birthday ~Burt🎂
I hope life is treating you wonderfully!!😊

The road to Despicable Me | Where They Are Now | Yale Alumni Magazine

The road to Despicable Me | Where They Are Now | Yale Alumni Magazine: "Cinco Paul ’86 was known at Yale for, among other things, playing the ukulele. He’s now a Hollywood screenwriter specializing in animated children’s films. Among his biggest hits are Horton Hears a Who—an adaptation of the Dr. Seuss book—and Despicable Me, about a supervillain who turns out to be not such a bad guy. His next movie, The Secret Life of Pets, opened this summer.

Y: Tell me about your transition from Yale English major to Important Screenwriter."

'via Blog this'

Selling the Andover Newton Divinity Campus and Merging.
A Warning to Lutherans?

The Day Mission Library at Yale Divinity School.

In 1807, while president of Yale, Timothy Dwight helped found the nation’s first graduate theological seminary—in Andover, Massachusetts. “He was so focused on making us a seminary that he didn’t live to see one at Yale,” says Sarah Birmingham Drummond ’93, dean of faculty and vice president for academic affairs at the Andover Newton Theological School. It was not until 1822 that Yale founded its own divinity school.
More than 200 years later, Andover Newton and Yale Divinity School (YDS) are looking to join forces. ..

Rev. Richard Myers3:31pm July 17 2016 | Ico flag Flag as inappropriate
I graduated from Andover Newton in 1969. I attended because it has an historic American Baptist Churches connection, Newton, and because of its strength in clinical pastoral education. The Baptist connection is lost here. I do not know of the CPE work that was pioneered at Andover Newton and has become a requirement across the country. I am unhappy with the decision as it seemed to have been made hastily without much consultation with the alums. The vital connection the school had with many churches in Boston and places north will be lost. Central Baptist Theological Seminary found other ways of continuing ministry while selling its campus, and Colgate Rochester Divinity School is maintaining its ministry in Rochester, NY., though planning to sell its campus.
All three classes of Bethany Lutheran Seminary - in one pose.
They would fit in my Lincoln Town Car,
which cost a lot less than their Schoolhouse Built on a Bluff.

GJ - Mequon, Mankato, St. Louis, Ft. Wayne... What do these WELS-ELS-LCMS seminaries have in common?
Answer - all four wasted an enormous amount of money on their buildings, letting the cost of seminary education go through the roof and into the clouds. Meanwhile, seminary education went modular and these grand temples of ego were no longer needed - as if they ever were.
At Yale, which costs as much as a Missouri Synod MDiv, the degree is worth something, good for many professional jobs besides being a pastor. In the synodical school, the degree is not even good for a divine call. If the graduate of a synodical school happens to get a call, the authorities may drive him out for questioning their agenda.
ELCA has jumped on the bandwagon to sell and merge their surplus seminary campuses.
Few want to attend a seminary located in Mordor.

Four Blooms on One Stem - Falling in Love Roses.
You Didn't Build That

Falling in Love:
the four-blossom stem photo will be posted later.

We decided to make one row of roses the same kind, so we would have bouquets of the that rose from time to time. As I wrote before, Falling in Love has the thorniest canes of all that I have grown over the years. Our helper remarked about it while helping with weeding. I said, "Let that be a lesson." We had a  big laugh over that. And we have one row of Falling in Love.

Yesterday I pointed out the blooms in the nearest one. Mrs. Ichabod said, "Put that in a rose vase. I cut the stem and saw that we had four blooming at once on one strong stem.

Easy Does It rose - floribunda.

On Sunday, Norma Boeckler liked Easy Does It roses so much that she decided to get some for next year. We had them on the altar. Last summer I cut one stem with 7 EDI roses on a single stem.

Floribunda roses are great for lots of color in the rose garden. Hybrid tea roses like Falling in Love will develop more slowly and produce single, spectacular blooms.

Yale's main library - Sterling.

Each rose has its own DNA, special characteristics, and growing patterns. The amount of information in a gene has been compared to all the books in the Yale Library.

I recently found a secular nod to Creation when one writer offered this comment, "Nature designed this creature to..."

That is the key phrase - design, which also implies purpose. Every part of an auto has been designed for a purpose, even if only for decoration. I know about one engineer who would look at the designs and say something like this, "The water pump will stick out of the grill by four inches. Change it."

Anyone can fashion hybrid roses, but only God can place that living information in the rose He created at the beginning.

The church experts would have us understand that they know how to make a difference, if only we pay them a lot of money to share their precious secrets.

But God has already revealed all we need to know, and this is easily accessed in the Scriptures. The same powerful Word that created all that we see and enjoy remains effective in teaching, preaching, and the Sacraments.

You Didn't Built That
A great scientist like Lammerts can re-arrange the DNA of a new rose, by carefully selecting its parents and grandparents, but he cannot create a single item of information within that plant's structure.

Every non-rose grower says, "Roses are difficult to grow, so I have heard." I differ immediately. All we need to know is what the rose likes. I cannot change anything about the design of a given rose. John Paul II will grow large groups of pure white roses, fragrant and stunning in the sunshine, but they do not last so well when cut in a bouquet.

KnockOuts bloom obsessively, but their blooms also age quickly and drop their petals, working feverishly to go to seed instead of blooming again. For that reason I cut them back by 50% every so often - and they love the results, blooming again as fast as possible. John 15:1ff.

Mr. Lincoln has giant beanstalk tendencies, sending up a long cane, sometimes six feet tall. Given some pruning, Mr. Lincoln will produce a rose so fragrant and glorious in deep red that everyone will ask, "Which rose was the one that filled the room with its perfume? My wife loved it."

Mr. Lincoln bloom

Mr. Lincoln bud

The Odious Patterson Network in WELS - From 2008

"While hunting in Africa, I shot an zebra in my pajamas. How a zebra got into my pajamas I'll never know."
Read - Texas Clone Wars for more details about this odious network.

District VP Patterson hunts in darkest Africa with Synodical Council member Robert Timmerman (above). Patterson is also the council president at Holy Word. Why does Holy Word need a synodical subsidy when they have money for African safaris?
No wonder WELS is broke!
Missionary Harold Johne, whose son-in-law Marc Schroeder was booted from WELS, also hunts with Patterson.
Marc is 100% Church Growth.

Patterson vicared for DP Vilas Glaeske.

Jim Radloff was the first pastor of Holy Word.

Matt Doebler, Rock and Roll Church, their anonymous blog.

Pastor Don Patterson: "We reach out together with Christ the Rock, Round Rock, Texas. This new preaching station is an outreach of Holy Word, Austin. The group received Synod funding of $22,000 to assist in this outreach. Their hope and plan is to organize a congregation with an Early Childhood Development Center and a Lutheran elementary school. Presently the group numbers thirty-six communicants and forty-nine souls of whom five joined the group by Adult Confirmation. Presently there are four others enrolled in the BIC class. Average attendance has been 55 with an average of fifteen in Bible Class and eight in Sunday school. A Soccer Bible Camp in the target area of Round Rock had a regular attendance of 105 with 60% being non-members. A Parenting Seminar had thirty-five in attendance, 90% non-members."

Patterson is good friends with CrossWalk pastor Jeff Gunn. Pastor Gunn was busy as a bee, left alone in his hive, while DP Janke was kicking pastors out of WELS.

Vicar Hall of FamePatterson's church is 30 years old, but he gets free vicars from a synodical grant aimed at needy congregations. Free vicars cover for him when he jets to Africa or to Church Growth conferences.

Mike Geiger

Nathan Buege and family and date.

Caleb Schoeneck

Robert Guenther: The Main Thing is the Main Thing. Seriously. He changed his website name to On the front page:
Helping You Keep The Main Thing The Main Thing

Steve Prahl, son of the Western Wisconsin DP, Herb Prahl (above), vicared at Holy Word.

Andy Mueller, son of former WELS VP Wayne Mueller, is the brother of Adam, who is very active in Church and Chicanery.

Pastor Geoff Cortright

Vicar Mark Tiefel's father is a professor at The Sausage Factory in Mequon. Did Mark preside at Holy Word when Patterson took the staff to hear Brother Stetzer at the Exponential?

Other Connections

Pastor John Stelljes, Maitland, is a young Church and Changer, fresh out of the Sausage Factory. He went to the Exponential Stetzer conference. John's father is a member of Holy Word.

Pastor Ben Golish, Maitland, Florida went to the Exponential conference where Stetzer spoke.

Jim Mattek used to be a pastor. He is now CEO of Wisconsin Lutheran Child and Family Services. Patterson is on the board of directors. One person thinks the key to Church and Chicanery is WLCFS.

Mark Jeske's non-Lutheran Time of Grace was funded by Church and Change donors. Patterson promotes Time of Grace on his website.

Paul Kelm, DMin (Concordia St. Louis), has always been the most obvious proponent of Reformed doctrine in WELS. Church and Changers arranged a secretive call back to The Love Shack, their main hive.

Parlow went to the Baptist conference called Drive 08, led by Andy Stanley. Parlow's congregation seems to be original hive for Church and Change.

The four Church and Chicanery epicenters are:

  1. Mark Jeske,
  2. Don Patterson, and
  3. John Parlow.
  4. The Love Shack.


What Have We Learned Today?
VP Don Patterson keeps his name off the website of Church and Change, but he gave the Bible study at a previous conference. The connections above point to Church and Change and influential members of the synod.

Getting rid of Enthusiasm in WELS is possible, if the efficacious Word is used, but the network has grown so thoroughly under the watchful eyes of DPs like Glaeske and Seifert, that getting rid of it will be hard work, if it is even attempted.

When The Sausage Factory asks for papers from Paul Kelm and Don Patterson about how to improve seminary education, you know the fix is in. Did Kelm and Patterson suggest even more Church Growth idiocy? Is that possible after having two seminary presidents in a row with CGM tatoos?

No one at Mequon has done anything about this for decades. Why should they? Their deluded students treat joining the LCMS as a catastrophe. At the same time their noodles are filled with Fuller and Willow Creek doctrine - contrary to the Christian faith and the Lutheran Confessions. Read this paper, which treats a WELS/LCMS split in typical hysterical fashion without acknowledging that Church Growth has taken over the congregation.


Little Rockers at Christ the Rock Lutheran Church.

Busta Gut started his career at a variety of Emerging Churches.
Koine will sing at Rock and Roll on April 5th.
Koine is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir of Church and Change.

According to the BHM report..
Doebler's administrative assistant got a pay raise to 48k...(nice) with the syond cuts Rock and Roll gets a raise... As bad as AIG.

Another research report from Team Ichabod:

The COP met at Holy Word in January.. They love Patterson and Rock and Roll Doebler..

And look what layman, fellow Patterson Zebra hunter, Timmerman says about worship. "Are not most areas of worship adiaphora?"

and DP Glaeske, Patterson, and now Gurgel nod their heads in approval..

Patterson still wants free vicars and he wants a free staff minister..

Doebler has his hand out too.


Here is a report, modified from another team member:

VP Don Patterson has affluent members, so one must wonder why he has his hand out for more synod money.

Robert Timmerman owns a business called Fine Lumber ( He was the congregational president but is probably an Elder now. He has served on the national WELS Synodical Council. He has funded safaris for Kudu Don Patterson and Missionary Johne (father-in-law of Marc Schroeder, who was booted from WELS and joined Missouri with his congregation).

Ron Stelljes is now the congregational president at Holy Word. They sold their luxurious house to Holy Word so Patterson could have it as his parsonage. Their son John is in Floria.

-Treasurer Lew Rabenberg is a professor at The University of Texas at Austin. His wife is an attorney.
-Financial Secretary Allan Gebert is a self-employed CPA. His oldest son, Zack, currently is studying to be a pastor.
-Elder Bill Starke works at IBM as an engineer.
-Elder Gary Franke works for the Round Rock Express, the local AAA baseball club.
-Elder Nathan Steinke works for Intel as an engineer.
-Property and Maintenance Committee member Tim Moll owns some kind of electrical/lighting company. He provided all of the lighting to the new church built around 2002.
-Property and Maintenance Committee member Clint Rogas has a son (Clint, Jr.) who used to be a highly-paid technical consultant. He gave it up to study for the ministry and now has a congregation in Michigan.
-Staff Minister Chad White used to work for Motorola, but he gave that
up to become a staff minister.

The Elders at Christ the Rock in Round Rock:
-Andy Alff is a geologist, and his wife has been a teacher at Holy Word School for years.
-Tony Previti and Mark Smith both work for Dell Computer. Mark's wife, Kelly, is the daughter of Staff Minister Bob Hill. Her brother, Ryan Hill, used to be the principal at Holy Word until he took a call up to Michigan.
-Joe Krohn, the Rock and Roll blogger, is a friend to Patterson (isn't everyone in Church and Chicanery?). Joe probably provided the anonymous and smug comment that the COP approved of Rock and Roll Church, that they got another grant.


GJ - I have to wonder why Holy Word in Austin needs to take away mission subsidy money from others when the members are well established in the professions and in business.

Even stranger is wasting all that money flying the Conference of Pussycats into Texas so they can agree to do nothing. I have already seen Patterson's network go into a series of denials and huff-huff emails. Doubtless even more happens when the subsidy money is threatened.

There is your offering money at work. Read the links and weep.

Kingdom Workers = Jeff Davis, Board Member, Church and Change on their board. Isn't that sweet? And no one knows who the secret supporters are. No wonder WELS has discussed a synodical split and who gets the loot.

PS - Corrections are always welcome, as long as they are signed with a real name.


A correction or addition just came in, but I forgot the researcher's name already:

Holy Word member Mr. Paul Mattek , lay rep on the Board for Home Missions (BHM).

They are the ones who give out free vicars and staff ministers.


GJ - When the COP met with Rock and Roll at Holy Word in Austin, did anyone think they would drop-kick Patterson into Barton Springs Pool?

One observer cannot understand how Kudu Don went over to the dark side. His own congregation is "normal," and so are the ones he helped start in the area. But now he is behind Rock and Roll, Church and Chicanery.

In Columbus, Floyd Luther Stolzenburg got to the money man. I heard that businessman tell Marc Schroeder (son of Salty) to get rid of the liturgy and creeds.
Given Timmerman's lack of understanding of Lutheran theology, the same thing could have happened at Holy Word in Austin.


Holy Word in Austin and Christ the Rock in Round Rock
need synod subsidies.
They must know how to po-mouth...or network.

From our research department, based on published information:

Austin is in Travis County (, and Round Rock is in Williamson County (

Paul Mattek's home is at . It's valued at a little over half a million dollars.

Looking under Robert Timmerman in Travis County, you'll see he owns three properties. His business location is worth $350K. The other two homes are worth a total of $650K. He's got some kind of ranch property in the Texas Hill Country as well.

Ron Stelljes is in the Williamson County listing for only $180K. The researcher thinks it is undervalued.

Tim Moll's home is 2/3 of a million dollars.

Bill Starke - $280K.
Lew Rabenberg - $254K.

Allan Gebert - $195K.

Nathan Steinke - $182K.

Gary Franke - $170K.

Andy Alff - $170K.

I found a "Joey Krohn" at , and he's got a home listed at $276K.

And Pastor Doebler's home looks to be worth about $165K.

It looks like Holy Word sold the parsonage to Pastor Patterson on Nov 30, 2006. It's appraised at over $200K. You can get this information from the "Datasheet" PDF link on


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Why Is the Patterson Network On Synod Welfare?":

You also neglected to unearth Patterson's own ranch that he owns out in the Hill Country.


GJ - Doebler, at Rock and Roll Lutheran Church has a assistant, who requires a salary of $48k! Patterson, who gets free trips to Africa with Timmerman, needs a free vicar. Timmerman in his report that the synod is in decline. Doubtless it is - after 30 years of Church Shrinkers in charge. The Shrinkers have skimmed all the budget money for themselves while telling the real mission pastors, "Too bad, so sad, we don't have enough money for your mission."

The amount of money wasted in WELS is simply phenomenal. Estimate the lease and overhead for the Popcorn Cathedral of Rock in A-Town. Add the salaries and benefits of a pastor and a pricey executive assistant. That is a staggering amount of money for a "mission" no one wanted, for a white elephant theatre, for two people Tweeting about how hard they work: one service a week during Lent, a half-hour service followed by a three-hour party, with an official launch date based a rock band and a performance platform being built. The Sunday evening services allow local WELS members to attend to make the "mission" look like it has real attendance.

The CORE's two blogs, from two full-time people, are D.O.A.

Rick Gunn has a similar deal in CrossRoads Lutheran in Phoenix, with a staffer at $50k. That hand is outstretched for grant money too. And yet, there are experienced, faithful pastors who would be glad to receive that much compensation.

Most pastors have an unpaid staffer, named Frau Pfarrer (the pastor's wife). The vast majority of wives are lucky to get a little income as the church secretary or school teacher. I wonder what these wives think about Church and Chicanery missions needing $50k staffers when there is so little to do and even less is being done.

I proved to a local professional that a little blogging would bring in new customers. She and her husband did a little more with the blog I set up for them. They landed a new customer just like that, for free. The Internet is a phenomenal method for broadcasting the Word for little or no cost. I find the Shrinkers are ga-ga for useless overhead but numb to the efficacious Word.

Look at the silly website for The CORE. A lot of elaborate eye-candy techniques are designed for people with short attention spans. But nothing has been done in publishing good content since it was launched with a three-hour party. Given the need for three days to recover from a three-hour party, a website could easily have dozens of worthwhile items on it by now. But, WELS members should be glad, the offensive new material is published at a glacial pace. Twitter uses up so much time and energy, dontcha know.


Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "Why Is the Patterson Network On Synod Welfare?":

You will be judged by your own standards, Ichabod.


GJ - Actually, WELS is being judged by its own standards, by its own members. They are appalled at: the COP protecting false teachers: throwing money at wasteful self-indulgent, non-missions; and soft-pedaling the Stetzer gig at Church and Chicanery's conference.