Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Fraud Detected Again, 12/10/18 Christian News - Universalism Hidden Under
The Doctrine of "Justification"

Strange how people sell their Universalism by starting out with Luther and the Chief Article. Salesmen call it Bait and Switch. Magicians call it Misdirection of the Eyes. The Bible calls it Cancer or Gangrene.

As a side-note, to illustrate these devious trends, the Back to Luther Bog is all about Walther, Pieper, and Objective Justification. That is a feature of the LCMS and its surly brethren, replacing gold with fool's gold, gems with cheap glittery glass. But - let's return to the subject - another Christian News deception.

The True Lutheran Rev. Richard A. Bolland, Editor 
“Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing” 
according to Luther (sic) and Walther 
By Rev. Clint K. Poppe Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 
First Vice President, Nebraska District

“The thing that matters most.” What is the material principle of true Lutheranism? In a word, justification! We are declared righteous (justified) by grace alone, through faith alone, as revealed by Scripture alone, on the basis of the person and work of Jesus Christ alone (Augsburg Confession and the Apology, Article IV).

Although the author borrows a lot of language from Justification by Faith, the Chief Article, he never explains "We are declared righteous (justified) by grace alone..." As I have shown many times, these people merge the Atonement with Justification by Faith - as Walther, Stephan, and Halle did - and imagine God declared the entire world righteous (OJ) when Jesus rose from the dead.

The language is deliberately or ignorantly deceptive. The Holy Spirit, through Paul, says in Romans 4 that - like Abraham - we are justified by faith.

Faith is not opposed to grace, as Dr. Lito Cruz pointed out. Romans 4:16 KJV - Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace... 

The author does not say everyone in the world is forgiven and saved, but those who know OJ say, "Hey! Hey!" They love that conflation that places them in the same bedroll as ELCA and all rationalists, Barth and his Commie mistress Charlotte Kirschbaum, and such notables as the esteemed authors of Braaten Jenson's Dogmatics. Yea, long before the LCMS Dogma-tanic was the ELCA Dogma-tanic, both hailing Universalism in the name of "grace" and loathe to express faith or name that word so odious ot

This issue of CN has the word "justification" in it 19 times, but a big zero for "justification by faith." As shown on the Luther statue graphic, the proper term is Justification by Faith. "Means of Grace" is used once in this issue, which is one more time than usual.

A funny statement from Otten, who got Harrison elected:
"Harrison high-fiving such a liberal as Cardinal Cupich does not help. He should have questioned Cupich on evolution, higher criticisms, justification and homosexuality. Rome’s present position should be exposed."

So why does Otten sell popish books like The Facts about Luther? And who is he to question anyone about the Chief Article? He agrees with Matt the Fatt, the LCMS Dogma-tanic, and Stephan's pimp.

 Where does Luther abandon Justification by Faith and anticipate the Calvinist Huber in saying everyone is righteous? And where do the Concordists anticipate Halle's Pietism and claim that the Resurrection of Christ absolved the world of sin? And where does Jesus contradict Himself, when He said the Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin, because "they believe not on Me?"