Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Cascione Thinks His Eructations Deserve a Response

Email from David Becker to Otten, RIP, Cascione, and "Father" Steve Spencer, WELS:

FYI, I don't think it was the greatest response in the world but Dr. Greg Jackson DID respond on July 13 to Pastor Jack Cascione's review of his latest book.  The response is below.  I personally don't think it's essential to reprint.  I summarized Dr. Jackson's main points in what you printed in the 7-29-19 CN, p. 7. 
Dr. Jackson also covered similar ground in a number of new blog posts.  I figure anyone truly interested can find those responses or obtain a copy of Dr. Jackson's book.
But Dr. Jackson did respond, and so the statement "Waiting for Jackson's Reply," 7-29-19 CN, p. 4, may not have been correct.
Saturday, July 13, 2019


July 29 Christian News

Waiting for Jackson’s Reply It is has been three weeks since the review of Dr. Gregory Jackson’s “The Path to Understanding Justification” by Jack Cascione was sent to Jackson. Jackson has complained about the review on his blog called Ichabod, but he has not posted nor written any response dealing with the issues Cascione has raised about his book. Cascione’s comparison of Jackson’s position to R. C. Sproul illustrates that Jackson is no longer Lutheran, but has adopted a Reformed reposition (sic) on Election. In fact, Sproul gives a stronger case for Jackson’s views than Jackson.  
Jack B. Simple Cascione and His Lady Scholars versus the KJV Scriptures, the Original Text, Luther, and the Book of Concord


 Jack B. Simple quoted Robert's essay with approval, and yet the entire piece is larded with doctrinal error and stupidity. Robert neglected to say that Edward Preus joined the Church of Rome and became a famous apologist for Catholicism.

GJ - Book authors do not owe reviewers any response at all, but Jack has a rather grand view of himself. I have well over 100 posts about Objective Justification. When Cascione has published a review of all those posts, I might consider a response. I have written a few books about the Chief Article and the errors that cling to the Cascione gang. I also taught Romans 1-5 in Greek recently, for  anyone who wanted to participate online. We went over every verse.