Saturday, October 7, 2017

Volume VI - The Sermons of Martin Luther.
The Error of UOJ Explained


33. Similarly, in spiritual matters God made a testament when he gave Abraham the promise (Genesis 22:18) that in his seed, Christ, should all the nations of the earth be blessed. This testament was afterward established by the death of Christ; and after his resurrection it was published through the Gospel. The Gospel is merely a revelation, a manifestation, of this testament wherein it is declared to the world that in Christ, the seed of Abraham, grace and blessing are willed and given to all men, and may be received by everyone if only he believes it.
The Sermons of Martin Luther, VI
Galatians 4:1-7


GJ - This passage perfectly explains the error of Universal Objective Justification. The false teachers turn the universality of the Atonement - and its Promise - into Justification, and call it Objective Justification. WELS, always insecure, makes it Universal Objective Justification.

Since Objective Justification is related to the German allgemeine - every single person - UOJ is like saying "universally every single person."

Since these UOJ people are barely literate and cannot even grasp basic Biblical doctrine, they confuse two matters - the Atonement and Justification by Faith. Brushing Justification by Faith aside, they pretend that the Atoning death of Christ marked a precise moment in time when "God declared the entire world righteous." 

Or else, that happened when Christ rose from the dead. Numbskulls like Jay Webber quote the Halle Pietist Rambach to support that notion.

Or perhaps that occurred when the angels said "Peace on earth, good will to men."

Yes, the entire world could be forgiven and saved, but only if they believe this Promise.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Up to 50 witnesses for Cardinal Pell sex abuse hearing - The Local

 The news that Cardinal George Pell had been charged with sexual offenses followed years of criticism that he had at best overlooked, and at worst covered up, the widespread abuse of children by clergymen in Australia.CreditWilliam West/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Up to 50 witnesses for Cardinal Pell sex abuse hearing - The Local:

"The 76-year-old, a top adviser to Pope Francis, is accused of multiple historical sexual offences relating to incidents that allegedly occurred long ago.

He is the most senior Catholic cleric to be charged with criminal offences linked to the church's long-running sexual abuse scandal.

The exact details and nature of the allegations against Pell have not been made public, other than they involve "multiple complainants"."

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The Sermons of Martin Luther - Progress Report

Volume IV - goes into production on Saturday.

Volume V - will be ready for artwork on Saturday.

That completes the volumes on the Gospel texts. The Epistle texts are the last three volumes - and they are big ones.

We are going to slow down a little because of various responsibilities. Trying to get the last three volumes done before Christmas is just too ambitious. I took on a new school this year, and that means reporting all kinds of data before Christmas - the school is run like Walmart  - data, data, data.

Every book is available at the author's cost. That is easy to arrange.

The speed we have achieved has been thanks various helpers, Virginia Roberts as editor, Norma Boeckler as artist extraordinaire, and Janie Sullivan as the finishing editor.

 Norma Boeckler shares her graphics for my blog
and my Old Testament online graduate classes.
This is Norma Boeckler's art website.

Mrs. Ichabod Said, "You Got Your Rain."

We had that previously mentioned, Sunday three-inch rain storm in one hour, then late season drought - typical for this region. I began watering most of the plants. I ran out of stored rainwater and hoped for another big rain. Then it arrived. The first day was more of a slow mist, but better than nothing. The second day brought the total to two inches. Mrs. Ichabod said, "You got your rain."

We had a few baby Hosta plants started in the rose garden, some only roots. The leaves sprouted fast and I hoped for enough growth to deter the rabbit population. Their favorite food consists of tender new sprouts, which is why they killed off two Crepe Myrtles last year.

The Crepe Myrtles will have plastic clergy collars to hold Stinky Peat (peat plus manure) and leaves for winter protection. Roses will have the same device.

I was inspecting the rose garden for new Hostas when I saw rose petals. Bright red. No, they were plump, tiny wild Strawberries. My vision is not the best, but I was pleased to see late season berries in the front yard. I consider Wild Strawberries an ideal ground cover, along with Dutch White Clover and Hostas.

If all goes well, and I intervene at times, the ground cover will be low growing and the roses will rise above it.

Army Ranger Bob - also a landscaper - said, "What happened here?" He pointed to the new growth of Buckwheat, which was instigated by the weed-eater crew knocking down the Buckwheat when it had formed mature seeds. The earlier big rain made the second crop grow fast and surround the Mr. Lincoln roses again. I said, "The frost will knock them out for good."

I am unorthodox for a gardener, because I do not use toxic fertilizer, toxic herbicides, toxic insecticides, or toxic fungicides. I simply do not know how to justify the ungodly - the toxins that motivate so many to spend all their money.

My worst problem this year was a two-week binge of Japanese beetles eating up the rose blooms. After that, they came back strong and produced many bouquets. Between altar flowers displays, we are giving away roses to neighbors, doctors, and college students.

Once plants or seeds are in the ground, most of the work is always going to be accomplished by the rain and snowmelt. Just as Isaiah 55 teaches clearly about the efficacy of the Word. the basic argument can also be used for gardening. The effectiveness of the rain cannot be overestimated, because God's Creation takes care of itself so well.

Our modern age has shown itself to be especially foolish, because Lutherans and others allowed the Enthusiasts to brush aside the foundation doctrine of the Word, the constant connection between the Holy Spirit and the Word.

McGavran and his idiot disciple  - C. Peter Wagner - wanted everyone to ask, "What makes a church grow?" The answer was already found in Acts - the Word grew.

Acts 6:7 And the Word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.
And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people.

Acts 19:17 And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.
18 And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds.
19 Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.
20 So mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed.

1 Corinthians 3:6-8King James Version (KJV)

I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.
Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.

In an age when the Lutherans are ashamed of Luther and teach against him, we should not wonder that all the denominations - including Rome - gallop to Fuller Seminary to learn about success when it is staring them in their bloated faces.

Graphic by Norma Boeckler

The leaders have shown themselves to be poor stewards of the mysteries - which are the doctrines revealed by the Holy Spirit, not subject to man's logic or reason. As Luther observed, we seek comfort in man's wisdom instead of God's wisdom, truly the curse of sinful man. But those who claim to be sanctified and led by the Spirit ignore the Scriptures and run to the marketing experts and statisticians.

Remember when Kent Hunter, DMin Fuller Seminary, included graph paper in his Church Growth textbook? I do. And now WELS graphs its congregational numbers on the Net, each parish reduced to zig-zags on a graph. When I saw those charts, I felt like Frodo staring at Smaug, the magnificent dragon in The Hobbit. The beast rested upon gold, silver, and jewels, which adhered to his skin and provided excellent armor.

 Smaug was protected by his jewels - except for one area.

But one arrow defeated Smaug, just as the Word has defeated Church Growth. The more they rely on CGM or "missional" projects, the hungrier they get for proof of their wisdom. No matter how many Fulleroids they set loose on congregations, the results are dismal, toxic. The ardent Enthusiasts harden their hearts against the Word and blind themselves. The DPs drive and fly everywhere to preserve their hoard of treasure, but they have no use for the real treasure - the Means of Grace.

The leaders are so lost and confused that they cannot say the words - Justification by Faith - and mean them. Usually they only say "Justification," howling and moaning about world forgiveness and salvation without faith. They even claim that their cowardly Universalism is the Chief Article. Therefore I have to provide the quotation that proves them wrong. Do they say thanks? Do they invite me to give a convention essay? Do they send me gifts from Wisconsin Cheeseman for Christmas? No, they claim I have no friends or influence - no credibility!

WELS The CORE Took Over a Bankrupt Bar.
Closed churches find second life as breweries - The Salt Lake Tribune.
In the future, churches and bars will merge. In WELS, that has already happened.

 WELS is not so different - providing excuses
for meeting in a bar.

WELS The CORE Took Over a Bankrupt Bar. Closed churches find second life as breweries - The Salt Lake Tribune:

"Youngstown, Ohio • Ira Gerhart finally found a place last year to fulfill his yearslong dream of opening a brewery: a 1923 Presbyterian church. It was cheap, charming and just blocks from downtown Youngstown.

But soon after Gerhart announced his plans, residents and a minister at a Baptist church a block away complained about alcohol being served in the former house of worship.
“I get it, you know, just the idea of putting a bar in God’s house,” Gerhart said. “If we didn’t choose to do this, most likely, it’d fall down or get torn down. I told them we’re not going to be a rowdy college bar.”"

 Former churches seem to be cheaper than bankrupt bars.
WELS put about $500,000 into The CORE, including a loan
to pay for cleaning up the stench. Fatal fact - The CORE
kept the beer and wine license.

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Lenski Was a District President and Discovered What Buchholz Never Will Realize

 Ex-WELS Pastor Ricky Johnson is laughing at Jon-Boy Buchholz and Mirthless Mark Schroeder.

Lenski, the New Testament expert respected by everyone but WELS, was once a district president in his synod. He observed that a man who was not faithful to the Word of God often had pastoral problems as well. He did not name, but implied - alcoholism, adultery, embezzlement, and so forth.

The Wisconsin Sect is a perfect example of a group that institutionalized false doctrine, just as Lenski's did on its way toward forming The ALC, then ELCA. Lenski's synod silenced him, formed a committee to oppose him, and replaced him at Cap Seminary (now Trinity, ELCA) with an outright apostate.

WELS did not always teach Justification without Faith. Their fever to replace the Chief Article with a cowardly Universalism is evident - in the 60+ UOJ essays in their Holy of Holies, the WELS Essay File.

WELS buried Gausewitz just as thoroughly as the old ALC buried Lenski. The ELCA seminary that took over Cap Seminary has a tiny Lenski room in the library, but does not sell Lenski in their bookstore.

WELS loathing for Luther and the Book of Concord is evident everywhere, in spite of the gratuitous mentions of the 500th Anniversary. The WELS leaders promote, defend, and lie for their worst pastors, showing the clear result of false doctrine -

Proverbs 17:15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord.

Isaiah 5
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
22 Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:
23 Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!
24 Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
25 Therefore is the anger of the Lord kindled against his people, and he hath stretched forth his hand against them, and hath smitten them: and the hills did tremble, and their carcases were torn in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

Mirthless Mark Schroeder is so weak that he cannot even articulate his dislike of the New NiV. Therefore, the newest propaganda materials from WELS will give their customers a choice - either the New NIV or the equally odious ESV.

Mark Schroeder and the District Capons lounge idly while their own Mark Jeske invites all synods to listen to his Change or Die! ELCA pastors, some of them strangely silent about being husbands or partners.
Mark Jeske delivered his 20 year-old "We ran out of Germans" lecture to the children at Martin Luther College, WELS. His WELS heroes at Change or Die! conferences are
Church Growth apostates like him.

Ricky Johnson's New Non-WELS Church Amazing Grace.
I Was Hoping for Chapped Hide Community Center

We had our first week of youth classes (grades 6-8) at Amazing Grace this week. God has blessed us with 11 students in the two classes. Parents, thank you for making the time and effort to get your children to classes. May God bless you.
If there are families who would like to have their students be a part of the classes, please contact Pastor Rick.

It was really great to get back into small groups tonight at the rented church. I am thankful for the people, the study and the prayer time.
Tuesdays at 6:30pm at rented church
Thursday's at 7pm moving to different host
Sundays at 6:15pm. Kid friendly at Lemamczyks in Sycamore Creek.
Give it a try. I think you will be glad you did. Groups will close after service on Oct 15. New groups won't start until after the new year. Sign up and be part of our Grace Groups at Amazing Grace.

Cathy Whitacre Reisinger It was great having you back leading our small group!! Great study and great group of people.
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ReplyOctober 4 at 12:19am

William Tyndale, Prince of Translators | The American Spectator.
"Let's Honor Tyndale by Ignoring Him" - Ignorant Synodical Lutherans

 William Tyndale is the connection between Luther's Reformation and the King James Version of the Bible.
LCMS-ELCA-WELS-ELS-CN love, love, love other versions.
The Calvinist/NCC ESV has great snob appeal.

William Tyndale, Prince of Translators | The American Spectator:

"It is a version that still affects the way we speak. The vast majority of the King James Bible, for instance, comprises Tyndale’s words, and it has influenced every subsequent English version of Scripture. Anyone who has ever used the phrases “the powers that be,” “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak,” or “fight the good fight” is quoting Tyndale, whether he knows it or not, as is anyone who says, “Ask and it shall be given you: Seek and ye shall find: Knock and it shall be opened unto you.“ Tyndale’s New Testament did for the English language what Martin Luther’s German Bible did for the German language: Along with the later Book of Common Prayer, it altered our speech forever. As Daniell remarks, “The great change that came over England from 1526, the ability of every ordinary man, woman, and child to read and hear the whole New Testament in English, accurately rendered, was Tyndale’s work, and its importance cannot be overstressed.”

Tyndale’s classical learning in languages and rhetoric form the indispensable background to his achievement, and demonstrate their enduring significance today. These were gifts that Tyndale used to serve the common people for their edification. As he says in his epistle to the reader at the beginning of his translation of the Pentateuch from Hebrew into English, the reason he had done this work was “[b]ecause I had perceived by experience, how that it was impossible to establish the lay people in any truth, except that Scripture were plainly laid before their eyes in the mother tongue, that they might see the process, order and meaning of the text.” But he wished the same for the elites as well. Even when about to be strangled before having his body burned, he still prayed for those in power: John Foxe reports that his last words were, “Lord, open the king of England’s eyes.”"

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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Greek Lesson - John 19:1-22

ΚΑΤΑ ΙΩΑΝΝΗΝ 191550 Stephanus New Testament (TR1550)

19 τοτε ουν ελαβεν ο πιλατος τον ιησουν και εμαστιγωσεν
και οι στρατιωται πλεξαντες στεφανον εξ ακανθων επεθηκαν αυτου τη κεφαλη, και ιματιον πορφυρουν περιεβαλον αυτον
και ελεγον χαιρε ο βασιλευς των ιουδαιων και εδιδουν αυτω ραπισματα
ραπισματα - second example of slapping his face
εξηλθεν ουν παλιν εξω ο πιλατος και λεγει αυτοις ιδε αγω υμιν αυτον εξω ινα γνωτε οτι εν αυτω ουδεμιαν αιτιαν ευρισκω
εξηλθεν ουν ο ιησους εξω φορων τον ακανθινον στεφανον και το πορφυρουν ιματιον - και λεγει αυτοις ιδε ο ανθρωπος
οτε ουν ειδον αυτον οι αρχιερεις και οι υπηρεται εκραυγασαν λεγοντες σταυρωσον σταυρωσον λεγει αυτοις ο πιλατος λαβετε αυτον υμεις και σταυρωσατε εγω γαρ ουχ ευρισκω εν αυτω αιτιαν
απεκριθησαν αυτω οι ιουδαιοι ημεις νομον εχομεν και κατα τον νομον ημων οφειλει αποθανειν οτι εαυτον υιον θεου εποιησεν
υιον θεου - strikes me as a title without the articles. anarthrous, without articles, is unusual. The real charge, as Lenski says, is not Messiah - king, which threatens Rome, but Son of God, which threatens them.
οτε ουν ηκουσεν ο πιλατος τουτον τον λογον μαλλον εφοβηθη
Pilate is dealing with the Son of God.  
και εισηλθεν εις το πραιτωριον παλιν και λεγει τω ιησου ποθεν ει συ ο δε ιησους αποκρισιν ουκ εδωκεν αυτω
- from where, the then is very important, 
10 λεγει ουν αυτω ο πιλατος εμοι ου λαλεις? ουκ οιδας οτι εξουσιαν εχω σταυρωσαι σε και εξουσιαν εχω απολυσαι σε
Jesus taught with εξουσιαν - not like the Scribes and Pharisees.
11 απεκριθη ο ιησους ουκ ειχες εξουσιαν ουδεμιαν κατ εμου ει μη ην σοι δεδομενον ανωθεν δια τουτο ο παραδιδους με σοι μειζονα αμαρτιαν εχει
ανωθεν - from above, the misunderstood "again" from John 3
12 εκ τουτου εζητει ο πιλατος απολυσαι αυτον, οι δε ιουδαιοι εκραζον λεγοντες εαν τουτον απολυσης ουκ ει φιλος του καισαρος - πας ο βασιλεα αυτον ποιων αντιλεγει τω καισαρι
But they charged him as the Son of God, not King.
13 ο ουν πιλατος ακουσας τουτον τον λογον, ηγαγεν εξω τον ιησουν και εκαθισεν επι του βηματος εις τοπον λεγομενον λιθοστρωτον εβραιστι δε γαββαθα
14 ην δε παρασκευη του πασχα ωρα δε ωσει εκτη και λεγει τοις ιουδαιοις ιδε ο βασιλευς υμων
15 οι δε εκραυγασαν αρον αρον σταυρωσον αυτον λεγει αυτοις ο πιλατος τον βασιλεα υμων σταυρωσω? απεκριθησαν οι αρχιερεις ουκ εχομεν βασιλεα ει μη καισαρα
16 τοτε ουν παρεδωκεν αυτον αυτοις ινα σταυρωθη. παρελαβον δε τον ιησουν και απηγαγον
17 και βασταζων τον σταυρον αυτου εξηλθεν εις τον λεγομενον κρανιου τοπον ος λεγεται εβραιστι γολγοθα
18 οπου αυτον εσταυρωσαν και μετ αυτου αλλους δυο - εντευθεν και εντευθεν - μεσον δε τον ιησουν
19 εγραψεν δε και τιτλον ο πιλατος και εθηκεν επι του σταυρου ην δε γεγραμμενον ιησους ο ναζωραιος ο βασιλευς των ιουδαιων
20 τουτον ουν τον τιτλον πολλοι ανεγνωσαν των ιουδαιων οτι εγγυς ην της πολεως ο τοπος οπου εσταυρωθη ο ιησους και ην γεγραμμενον εβραιστι ελληνιστι ρωμαιστι
21 ελεγον ουν τω πιλατω οι αρχιερεις των ιουδαιων μη γραφε ο βασιλευς των ιουδαιων αλλ οτι εκεινος ειπεν βασιλευς ειμι των ιουδαιων
22 απεκριθη ο πιλατος ο γεγραφα γεγραφα
23 οι ουν στρατιωται οτε εσταυρωσαν τον ιησουν ελαβον τα ιματια αυτου και εποιησαν τεσσαρα μερη εκαστω στρατιωτη μερος και τον χιτωνα ην δε ο χιτων αρραφος εκ των ανωθεν υφαντος δι ολου
24 ειπον ουν προς αλληλους μη σχισωμεν αυτον αλλα λαχωμεν περι αυτου τινος εσται ινα η γραφη πληρωθη η λεγουσα διεμερισαντο τα ιματια μου εαυτοις και επι τον ιματισμον μου εβαλον κληρον οι μεν ουν στρατιωται ταυτα εποιησαν
25 ειστηκεισαν δε παρα τω σταυρω του ιησου η μητηρ αυτου και η αδελφη της μητρος αυτου μαρια η του κλωπα και μαρια η μαγδαληνη
26 ιησους ουν ιδων την μητερα και τον μαθητην παρεστωτα ον ηγαπα λεγει τη μητρι αυτου γυναι ιδου ο υιος σου
27 ειτα λεγει τω μαθητη ιδου η μητηρ σου και απ εκεινης της ωρας ελαβεν αυτην ο μαθητης εις τα ιδια
28 μετα τουτο ειδως ο ιησους οτι παντα ηδη τετελεσται ινα τελειωθη η γραφη λεγει διψω
29 σκευος ουν εκειτο οξους μεστον οι δε πλησαντες σπογγον οξους και υσσωπω περιθεντες προσηνεγκαν αυτου τω στοματι
30 οτε ουν ελαβεν το οξος ο ιησους ειπεν τετελεσται και κλινας την κεφαλην παρεδωκεν το πνευμα
31 οι ουν ιουδαιοι ινα μη μεινη επι του σταυρου τα σωματα εν τω σαββατω επει παρασκευη ην ην γαρ μεγαλη η ημερα εκεινου του σαββατου ηρωτησαν τον πιλατον ινα κατεαγωσιν αυτων τα σκελη και αρθωσιν
32 ηλθον ουν οι στρατιωται και του μεν πρωτου κατεαξαν τα σκελη και του αλλου του συσταυρωθεντος αυτω
33 επι δε τον ιησουν ελθοντες ως ειδον αυτον ηδη τεθνηκοτα ου κατεαξαν αυτου τα σκελη
34 αλλ εις των στρατιωτων λογχη αυτου την πλευραν ενυξεν και ευθυς εξηλθεν αιμα και υδωρ
35 και ο εωρακως μεμαρτυρηκεν και αληθινη αυτου εστιν η μαρτυρια κακεινος οιδεν οτι αληθη λεγει ινα υμεις πιστευσητε
36 εγενετο γαρ ταυτα ινα η γραφη πληρωθη οστουν ου συντριβησεται αυτου
37 και παλιν ετερα γραφη λεγει οψονται εις ον εξεκεντησαν
38 μετα δε ταυτα ηρωτησεν τον πιλατον ο ιωσηφ ο απο αριμαθαιας ων μαθητης του ιησου κεκρυμμενος δε δια τον φοβον των ιουδαιων ινα αρη το σωμα του ιησου και επετρεψεν ο πιλατος ηλθεν ουν και ηρεν το σωμα του ιησου
39 ηλθεν δε και νικοδημος ο ελθων προς τον ιησουν νυκτος το πρωτον φερων μιγμα σμυρνης και αλοης ωσει λιτρας εκατον
40 ελαβον ουν το σωμα του ιησου και εδησαν αυτο οθονιοις μετα των αρωματων καθως εθος εστιν τοις ιουδαιοις ενταφιαζειν
41 ην δε εν τω τοπω οπου εσταυρωθη κηπος και εν τω κηπω μνημειον καινον εν ω ουδεπω ουδεις ετεθη
42 εκει ουν δια την παρασκευην των ιουδαιων οτι εγγυς ην το μνημειον εθηκαν τον ιησουν

WELS Pastor Ricky Johnson's Exit from WELS Explained.
DP Jon-Boy Buchholz Just Like the Rest of the Corrupt Bullies

 Ricky Johnson's Facebook page is here.
Note the slide on the Philistines and the praise band get-up.
Here is the FB page for his new church.

Ricky Johnson's exit from WELS has been drawing a lot of views and a few questions.

I find it ironic, because Jon-Boy's oleaginous smile hid his serpentine mind when he kicked Paul Rydecki out and started foreclosure proceedings on the church building at the same time. I posted about that, too.

I get a lot of views for posting the truth, because WELS leaders always deceive the members, and the pastors too. This is their best source, since the leaders feed lies into the notorious WELS Grapevine.

Why Was Ricky Johnson Rewarded with Grants, and Jeff Gunn Placed in the Bloviating Bosom of Buchholz - When Rydecki Was Kicked Out?

We will not know if the following items are true until Buchholz and Schroeder officially deny it:

  1. Ricky Johnson's son, who works at one of the three campuses of Crown of Life, took $80,000 - $100,000 in church funds.
  2. WELS told Ricky to resign, since he knew about this and did nothing.
  3. Ricky and 100 or more Crown of Life members went down the road to a non-denominational church in Yucaipa. Soon Ricky had a call to that church.
  4. This is nothing new, since WELS is very sloppy about your offerings and  funds. Witness the MLS guy who lived royally on $20k a year while embezzling over $200,000 from the prep school. Or the pastor who got $300,000 from synod funds under Schroeder's watchful eye. Or Schroeder's darling to lead Luther Days - Natalie Pratt - (biggest Lutheran event in North America) - who got synod funds and did not pay the bills. Schroder did not know about Joel Hochmuth's child porn and trafficking, his PR man in the same office - and promptly absolved him.
 He is Leon Brink now.

Leon Piepenbrink got $300,000 from WELS
in spite of Schroeder spending $250,000 on financial controls.

 The UOJ Church Growthers, trained at Fuller -
or even worse schools - have been laughing in your faces and picking your pockets for
40 years plus. MLS grads were not impressed

that John Lawrenz would sell them down the river.

Ricky Johnson graduated in 1983, with a lot of other really bad Church Growth dudes, thanks to apostate faculty members like -
Jumping Jack Jeske, Gerlach, and Wendland.

Some of those graduates were equally bad, perhaps even worse than Ricky Johnson:
  • Lawrence Otto Olson, DMin Fuller Seminary.
  • Bob Fleischmann, Real Estate Developer
  • Richard Krause, DMin under Lawrence Otto Olson's tutelage!
  • Dapper Don Pieper
  • Al Sorum!
  • Keith Tullberg