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He wants $35 for his Lulu book, which he could give away as a PDF. |
The UOJ stylists like Scaer and Otten did not invent Universal Objective Justification, but they were part of Team Preus in shoving aside Justification by Faith (Dr. Walter A. Maier) - calling it false doctrine - promoting their Halle rationalistic Pietism as:
- Lutheran orthodoxy - false;
- True Waltherism - true;
- Confessional Lutheranism - haha.
Maier earned a PhD in Semitics at Harvard University, while Scaer got his ThD from his own seminary - not exactly a broad or prestigious degree for David. John Johnson, former president of Concordia St. Louis, told me, "A Missouri doctorate is only good for teaching in the LCMS, nowhere else."
Those who brought UOJ into American Lutherdom were uneducated and unqualified to teach. Bishop Martin Stephan chose the John Moldstad approach - drop out of college and trust in politics to get ahead. But Stephan did study a little at Halle University, central node of Pietism and rationalism.
CFW Walther only earned a bachelor's degree at Leipzic University, a rationalistic school in a rationalistic system that only ordained rationalists like his father. Rationalism is pretty dry, so Walther, his brother, and their circle sought out one Pietistic guru, and when he died, another one - Martin Stephan. The open Pietists were denied pastoral calls and obtained tutoring positions instead, as CFW's friends did. How did Walther pass the exam that excluded non-rationalists as "mystics" and "Pietists?" Stephan called Walther a fox, so let us assume he was crafty.
When Walther made himself head of the seminary, why did he create a textbook out of Baier (his edition of course)? Is Baier known for anything other than being edited by Walther, BA?
When America needed more of Luther (as Krauth and Schmauk understood in their books), Walther had his students jabbering in Latin and studying Walther-Baier. Even today, the rest of us marvel at how the LCMS continually venerates Walther, even though many more were far superior in intellect and knowledge of Biblical teaching.
As Egbert Schaller correctly pointed out, Walther was weak in Biblical teaching and leaned on his thesis statements, not Biblical exegesis. More of the same came from his hand-picked double, F. Pieper, who would have people memorize and repeat Latin terms far removed from the actual text.
The proof of this is the peak of Walther-Pieper nonsense, the scrambled, confused, and ridiculous Justification section of the Brief Statement, 1932, which is published with great solemnity and honor on the LCMS website. Everything is a human document - and not the revealed Word of God - until we get to Walther, Pieper, and the B.S. of 1932.
Scripture teaches that God has already declared the whole world to be righteous in Christ, Rom. 5:19; 2 Cor. 5:18-21; Rom. 4:25...Does Romans 5:19 teach this? No. Does 2 Corinthians 5:18-21? No. Romans 4:25? No, no, hilariously no - because Romans 4:24 refutes the B.S. 1932 claim - the entire Romans 4 chapter is about Abraham's Justification by Faith applied to us. Below is a Luther quotation that addresses the "all" confusion among those with poor reading comprehension and extreme veneration of Walther-Pieper.
Not All Are
And I cannot reject this interpretation; for St. Paul also speaks in like
manner in Romans 5:18: “As through one trespass the judgment came unto all men
to condemnation; even so through one act of righteousness the free gift came
unto all men unto justification of life.” Although all men are not justified
through Christ, he is, nevertheless, the only man through whom justification
So it is also here. Although all men are not illumined, nevertheless this is the only light through which all illumination comes. The Evangelist has used this manner of speech freely, and had no fear that some might take offense because he says “all men.” He thought he would anticipate all such offense, and explains himself before and afterwards, and says: “The darkness apprehended him not, and his own received him not.” These words are sufficient proof to prevent anyone from saying that the Evangelist meant to say that all men are illumined; but he did wish to say that Christ is the only Light that lighteth all men, and without him no man is lighted.
Third Christmas Day, or Principal Service. Jackson Lenker,
Luther’s Sermons, Volume 1: page 146. Also posted in Gems Mined from Luther's Sermons.
How did Valleskey advance his ridiculous ode to Fuller Church Growth?
Answer - By stating his little theses based upon his little knowledge of the Scriptures, which refute his beloved UOJ and his true love - Church Growth falsehoods from Fuller (anti-inerrancy) Seminary.
WELSians - realize this. The Bible is flexible, volatile, and fallible, but the seminary professors at Mordor are infallible, inerrant, and prone to revenge, visiting their wrath upon the third and fourth generation. But those who obey and join the drunken revelries, they will be rewarded on earth until it comes time to pay their dues to their Father Below.
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This train don't carry believers, this train. This train don't carry believers, this train. This train don't carry believers, just false teachers and their eager beavers. This train don't carry believers, this train. |