Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Abuse of Liquor, Abuse of Others - WELS Has the Worst Frat System of All

 "Wasn't the pond full of raw sewage fun in GA/HB?
Hazing draws us closer, doncha think?"

U.S. frats opt for stricter booze policy in wake of deaths

Hundreds of fraternity houses across the US will no longer allow frat members to serve hard liquor, according to a self-governing policy announced Tuesday in the wake of growing outrage over alcohol-related hazing deaths.
The North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) policy effectively means that most of the nation's fraternities cannot dole out strong booze unless it is served by a licensed third-party vendor.


GJ - WELS' abusive hazing system is one part of the problem. The other part is the widespread tolerance - even promotion of alcohol abuse. 
If a DP gets a DUI, he gets a call to another district and "no one knows."

If a pastor runs his car up a utility pole on a DUI, he gets a world mission call. 
If a Mordor professor is so drunk he ends up on the wrong side of the street, lawyers get the conviction erased. Never happened.
If two buddies are alcoholics, they start a coffee house ministry that ends up a bar ministry. One had an appearance bond refund listed on the gubmint site. Is that a qualification for getting two WELS calls at once? protection from three DPs and the SP?
If that is not enough, congregations start Bible studies in bars. Theology on Tap. 
 "Let us....bbburrrup..."
The eructations of apostates are sweet in the ears of their Father Below.