Saturday, August 4, 2018

When People Engage in Personal Attacks,
They Are Disrespecting Most of the Readers of This Blog

LutherQueasy went off the rails for a few days, then returned to abnormal. Christian News managed to make defending Justification by Faith, WAM I and II seem eeeevuuul. Then, someone I do not know (not even a FB friend) began posting vague personal attacks after my blog post on the contradictions in Lutherdom.

Miles Whitener wish you hadn't gone off the deep end there, Greg

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Gregory L. Jackson Too many popes, Miles?

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Miles Whitener
Miles Whitener there are certainly plenty of them, greater and lesser - just say no, ok? you don't see that you've become a crank!

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Gregory L. Jackson Miles, that really grieves me that you have so little to do, so you yammer at someone you do not know. I doubt whether you read much of the blog or Luther. That is your loss. I count the name-calling as a singular honor since you have nothing substantive to say.

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Miles Whitener
Miles Whitener I do know you. Bizarre that you passed for an orthodox Lutheran at one time. I do think you have almost invented your own heresy. No, you have not even done that. Very sadly, almost nobody cares about CFWW any more, so they don't even know who you are talking about.

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Miles Whitener
Miles Whitener And by the way you only popped up because you dishonestly represented that you are "with" one of my friends. Creepy, man.

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Gregory L. Jackson Miles, you are very troubled. I have no idea what you are talking about or who you are. Someone who is a non-FB-friend and posts vague accusations is a guy who needs a real hobby at the very least.

GJ - I am trying to figure out the heresy I invented - Justification by Faith? Is the Midwest so besotted with Stephan/Walther/Pieper that the Chief Article is a heresy I invented?

I would like these virtue-signaling Walterites and JPMeierites to simply say, "We love UOJ and we hate Justification by Faith, the efficacy of the Word, and the Means of Grace."

They want to wear the mantle of Lutheran when it is convenient, exactly like ELCA, and repudiate Luther's Biblical theology, in ways more subtle but more toxic than ELCA.

They also want all the benefits of Thrivent loot, the lukewarmness of ultra-mild Lutheranism, and the esteem of Belial - while ignoring the funding of ELCA, the ELCA-Thrivent love for abortion, and the pansexualism of the elite.

Gideon - On Pietism and Thy Strong Word: The Efficacy of the Word in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions


Where to begin?

Thy Strong Word, page 318.

"The Pietists all believe that their works, lifestyle , or love will convert people to Christ...Luther found that the key to the argument was the efficacy of the Word.  The Holy Spirit does not work through love but through the Word.  Love is a fruit of the spirit, the greatest of the theological virtues (Galatians 5:1; 1 Corinthians 13).  The advocates of love confuse the owner of the Word with its results.  Love is produced when the Law and the Gospel are properly taught and preached.  For instance, no one is more thankful joyous, and loving than one who has faced the enormity of his sins, the uselessness of his own efforts, and the depth of God's mercy revealed in the crucified Messiah. The Law does not produce love, so one does not spawn a loving congregation by telling them to be more loving.  The members do not become more loving by bing told they are unloving.  The gospel of forgiveness produces love, the first fruit of the Spirit."

There's so much here mine from this.

The Pietists seemingly believe that God desperately needs our help!  They seem to believe that our love (or even His love through us) is the answer.  They seem to believe that the old sinner can be broken down by love and then sanctified later.  No, there is no doctrinal statement that says this, but if you listen to the actions of their evangelism efforts.

The publisher can withdraw this version and make the Lutheran suckers halt production and print new versions of the same books. Besides that, the New NIV can change its wording whenever it wants.

Why else would the WELS have such a low view of scripture as to turn it over to the care of Dr. Moo's team that produced the NNIV?  It was painful and shocking to hear, in person what the WELS leaders were saying in district convention about scripture when selling the NIV11.  "Just a translation..."  "Errors..."  "People are too simple to understand the Bible except the NIV"  "Biblish!"  and on and on.  Then concluding, "Hey, you have us to interpret!"

Thy Strong Word:
The Efficacy of the Word in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions

Me thinks this smacks of the 16th century all over again when simple laity were not trusted with the scriptures, except to be interpreted by The Church.

It's no wonder then that emphasis in the Word (and it's efficacy as well) have been diminished over time.  Just be pious.  Be nice. Love each other.  Trouble is, without the Word, we don't know what love is let lone how to truly love one another.

Again the power or the source of Love is ignored.  It is no wonder that "Lutheran" synods are dying.  Indeed they deserve to die.  (a great cry wails "NO!!!")*

But the message has been dumbed down, and for years this process has been in play as they market the message of the Church to the point of changing the message or tailoring it to the "market."  This is why UOJ is needed, to sweeten the deal.

It's sweet enough:  "Love is produced when the Law and the Gospel are properly taught and preached."  What else is needed, except courage.  The martyrs of the early church didn't change the message, and all UOJ does is blunt the power of the Gospel.


*  Star Trek DS9 fans can relate when an institution that prides itself in integrity and honor is willing to accept corruption.  A direct parallel can the drawn to a laity that accepts corruption in doctrine to preserve the empire, er..synod.


Yeah the video was very telling to me.  Ol' Worf could very well be the loyal synodical conference Lutheran who dutifully brings his sacrifice "for the ministry" (or in the case of the episode, "the empire") and the two us, you and I, because we are relative outsiders are able to look at things objectively like the character Ezri.  Neither of us were born into the Lutheran church, but we appreciate what Luther and the Lutheran Church stand for-- or rather what the Lutheran Church is supposed to stand for.  They are so blinded by their inbred leadership that they can't see themselves objectively and when someone does attempt to shed some light on some uncomfortable truth, what is their reaction?  Dismissal?  Retribution?  Discipline?  Deception?  Like their reaction to the laity's objections to the recommendation of the NIV11 -- you could tell if you were, "who are the little people?"  

In the meantime, God's people are not fed pure doctrine, and many, many more in this nation (not to mention other countries around the world) are misled about the Gospel.  Christ's name is slandered, not just by unbelievers, but those who claim to serve God (Fullerites, CnC disciples, and others).  If members of the former synodical conference don't stand up against false doctrine, as in the video example, it begs the question: "What hope is there for the Lutheran church  as an institution that serves the Gospel?"  The Gospel is not served by marketing, spreadsheets, and modifications like the NIV11 and UOJ. Only Word and Sacrament faithfully administered. Only then will the saints be equipped to do their work.

To be sure, God's Word will not be thwarted (Isaiah 55:10-11).  He'll likely raise up new shepherds, even if they are Africa, South America, or even China.  NOTHING can stand against it.  Political Correctness seems like the perfect weapon against the Gospel, but it only seems that way.  But what a shame to those who have or had the truth, only to squander it.


Friday, August 3, 2018

More Touching on the Occult Relationship to Business and the Corporate Church

A little bit of delving into the business or success area of a bookstore will reveal books by Napoleon Hill. Likewise, when people speak about goals and success, they mention or even sigh with schoolgirl delight about Napoleon Hill.

The official biography of Hill is the most obnoxious tale of lies and exaggeration I ever read - except for CPH's CFW Walther, Servant of the Word.

Hill adopted his middle name as his first because he was always on the run for defrauding people. His real story is as lurid as they come, but his official bio is solid gold plated.

The important part of Hill is his enormous impact over the years and the wacky occult or Eastern polytheism behind it. The same thinking appears in Paul (now David) Y. Cho's ridiculous books, which Evangelicals and WELS love, distribute, and copy.

 Mrs. Ichabod and I were there - at Rick Warren's Purpose-Driven Church on Purpose Drive Drive.
Our friend was shocked that N. Hill wrote The Purpose Driven Life long ago. I dropped the book into his hands, but he did not want to touch it.

Do the Occult, Scientific, and Elitist Goals Overlap?
I am not an expert on the occult, but I find it popping up in political commentary, business ideas, and vision casting Church Growth gurus. They are Missional now, but it is the same toxic soup.

Some evidence either disappears or becomes hard to find on the Net. For example, my kin the Adventists used to feature the omniscient Eye on all their magazine covers. I no longer find those on searches. The one Eye look is popular among celebrities, if you do some Google searches.

Another Adventist oddity in their use of Masonic hand signals in their old photos, but those are hard to find, too.

The elites of today love their occultic symbols, and many are found in Hollywood productions, including Disney. A lot more could be said about Disney and the Hollyweird culture - it is far worse than the most jaded person could imagine.

The cause for all this is the abandonment of the Scriptures as the revealed Word of God. A large portion of the world does not know or understand the Bible. However, the majority of Christian leaders have nothing to say to them, because they are not believers either.

The modern theologians, Biblical scholars, church officials and teachers simply play with the Word. A Biblical passage is something to start off a message or coaching session. Nothing about God is taught in this waste of time, but some alien philosophy is promoted, and the alleged right wing is no better than the Left.

Fuller Seminary told the gullible Lutherans, "You are conservative and Biblical. You are just poised to grow by leaps and bounds if you just follow our methods." As McGavran said to the ever-gullible Larry Olson, DMin Fuller, "The fields are white for the harvest, so you must use a sickle, not a pen knife."

If only Jesus had enjoyed such insights - He would have been so successful - just like Larry in Love's Park

If I can mention Luther without offending too many - he pointed out that ridiculous garbage rushes in to replace the elimination of the Means of Grace. And what do we have in -

  • The occult
  • Secret societies
  • Success gimmicks
  • Coaching
  • Vision casting
  • Marketing the Gospel?
The Pan-Lutheran-Synod Corporation has this in common - they do not read Luther, Melanchthon, or Chemnitz - and they loathe the Book of Concord. They are more like fraternities - or sororities - at the same college, vying with each other for meaningless awards but behaving almost alike.

ELCA - WELS - LCMS - All One Big Corporation Managed by Thrivent.
Lutheranism in America Is Virtually Dead, Like Their Pricey Seminaries

Does this sound like marketing the Gospel? Like Willow Creek? Like the LCMS and WELS?
ELCA and Rome, too.

We had a wonderful experience with our recent guest. We talked about many big topics and dogs. "Shelties are rather yippy, aren't they?"

I said, "They were bred to be watch dogs, to protect their owner's property. They sound the alarm before any guard dog can, and they will wake up the larger guard dogs." Our old Precious slept at the doorway or watched the doorway at our home in Phoenix. If she stayed at someone's home, she slept in their doorway. When she was quiet, nothing was going on. She once called an entire pack of dogs on me when I came to pick her up where she was staying. There is nothing like two Ridgebacks racing up, since they are used to hunt lions in Africa. Fortunately, I called them by name and brought the pack to a halt. I said, "Thanks, Precious."

That is probably why the apostates are so alarmed at my yipping. I do not have any power over them, except to alert the laity. The Pan-Lutheran-Synod Corporation does not want an awakened or well read laity.

Tear out the organ,We'll have a barrel of fun.Roll out the Church Growth,We've got the Creeds on the run.

Read the Fine Print - Read the Sources
Long ago I read synodical reports verbatim. That began with the LCA, so I could see how much money was laundered for radical causes. The dollars flowed to "good causes" like World Hunger, but found their way to the National Council of Churches, the World Council of Churches, and who knows from there. That could be repeated in every node of fund-raising, every district.

The LCA was built on a business model - emulating General Motors, which everyone noted as both went into decline.

Although WELS and Missouri like to play self-righteousn Pharisee to the floundering ELCA, that is only for show. Follow the money - 99% of all Lutherans in America are working together, following the agenda of ELCA, funded and coordinated by Thrivent, the merger of AAL  and Lutheran Brotherhood.

One can identify the Roman Catholic stream of influence and the Fuller Seminary septic system as well, but both are based on a business model. designed to stir up money for their aim in remodeling America according to their plan.

Our guest pointed out how influential Peter Drucker has been through the Fuller Seminary Church Growth gurus. Apparently, he saw them as ripe for exploitation, which was certainly true.

When I left the LCA for WELS, it was like walking into an adjoining room in the same structure. And it was - the Pan-Lutheran-Synod Corporation. Evangelism for both was Management by Objectives (Peter Drucker). I told WELS Fuller Seminary veteran Jim Huebner that I listened to Drucker tapes and his face turned white. And the same thing happened, when I told him about mailing information to about 20 people per week - my ministry of Xerox.

ELCA sent their world and American mission people to Fuller.
The LCMS-WELS sent their executives to Fuller. The Roman Catholics did the same. Why do GM cars look so much alike? - Answer: they use the same designers and factories.

 Amen, Pete, but why go to Fuller Seminary to learn the obvious?

Even Crackpots Like C. Peter Wagner Follow Business Models
As our guest suggested, from his experience with various sects, the Fulleroids are closely allied with Peter Drucker, doubtless because Drucker inserted himself into the movement.

When WELS and LCMS leaders were trained by ELCA and Fuller professors, one prominent speaker was the head of the Peter Drucker Institute.

Peter Drucker and the Lutherans

Lutheran Peter Drucker Non-Profit Prize

ChurchMouse on Peter Drucker and Rick Warren

One hilarious example of the Pan-Lutheran-Synod Corporation
was WELS using the content and graphics of the LCA for their stewardship materials.

Norm Berg told me all the LCA mission executives he knew - doubtless from Fuller. He was angrier than a socialist at a Trump rally that I panned Fuller. Berg charged me with "violating the 8th commandment." Likewise, WELS mission board chairmen Wally Oelhafen and Fred Adrian stood up and yelled at me for my Means of Grace paper at WELS conference. How have those Fuller gimmicks worked for the Michigan District under their drucklerly care?

This article is one of many that shows how occultic influence is basic to the reshaping of the world by Fuller, the Pan-Lutheran-Synod Corporation, and other toxic entities. If we confine ourselves to the dishonest PR materials of the Corporation and its safety valve, Christian News, we overlook the effect the same beasts are having on Christianity in general.

More later.

 Mark and Avoid Jeske's financial advisor wants him to be
He fondled that word on his slavering lupine tongue as if it were a Ghirardelli chocolate.

 WELS and Missouri are really against abortion and unionism, but wait - who represents them on the Thrivent ELCA-focused board? Mark and Avoid Jeske!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Most Read Articles Last 30 Days - New Ones: Minnesota Mainline Decline, LCMS Mythology, Luther's Sermon on the Christian Life. Thousands Viewed Two WELS UOJ Discussions on FB

 Why retire?



 Note the irony - LutherQueasy made fun of me publishing Luther's sermons for each week. Just one Luther Sermon, two weeks ago, was viewed 553 times already. Have they objected to their brother pastors copying Groeschel sermons verbatim? If so, I missed that.

Defeat the HIV Translation - from 2011 - received over 400 views. Today I got my WELS NIV Catechism in the mail. I recall Mark Schroeder's friend describing how much the mirthless SP hated the New NIV - yes, the one he blessed with all the others at the WELS convention.

Mercenary Mark was afraid he would lose his plush job if he objected too loudly to the NIV.

Nevertheless when the Son of Man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? Luke 18:8b KJV