Rev. Dr. Walter A Maier II
JUNE 14, 1925 – OCTOBER 24, 2019
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The Maier Family |
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Dr. Walter A. Maier earned a PhD at Harvard in Semitics and created a radio ministry which became The Lutheran Hour. |
Future book - CFW Walther, The American Calvin. |
Rev. Dr. Walter A Maier II
JUNE 14, 1925 – OCTOBER 24, 2019
Obituary of Rev. Dr. Walter A Maier II
Rev. Dr. Walter A. Maier II, M.A. S.T.M., Th.D., L.H.D.
Rev. Dr. Walter A. Maier II, 94, passed away on Wednesday, October 24, 2019 in Fort Wayne, IN. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord," Revelation 14:13. Maier was the elder son of Rev. Dr. Walter A. Maier I, founder of the International Lutheran Hour. A 1948 graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO, Maier also did graduate work at Washington University in that city (M.A.) and at Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI. He was pastor (1949-65) of Lutheran congregations in Elma, NY; Levittown, PA; and Milwaukee, WI. While he was in Levittown, the congregation grew from a few families to 481 communicants and 1,333 souls (of whom 534 were in Sunday School), and operated a Christian day school. While in Milwaukee, he was appointed a South Wisconsin District Circuit Counselor and was a guest instructor at Concordia College. From 1965-2013 he was a professor of Exegetical Theology (New Testament) at Concordia Theological Seminary, Springfield, IL, and Ft. Wayne. In 1967 he acquired the Master of Sacred Theology degree and in 1970 the Doctor of Theology degree at the St. Louis Seminary. A vice-president of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod from 1973-1995, Maier was a lecturer and preacher throughout his church body. During this period he served as a member of the synod's Commission on Theology and Church Relations and as the synodical president's representative on both governing board of the two seminaries of The Lutheran Church-Canada. At the Fort Wayne seminary he also served in several administrative positions - as chairman of the Department of Exegetical Theology, as Academic Dean, as Vice President/Assistant to the President, as chairman of the seminary's 150th Anniversary celebration, and as director of the Distance Education Leading to Ordination (DELTO) program. In recognition of his work with DELTO, his membership on the Advisory Council of Concordia College-New York (at Bronxville), and other synodical services, the New York college awarded him an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree in 1999. Dr. Maier was also a pastoral assistant and Bible study leader at Our Hope Lutheran Church, Huntertown, IN, for a number of years. In addition to his master's theses and doctoral dissertation, he was the author of numerous articles, booklet and published sermons.
He is survived by his beloved wife of 68 years, Leah M. nee Gach; his son, Rev Dr. Walter A Maier III (Nancy), professor of Exegetical Theology (Old Testament) at Concordia Theological Seminary; his son, Rev. Dr., David P. E. Maier (Patricia), president of the Michigan District of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod; six grandchildren, Leah DeWees (Kyle) of Saginaw, MI, Joel (Shae) of Ypsilanti, MI, James of Grand Rapids, MI; and Hannah (Garrett) Wenzelburger of Harrison Township, MI, and Sara and Eden Nicole of Ft. Wayne; four great-grandchildren, Beckett, Avery, Grayson, and Luke; a brother, Rev. Dr. Paul L. Maier (Joan) of Kalamazoo, MI; four nieces; and nine grand nieces and nephews. Funeral service will be at 11 a.m., Thursday, October 31, 2019 in St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 1126 South Barr Street, Ft. Wayne, IN with calling one hour prior. Visitation will be held from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. on Wednesday, October 30, 2019 at Hockemeyer & Miller Funeral Home, 6131 St. Joe Road. Burial will be in Concordia Cemetery Gardens, Ft. Wayne, IN. Preferred memorials may be made to, Dr. Walter A. Maier Student Scholarship Endowment of Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, or the TV program "Worship Anew" (produced locally by Lutheran Ministries Media).
GJ - I have not heard of any apologies or sincere acts of contrition from the Missouri Synod, Shouting David Scaer, the Preus Crime Family, or Christian OJ News.
At the time, Wally Degner was head of the exegetical department. Maier II’s concerns with objective justification had made it difficult for him to hold this position. Oddly, in the memo Maier II refers to himself and Degner as “department heads,” which can only mean that in a new administration one or the other would be department chair. It seems credible that both Maier II and Degner were told that each could be a candidate to replace me as academic dean, and the one not receiving the appointment would be the department chairman. At the time of the memo, the appointments had been neither made nor gone to the board for approval.
Scaer, David P.. Surviving the Storms: Memoirs of David P. Scaer . Luther Academy. Kindle Edition.
At the time of the faculty’s conversations with Maier II, Robert Preus looked for support and found it among conservative friends in the Evangelical movement who admired him for his defense of biblical inspiration and inerrancy, including several faculty members of Westminster Seminary—Escondido, California, with its renowned Reformed scholar Michael Horton (b. 1964). Preus must have been aware, but chose to ignore that the Reformed see objective justification as a component of their doctrine of election, but it was hardly universal in scope as Lutherans have historically held it.
Scaer, David P.. Surviving the Storms: Memoirs of David P. Scaer . Luther Academy. Kindle Edition.
One year later, in July 1994, Al Borcherding replaced Walter A. Maier II, who had reached seventy, as academic dean. At first Borcherding was quite outspoken about those colleagues who were less fully committed to objective justification, but later pushed his concerns aside.
Scaer, David P.. Surviving the Storms: Memoirs of David P. Scaer . Luther Academy. Kindle Edition.
Objective vs. Subjective Justification While biblical inspiration and authority was foundational for Pieper’s Christian Dogmatics, Franz Pieper was absorbed with the doctrine of objective justification throughout his three volumes. Also known as universal justification, it distinguished the Missouri Synod from other synods as no other doctrine in the second half of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century did. At the heart of the doctrine was that God justified the entire world in the resurrection of Christ. The contrary position [GJ - falsely reported - Scaer either does not know what JBFA is or deliberately lies to twist the Chief Article into false doctrine ] was that faith made justification or forgiveness effective, and hence justification was not prior to faith, a position that has reappeared in the theologies of Gerhard Forde, Steven Paulsen and James Nestigen.
Scaer, David P.. Surviving the Storms: Memoirs of David P. Scaer . Luther Academy. Kindle Edition.
The Preus brothers and Scaer shamelessly prosecuted WAM II for teaching the Chief Article of Christianity. Herman Otten joined the fun but also feigned a friendship with the Maier family. In other words, this demonic OJ crew has been just as guilty in destroying the LCMS as the liberals. The self-proclaimed saviors are doubly guilty for pretending to be Lutherans when they werer crypto-Calvinists, as shown by Robert Preus' running to the Calvinists for OJ support (as quoted above).
To be fair, Scaer has earned the Waldo Werning Medal for Self-Pity in an autobiography. The motto inscribed is - "They Know Not That They Know Not."