Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Looking Better All the Time for America and Freedom

I am feeling especially optimistic about America. Although there are Herculean efforts to scare everyone, the plans are failing. America caught cabin fever after months of limited freedom and hypoxia from breathing through cotton.

When I am forced, I briefly use the Demshevik mask - covering my mouth and breathing through my nose.

I view China as a giant with a glass jaw -

  1. A fragile economy extended foolishly to create a global empire
  2. The largest dam in the world - Three Gorges - on the brink of failure from shoddy construction and flooding.
  3. Movement of industry back to America where it belongs. I have two friends who lost their factory jobs to China, but I do not know anyone who had Wuhan Flu.
  4. Their ideology is failing while America is asserting its traditional stance - conservative, religious, freedom-loving.
The 5 year plan to suppress and eliminate Trump reminds me of the famous quote from Admiral Yamamoto after Pearl Harbor -

“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

Trump and his leadership have motivated perhaps 50 million people to study the issues, so we knew all the players on the top floor of the FBI building before they were ash-canned into history. That never happened before.

Many more sinister characters have been exposed and joined the long grey line into oblivion or prison.

Everyone has access to The Art of War. Why is only one side reading it?

More importantly, why have so many discounted the way God works in history, using the greatest evil to effect the greatest good?