Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Back to Luther and Justification by Faith -
Not Walther and Forgiveness without Faith

Otten sells his own book on Dr. Walter A. Maier, but sold Maier down the river to support the Preus brothers (Jack and Robert) and Objective Justification. No one admits it, but Robert repudiated OJ in his final book, Justification and Rome.

 Tis strange how easily the Objective Justification Enthusiasts adopt papal attitudes toward their dogma. Otten has trashed Luther - for profit - by selling the scurrilous Facts about Luther in honor of the Reformation. 

In this book Otten noted that Lutheran Hour speaker Walter AMaier, the most widely known Lutheran of his day, wrote in an editorial titled “Back to Luther” in the November 1933 Walther League Messenger on the 500th Anniversary of Luther’s birth, that almost every major denomination was “honeycombed by traitorous disloyalty” to the fundamental doctrines of Christianity."
 What happens when the keystone and cornerstone are removed? Otten helped replace Justification by Faith with OJ, and added to the Babel of Bible bounty by selling the Beck Bible.

Maier wrote, “We repeat, the appeal to American Protestantism is: ‘BACK TO LUTHER!’ and if this be a battle cry to summon the latent forces of complacent laity to action; if it be a rallying summon for a spiritual crusade for Christ; if it means the splitting of the church into two groups, one liberal and unbelieving, and the other conservative and faithful unto death; if it require the breaking of conventional ties, the banishment of pulpit Judases, then we still repeat the cry: ‘BACK TO LUTHER!’
 Where were the Chief Article of Christianity defenders when the Preus brothers trashed Dr. Walter A. Maier II for teaching Justification by Faith? Too clever to attack Luther and the Bible, they raved that WAM II did not teach their precious OJ!

 As planned by me, the false teachers erupted by saying Preus did teach OJ - which I knew - and quoted his truly idiotic essay with Enthusiasm, from Preus' Church Growth years - another error he left behind. McCain posted this in his now-dead blog, which died from an overdose of plagiarism.

 Poor Jack, he tells so many falsehoods that people doubt his every word. He tried to say I would not admit to Preus' OJ, but Jack's reading comprehension is quite limited. Jack also jumped on the Thetical Train (thesisclaims versus Biblical doctrine) to prove how beeyootifully Preus explained OJ. Did Jack mention that this Edward Preus essay preceded the Preuss exit from the St. Louis seminary - to Rome? That path is well trodden now by LCMS leaders, some joining the Antichrist, others simply doing public relations for the Pope from their seminary classrooms, their blogs, or the Purple Palace.