Thursday, May 16, 2019

Here Is an Exercise for the Objective Justification Sales Force

This is a Stormtrooper.

Update - LutherQuest (sic) actually did respond to this post -

Steve Schmidt (Sschmidt)
Advanced Member
Username: Sschmidt

Post Number: 620
Registered: 3-2017
Posted on Friday, May 17, 2019 - 12:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


GJ - posts meme of Darth Vader, switches topic to Church Growth, calls his opponents "poopie-heads," and declares victory.


The Objective Justification Sales Force (ELCA-WELS-ELS-LCMS) wants to convince people they are legitimate. To do so, all they need to do is present a public Bible study on:

  • Genesis 15:6
  • Romans 4 (maybe include the bridge verses, Romans 5:1-2)
  • Galatians 3:6-7
They explode into "Mah daddy said this," and "Walther said that" and invoking the great names of Lutherdom, like Quistorp, a Pietist.

But we all know and commonly acknowledge that doctrine is derived from the Scriptures, not from 
  • the dogmatics books, 
  • the oh-so deep theological books, and 
  • convention resolutions.
So the Luther-Queasies throw up their cardboard defense of OJ with everything but the Scriptures.

We know their quia confessional subscription is a farce. How have these OJ disciples let Church Growth Calvinism run their sects for 50 years? Sadly, Robert Preus organized a Church Growth D.Min. program while he was selling OJ,  to bury WAM II politically - for teaching Justification by Faith. The Ft. Wayne Seminary faculty even voted for Church Growth principles (Marquart quote), so the Fort was a citadel, not to Lutheran doctrine, but to Calvinism. 

The OJists are not ashamed to call their skunk patch LutherQuest when they hate the teaching of Martin Luther. So let's see them attempt Scripture-Quest for once.

Here is a good quotation from Luther to motivate them.

How long has WELS-LCMS-ELS been involved in Calvinistic Church Growth?

This published boast says that WELS came out in the open for Church Growth in 1977! Certainly things were brewing in WELS and LCMS years before that.

Booze Bible Study - The Final Frontier?

 Victory of the Lamb, WELS.

What To Do about Justification?
Throw Another Load of Quotations on the Net.

No one on LutherQuest (sic) is capable of addressing Romans 3 - 5 on Justification by Faith. I offered a free course in Greek exegesis of Romans 1 - 5. They could have taken that in the privacy of their homes or reviewed the saved videos in their offices - in lieu of playing Tetris while talking on the phone.

 CFW Walther is their Boba-Fett. If they admit he was a false teacher, felon, and scoundrel, they must dismiss the entire Synodical Conference mythology.

In short, because they know little Latin and less Greek, they call every passage about God's universal Atonement "OJ!" Oh Jay, did you see this one?!" They are like the Shrinkers who kept discovering new Church Growth principles - "Oh. Oh. I just found another Church Growth principle!"

  "Peace through friendly fire, Lord Buchholz. Soon the Synodical Conferernce will be united behind OJ and Church Growth. Our synods will be much smaller, but also much better." Lord Buchholz, "Are you sure, Aspirant Webber?"

 Any given quotation - ignored by the OJ salescritters -destroys their case. They ignore the sub-headings in the Apology, the content of Romans, even their own Justification by Faith publications.