I challenged them at LutherQuest (sic). They fussed around and retreated at flank speed:
The Objective Justification Sales Force (ELCA-WELS-ELS-LCMS) wants to convince people they are legitimate. To do so, all they need to do is present a public Bible study on:
- Genesis 15:6
- Romans 4 (maybe include the bridge verses, Romans 5:1-2)
- Galatians 3:6-7
I simply asked them to do what I have done many times before, in English and Greek - explain the passages above.
The Brain Trust on LQ (sic) cited a former Lutheran, but now a Calvinist, much like their hero Samuel Huber - to prove their case. Funny thing, this Leithart expert on Justification, came from the Lutheran-Calvinist congregation that led the Ohio Conference, WELS, into Church Growth Calvinism. As their hero, Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, said, "The best Law-Gospel sermon is not worth anything if the ushers are not friendly." Needless to say, Floyd was a total idiot about Biblical doctrine, which is why WELS treasured his sage advice.