Saturday, August 4, 2018

When People Engage in Personal Attacks,
They Are Disrespecting Most of the Readers of This Blog

LutherQueasy went off the rails for a few days, then returned to abnormal. Christian News managed to make defending Justification by Faith, WAM I and II seem eeeevuuul. Then, someone I do not know (not even a FB friend) began posting vague personal attacks after my blog post on the contradictions in Lutherdom.

Miles Whitener wish you hadn't gone off the deep end there, Greg

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Gregory L. Jackson Too many popes, Miles?

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Miles Whitener
Miles Whitener there are certainly plenty of them, greater and lesser - just say no, ok? you don't see that you've become a crank!

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Gregory L. Jackson Miles, that really grieves me that you have so little to do, so you yammer at someone you do not know. I doubt whether you read much of the blog or Luther. That is your loss. I count the name-calling as a singular honor since you have nothing substantive to say.

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Miles Whitener
Miles Whitener I do know you. Bizarre that you passed for an orthodox Lutheran at one time. I do think you have almost invented your own heresy. No, you have not even done that. Very sadly, almost nobody cares about CFWW any more, so they don't even know who you are talking about.

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Miles Whitener
Miles Whitener And by the way you only popped up because you dishonestly represented that you are "with" one of my friends. Creepy, man.

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Gregory L. Jackson Miles, you are very troubled. I have no idea what you are talking about or who you are. Someone who is a non-FB-friend and posts vague accusations is a guy who needs a real hobby at the very least.

GJ - I am trying to figure out the heresy I invented - Justification by Faith? Is the Midwest so besotted with Stephan/Walther/Pieper that the Chief Article is a heresy I invented?

I would like these virtue-signaling Walterites and JPMeierites to simply say, "We love UOJ and we hate Justification by Faith, the efficacy of the Word, and the Means of Grace."

They want to wear the mantle of Lutheran when it is convenient, exactly like ELCA, and repudiate Luther's Biblical theology, in ways more subtle but more toxic than ELCA.

They also want all the benefits of Thrivent loot, the lukewarmness of ultra-mild Lutheranism, and the esteem of Belial - while ignoring the funding of ELCA, the ELCA-Thrivent love for abortion, and the pansexualism of the elite.