Wednesday, June 12, 2019

From Alec Satin - Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry - On Those Enthusiasts Who Run from the Scriptures

[20] Yea, with good reason I may say to you still further, because they have not been able to establish or to prove their text and interpretation, it is certain that they should not represent our text and interpretation as false. For, as remarked already, who can combat falsehood with certainty and success, unless he can elicit the truth which is opposed to that falsehood. Who can charge any thing as being wrong, who does not, on the other hand, point out that which is right?
In the nature of things light must dispel darkness; darkness cannot dispel darkness: and so too Beelzebub never drives out Satan. The Enthusiast knows and feels this profoundly; hence he steals around, like the cat around the hot panada [bread boiled to a pulp], and contends with savage fury, that our text and interpretation cannot be right; and he shuns and flies from the word of God, like Satan himself, that he may not be forced to prove his own text and interpretation right, for he feels in his conscience that he is not able to prove it.
From "Luther on the Sacraments".  A Dissertation On The Lord's Supper By Dr. Martin Luther. downloadable edition to be released July 2019.