Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Writing Projects in Approximate Chronological Order

 Norma A. Boeckler enhanced this beautiful photo of Pastor Jordan Palangyos and his wife Amabel.

We are now in the mode of "Which medical appointments are ahead this week?"

Plans vary in publishing, so this is the approximate schedule ahead for books.

Pastor Palangyos and I are working with Norma A. Boeckler on a short book for his Lutheran mission - and potentially all world missions - The Bible Teaches Faith in Jesus the Savior.

  • It will be 20 pages at most, smaller format.
  • Norma A. Boeckler will design the cover and interior.
  • Pastor Palangyos will translate it into his language.
  • The book will be public domain, so any Lutheran mission could translate it and reprint it for their work. 
  • Print version, both languages, Kindle and free PDF versions.

We are putting together a book - Treasures from Luther's House Postils, best quotations from the set.
  1. It will be 50 pages at the most, illustrated in color.
  2. The pdf will be free but it will also be on Kindle.
  3. All three volumes and the Treasures will be merged into one free PDF, public domain, for anyone to use.

I will be working on entries for the Ichabod Lutheran Lexicon, posting them as I finish the first draft for each item.
  • That book will be color, Kindled, and free on a PDF.

 Norma A. Boeckler