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Hauerwas moved to Duke from Notre Dame. I took his ethics class, and he was on my dissertation committee. My sister-in-law was his son's babysitter. |
Hays is considered one of the world's leading New Testament scholars,[1][2] with Stanley Hauerwas writing "There are few people I would rather read for the actual exposition of the New Testament than Richard Hays."[3] Hays' work focuses on New Testament theology and ethics, the Pauline epistles, and early Christian interpretation of the Old Testament.
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Richard B. Hays: Yale College, Yale Divinity, PhD Emory, first teaching job - Yale Divinity. |
The Faith of Jesus Christ: The Narrative Substructure of Galatians 3:1-4:11 (The Biblical Resource Series): Richard B. Hays: 9780802849571: Amazon.com: Books:
From Amazon:
"Widely praised as a major contribution to Pauline studies, Richard Hays's Faith of Jesus Christ is now available in an expanded second edition complete with a new preface by the author and a substantial dialogue about the book with James D. G. Dunn. In this important study Hays argues against the mainstream that any attempt to account for the nature and method of Paul's theological language must first reckon with the centrality of narrative elements in his thought. Through an in-depth investigation of Galatians 3:1-4:11, Hays shows that the framework of Paul's thought is neither a system of doctrines nor his personal religious experience' both of which are the most common approaches to Paul's writing 'but the "sacred story" of Jesus Christ. Above all, Paul's thought is guided by his concern to draw out the implications of the gospel story, particularly how the "faith of Jesus Christ" reflects the mission of the church."
"Just a side comment related to the issue of the "faith in Christ" vs. "faith (or faithfulness) of Christ" debate prompted by this important book by Dr. Hays.
The New King James Version, and most modern English translations, translate the phrase as "faith in Christ." The NET (New English Translation) Bible is a notable exception. However, the 1611 King James version translates the phrase, for example in Galatians 2:16 and Romans 3:22, as well as related constructions in Gal 2:20, Gal 3:22, Eph 3:12, Phil 3:9 and Col 2:12, as "faith of Christ."
So the earlier standard of English Protestant translations, the KJV, translated the phrase as "faith of Christ," which was changed in most of the more modern English translations. In addition, the Douay-Rheims Bible, the early Catholic translation of the Bible into English (the NT was published in 1582) also has Gal 2:16, and similar passages, as "faith of Christ."
So why the change from the translations in the two early standards of English bible translation, the Protestant KJV and the Catholic Douay-Rheims, and the "faith of Christ" to "faith in Christ" in most modern English translations? Just a question."
'via Blog this'
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Nils A. Dahl built a tremendous faculty in NT scholarship at Yale. They are all retired and gone now. |
I stumbled upon The Faith of Jesus after I studied the phrase on my own and after I published The Faith of Jesus: Against the Faithless Lutherans.
A reader asked for more information on this phrase, which prompted me to find out more about Hays. The author dealt with Dahl's work, which made Hays an A+ scholar in my eyes.
I cannot think of anyone else active in Biblical studies that I respect. No, I am not scanning all the new books - I have no interest in them.
Dahl and Malherbe have retired and died. Robert Wilson is still teaching at Yale. They emphasized the content of the Word of God, although we also learned the celebrity theories and why they were weak, contradictory, or just plain imaginary.
Wilson shot down JEDP - the Documentary Hypothesis - in a simple exchange with a student. "If the facts of the text do not match the theory, what do we say?"
Malherbe started 1 and 2 Thessalonians in Greek with - "What do we know? His answer - Paul wrote it!"
Dahl asked, "What do we know for certain?" Everyone hemmed and muttered meek answers. He said with great animation, "The text! We have the text. That is our certainty."
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He was discovered by Dahl and brought to Yale. Mrs. Ichabod attended his class for me and took notes in Greek. Sadly, he died suddenly in 2012. |
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Keep the diversity selective, so we can exclude the able, the literate, the heterosexual. |